The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 707: Still addicted

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand what was going on with Ji Jiuzhong. His feelings meant that he wanted a word of affirmation from himself.

 She thought seriously, "Now is not the time to get married."

Not to mention that she feels that she is still too young. Although she has already reached hair age, after all, she still has memories of another life, and even the current situation does not allow them to get married now.

This is because he did not refuse to marry him. Ji Jiuzhong's eyes suddenly lit up, "When does Luoluo think the best time is?"

“Why do you have to wait for me to break through the last hurdle of Pangu Flower Blooming?” Yan Xiangluo thought for a while.

There are three levels in the exercise she practices. Each level is a life-and-death test. If you fail to break through, it will be fatal.

She still doesn’t know how long it will take to break through to the **** level, because she knows very well that once she reaches the saint level, her cultivation speed will slow down, and she doesn’t know how slow it will be. As for what will happen when she breaks through to the **** level, she Not sure yet.

Hence, if you want to marry Ji Jiuzhong, she must at least break through to the **** level and pass the last life and death hurdle of Pangu Huakai.

 She really didn’t know how long it would take.

 She did not break through the first level until she was thirteen years old, the second level took three years, and she was really not sure how long it would take for the third level.

She thought that if she said this, Ji Jiuzhong would be disappointed. After all, Ji Jiuzhong knew very well how difficult the exercises she practiced were, and she was thinking about how to comfort him.

He heard Ji Jiuzhong excitedly say, "It's a deal."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, are you so happy?

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her blankly, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, "Luoluo, I'm so happy."

The warm touch on her lips made Yan Xiangluo's mind feel like fireworks exploding. Ji Jiuzhong also realized what he had done. Seeing that she was not angry, but even more dumbfounded, he kissed her again more aggressively, and this kiss got out of hand.

Luoluo’s lips are so soft and sweet! He had restrained himself, but he still couldn't help but kiss her again and again.

Yan Xiangluo finally came to her senses. Although kissing and even deeper communication between lovers in another world were normal, she had lived there for thirteen years and was still a child, so she really had no such experience.

She immediately reached out to cover her mouth, and gave him a white look with her cheeks flushed.

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes brightened when he saw her shy look. Why did she feel that Luoluo was cuter? He held her tighter when she wanted to break away.

He rubbed his cheek against her hair and said, "Luoluo, I'm so happy."

Luo Luo has no previous memories, but he has recovered some memories, although not all, and it is still a bit confusing. He doesn't know which life memories he has, but he knows that their outcome is not good.

 Therefore, he has been worried that Luoluo would dislike him and reject him after he regained his memory.

The only way he can think of is to be good to her in this life, be very nice to her, and let her forgive him for the past because of his hard work in this life.

Now, he finally got what he wanted to hear, and knew that Luo Luo also cared about him and was willing to marry him. No one could understand his happiness at this time.

As long as Luoluo has him in her heart, at least after recovering her memory, he still has a chance.

Now everyone in the entire Jiuyuan Continent knows that Luoluo is his fiancée and the head matron of the Ji family. Now they even know that Luoluo has him in her heart and is willing to marry him. They suddenly have confidence in their future.

The heat on Yan Xiangluo's cheeks slowly returned to normal as Ji Jiuzhong stepped out of his arms, and she thought about it in an instant.

It has been so difficult for them along the way, and it’s not like their relationship is not good, so why should they embarrass each other? If they treat each other with an open heart, no matter what the future holds, at least she will not regret it if she treats each other sincerely.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo put her arms around his waist and said, "I'm very happy too."

Ji Jiuzhong's waist stiffened when he was hugged. After hearing her words again, Ji Jiuzhong excitedly picked up the person in his arms and spun around happily. "Put me down. Changfeng and Zixian have obtained the weapons. I'll send them to choose their exercises." Yan Xiangluo said quickly when she saw that Changfeng and Mu Zixian had obtained the weapons.

Ji Jiuzhong then put the person down, but did not let him go. He held her in his arms and rubbed her. He knew that Luo Luo could solve the problem with just his thoughts.

Yan Xiangluo had no choice but to let him do whatever he wanted. With a thought, she sent Changfeng and Mu Zixian to the second floor to choose exercises.

“Hey, why did Zixian choose such a strange weapon?”

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised when she saw the long sword held by Chang Feng. After all, Chang Feng was accustomed to using long swords.

But what is Mu Zixian holding? Doesn’t he usually use a sword?

Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes, "Zixian chose the hammer?"

“How did you know?” Yan Xiangluo looked up at Ji Jiuzhong in surprise.

Ji Jiuzhong took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips again, and then said, "Zixian has never found a suitable weapon. He often said that it would be great if he had a hammer that he could use."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. This person was addicted to kissing her, and he did not forget to kiss her even while talking.

 “Isn’t Zixian wielding a long sword?” She immediately lowered her head to avoid being taken advantage of by Ji Jiuzhong again.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and looked at the person who buried his head in his arms, "That is no choice."

Yan Xiang understood. "Zixian looked at such an out-of-character person, but he didn't expect the weapon to be so unusual."

"It has something to do with the technique he practices. I just don't know if he can find a better technique." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood that neither Changfeng nor Zixian had just awakened their spiritual roots and selected the exercises. Instead, they already had their original training methods and had achieved some success. It would be better to have such a superior method. , so you don’t have to start from scratch.

“We will definitely find it. He has got weapons like hammers, so he must have corresponding techniques.” Yan Xiangluo said with certainty.

Ji Jiuzhong agreed, "Luoluo makes sense."

 He also kissed her on the top of her head.

Yan Xiangluo was completely speechless. She pushed her away, rolled her eyes at him, and kissed him endlessly. She didn't even wash her hair, so it wasn't dirty.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't bother her anymore. He knew what was right. If he went too far, he would become angry. Moreover, Changfeng and Zixian are coming out, so if someone is around, he will naturally maintain a sense of proportion.

Yan Xiangluo walked to the table and sat down, leaning on the table with her chin clasped, thinking about something.

Ji Jiuzhong knew what she was thinking about and sat down next to her, "How sure are you about An An and your mother-in-law?"

 “Ten points.” Yan Xiangluo spit out two words.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes, "Then what are Luoluo still thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to return it." Yan Xiangluo said in a faint tone.

How could she let her mother and brother go if they dared to plot their fate?

Ji Jiuzhong frowned, "According to my mother-in-law, the other party is also a heavenly master?"

 He was reminding Yu Xiangluo that he was also a Heavenly Master and had probably come to the higher continent a long time ago, so he was not necessarily easy to deal with.

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