The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 704: Really bad

 Chapter 704 It’s really hard to be a good person

But the kid Juan Anluo was not easy to fool. He rolled his eyes at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Don't change the subject. It's obvious that you didn't finish the meal your sister cooked for the first time."

The implication is that my sister didn’t want to see you at that time, so she didn’t cook so many dishes for you. She was still kind to me and my parents.

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. Why are everyone so smart? He touched his nose and said, "I was seriously injured at that time and couldn't eat too much."

He felt a little guilty when explaining. He glanced at Yu Xiangluo and sighed secretly when he saw that she was suppressing a smile.

"Why is this explanation so forced?" Juan Anluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong with a serious expression, wanting to see if he was lying.

Yan Xiangluo saw the look in Ji Jiuchong's eyes, and naturally she couldn't let him lose face in front of her younger brother, so she quickly rescued him, "Jiuchong's fetal poison was attacking at that time, so he couldn't eat too much."

Seeing that her sister had said this, Juan Anluo gave up and said, "Okay, I believe you."

Ji Jiuchong’s lips twitched. Everyone in this family is a talented person, and he is really not a good son-in-law.

Yan Xiangluo quickly rescued him, "Dad, Jiuchong, how is the formation you are studying?"

Both Ji Jiuzhong and Yu Chengye understood what she meant. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at his father-in-law and said, "The research is almost done. My father-in-law found some loopholes and we have improved them. Let's wait and see what happens. If the three of us I think it’s okay, I’ll start setting up the formation tomorrow.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, turned to her younger brother and said, "An'an, tell me sister how the formation is arranged? What do you think of this formation?"

 Juan Anluo thought that his sister had forgotten to ask him to tell him about the formation. Now that his sister took the initiative to mention it, Juan Anluo was very excited.

Sister still values ​​him very much and trusts him. He can't let her down. He just listened carefully.

Juanan started to explain his understanding of the city defense formation with a smile on his face. When he talked about the wonderful points, he did not forget to praise Ji Jiuzhong. His idea was wonderful. He had never thought that the formation could be like this. He also said that it was the first time he knew it. My father's formation skills are so strong.

Yan Xiangluo was very happy that her brother could praise Ji Jiuzhong in such an objective, unbiased and unprejudiced way. This shows that the younger brother has a strong and broad mind, which is very important for his future cultivation.

The world will be as big as the mind is. When it comes to cultivation, it means that the future of cultivation will be as big as the state of mind. How far you can go in cultivation depends on how high your state of mind is. The broader your state of mind, the easier it is to ascend to a higher state, and the smaller the obstacles you will encounter when making breakthroughs.

Yan Xiangluo was very happy. Her brother had such a broad mind. After solving the problem of his luck being stolen, she could imagine how much his brother's cultivation speed would increase.

 A real little genius.

Ji Jiuzhong was also shocked by his brother-in-law's formation attainments. After all, his brother-in-law was only six years old and he was still traveling around with his father-in-law and mother-in-law for medical treatment.

He and his father-in-law were studying, while An An watched and listened quietly. He thought it would be good if his brother-in-law could understand part of it, but he didn't expect that he could understand everything.

At such a young age, despite such a bumpy life experience, he can still learn formations so well, which shows how talented he is in formations.

Ji Jiuzhong was a little curious about how strong the blood inheritance of his father-in-law and mother-in-law was. They had a daughter and a son, and they were all such geniuses. Although Chengye knew that his son's talent for formations was very strong, his son's reaction today also surprised him. It was his first time encountering such a high-level formation, and yet he could understand it so thoroughly.

 Looking at the way he was talking to his sister, he instantly understood that this was his daughter using the same tricks she had used on her daughter on his younger brother.

 For her daughter to be so devoted to her son, Jue Chengye was finally relieved that their siblings would get along with each other.

  Before, I was always worried that my daughter never knew about the existence of her younger brother. Suddenly such an older brother appeared, and I was worried that my daughter would feel uncomfortable. I didn't expect my daughter to accept his brother so easily. It can be seen from her actions that she really likes her brother.

Yu Chengye didn't know at all that the credit for this was due to his son-in-law Ji Jiuzhong. If Ji Jiuzhong hadn't enlightened Yan Xiangluo, she would not have accepted this younger brother so easily, and would have separated from her parents.

Yan Xiangluo listened carefully to her brother's explanation of the formation. Through his explanation, a city-protecting formation was formed in her mind. The more she listened, the more shocked she became. Not only was she shocked by her brother's talent in formations, but she was also shocked by Ji Jiuzhong's intelligence.

Ji Jiuzhong is indeed an extremely smart person. He can always break the constraints and derive stronger strength from the skills he has learned.

“Should we add mysterious patterns to the formation?” Yan Xiangluo put forward her idea.

Her idea is very simple. The Ji family is the Xuanwen family in the hearts of high-level mainlanders. Although they all have erased memories now, that is a very distant thing after all. What makes them deeply rooted is the Ji family's Xuanwen family. ability.

Including mysterious patterns in the city defense formation can serve as a warning, reminding those who want to break the formation what the Ji family is best at.

And with Ji Jiuzhong's current Xuanwen strength, it should be stronger than using the formation.

Ji Jiuyang nodded and said, "I am also planning to add some mysterious patterns to the city defense formation, but I haven't decided yet which type of mysterious patterns to use. Which one do you think is more suitable?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes moved and she realized that the one Ji Jiuzhong used was more suitable, not better. That meant that his purpose of adding Xuan Wen was purely to protect the city.

The long eyelashes flickered twice, "Use both defense and attack, the outermost layer is used for defense, and the innermost layer is used for attack. If someone can break through the outer defense and enter the formation, and can break through the formation, then the innermost Attacking Xuanwen will kill him."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Okay, let's do it like this."

Since Ji Jiuzhong decided to use Xuanwen, he naturally had an idea in his mind, which coincided with Luoluo's idea.

The defensive mysterious pattern is used on the outermost surface to warn those who want to break through the formation. The protective formation is a warning and a last resort for him. If he still insists on entering, then the offensive mysterious pattern inside will not be polite and will directly kill him. Killed him.

Hence, the innermost attack pattern is the final trump card.

Of course, you also need to be lucky enough to break through to the last layer of defense. After listening to my brother’s explanation, I was told that the outer layer of defensive mysterious patterns is not something everyone is destined to break through. Even this formation is not destined to be broken through. You can imagine what kind of strength the person who attacks Xuan Wen will be. Why not kill him and keep him alive?

Yan Xiangluo thought about how there were so many people outside, how could Ji Jiuzhong go out to set up the formation?

 (End of this chapter)

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