The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 705: Listen to my sister

Chapter 705 Listen to your sister

Yan Xiangluo thought about it and asked, "There are too many people outside. How can we go out to set up the formation tomorrow?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Those people are between the outer city and the inner city. Tomorrow I will go out and set up the formation directly at the edge of the outer layer. After the formation is deployed and activated, everyone inside will be automatically cleared out."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "How do you clear people out automatically?"

 “Reject Xuanwen.”

Ji Jiuzhong did not hide anything, "This mysterious pattern is one of the last ten mysterious patterns in Ji Yin. Its main function is to clean up things and objects that do not want to exist. It is not a murderer, but it is just like cleaning. It is just cleaning. Get out. The reason why it is named with exclusion instead of cleaning is because cleaning uses the exclusion method.”

Xingyan blinked. In this way, it is indeed suitable for cleaning those people out.

"I'll go with you tomorrow." Yan Xiangluo was very interested in the last ten mysterious patterns in Ji Yinzhong. It would be nice to see with her own eyes how she would miss such an opportunity.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "There is also father-in-law, the three of us will go together."

 It would take him a lot of time to set up such a large formation, but it would be easy for three people to do it together, and they could finish it in one day.

 “There’s still me.” Juan Anluo said quickly.

Without waiting for Ji Chengyu to reject him, Wu Anlu immediately said again, "I listen to my sister."

Yu Chengye suddenly had the urge to beat his son again, and glanced at him, "You can live with your sister from now on."

Juan Anluo immediately said, "That won't work, our family cannot lack anyone."

He just wanted to go and have a look. As for his father, why should he be so competitive with him? If his sister said she wouldn't let him go, he would definitely not go along and cause trouble.

Yu Chengye ignored him and looked at his daughter.

Yan Xiangluo said, "It will be dangerous to go out. We feel more at ease if An An and mother stay in the palace. Besides, my sister has solved the cultivation problem for you tonight. I guess you won't have time to go out tomorrow."

 The stolen luck is recovered, and the suppressed luck of the younger brother and mother will explode in an instant. There will be a breakthrough process, and there will be no time to get out.

Especially my mother, she has already achieved a breakthrough today, and her cultivation level and Heavenly Master level have improved a lot. If she improves again, if she does not consolidate her cultivation level well, her cultivation level will be very unstable, which will not be good for her future breakthroughs and promotions. .

Juan Anluo trusted her sister's words without any doubt, "Okay, I will listen to my sister."

Yu Chengye glanced at his son, who behaved like a cat in front of his sister, and looked away in disgust.

Yan Xiangluo said to her mother, "Mom, continue to consolidate your cultivation. Tonight, we will regain the luck path together."

 Long Moran nodded, "Okay."

Yu Chengye took his son and his wife back to the palace where they lived.

Juan Anluo struggled for a few times, but when he saw his sister smiling and looking at him with no intention of saving him, he was immediately discouraged and was carried away by his father obediently.

“Your sister has to prepare for the evening, why are you staying here?” Jue Chengye asked his son as he walked.

 “I don’t make trouble.”

"Not causing trouble will also distract your sister." Chengye was speechless. Aren't you very smart? Why are you so stupid now? Ji Jiuzhong obviously has something to say to your sister. If you don't leave, what will others say?

Although Chengye didn't want his daughter to be snatched away by a wolf so early, the fact was that his daughter had already been snatched away by a wolf.

 They have not been with her for these six years, and her daughter has grown up to the point where she can handle things that neither of them can solve alone. Yan Chengye did not intend to interfere in the matter between his daughter and Ji Jiuchong.

Let’s not talk about whether we can interfere. Who else is worthy of my daughter besides Ji Jiuzhong?

 The most important thing is that as a man, he knows very well that Ji Jiuzhong's feelings for his daughter are no worse than his own feelings for his wife.

They also went through an engagement and ended their engagement, and it was not easy to come to the higher continent together. Under such circumstances, they could still maintain their original intentions towards each other. This kind of relationship is already rare in the world.

 Don’t be too picky.

 After the problems of his wife and son are solved, he can concentrate on practicing and improving his cultivation. As long as he is strong enough, he can support his daughter. Who dares to bully the daughter of a strong man.

Yu Chengye understood very well.

There is one more thing he did not say. The fate of his daughter and son-in-law is obviously not that of ordinary people. He would not believe it if they said there was no interference from heaven along the way. They may all be shouldering some mission.

 If you don’t become stronger, how can you help your daughter when the time comes?

 Watching her parents and younger brother leave, Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "How long does it take to set up the formation?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The three of us can complete it in one day together."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "What are your plans next?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It will take about a month to go to the Ji family's training ground. Will Luoluo go in with me?"

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised that the Ji family had a place of origin, but she did not want to go in for the time being. After all, her palace experience had not been completed yet.

"I won't go in. I will go to the palace to practice first. When you come out to see if the level of experience inside is suitable for my current cultivation level, I will then decide whether to go in." Yan Xiangluo said very rationally.

“Luoluo wants to go into the palace to practice?” Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I have a feeling that there are only nine levels of experience for you in the palace, but it seems to be more than that for me, the master."

When Yan Xiangluo said this, he added, "By the way, there are two floors in the palace that you can't go to. The first floor is for weapons, and the first floor is for various cultivation techniques. The Black Feather Guards need to be better armed. Yutang They also need to be stronger. You can send people you trust, and I will send them in to choose the weapons and techniques that suit them."

Ji Jiuchong's eyes lit up. He really needed these two things to arm the Black Feather Guards and Yutang's hidden guards.

Especially Yutang and Changfeng, who have followed him since childhood. He trusts them more. Naturally, the stronger their cultivation and strength, the better.

"Okay, after the city defense formation is completed, let Yutang and the others go in and choose. Now we can let Changfeng and Zixian go in and choose. As for the Black Feather Guards, we will wait." Ji Jiuzhong immediately arranged the candidates.

Yan Xiangluo also knew that although the Black Feather Guards were all people who swore allegiance to the Ji family who owned Tianyun for generations, but more than 30,000 years had passed, who knew how loyal they were.

They passed the first test, but Yan Xiangluo knew that there would be a second and third test. If Ji Jiuzhong did not believe that they were truly loyal, he would not give these benefits to Black Feather Guard.

“Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded and looked outside. Changfeng and Zixian had already finished their meal and came over.

The two walked into the palace gate and saw Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looking at them. The two looked at each other, and Mu Zixian asked in confusion, "Master, what happened?"

 (End of this chapter)

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