The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 708: I will be careful

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong confidently, "The higher his level of Heavenly Master, the better."

Ji Jiuzhong understood. It seemed that Luoluo had figured out how to plot against the other party. Whenever Luoluo had such an expression and tone, the other party would be in bad luck, and very bad luck.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t ask her what she wanted to do, but asked him what he could do to help.

 “What do you need me to do?”

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No one can help, I can only do it alone."

If you want to regain An An and your mother's destiny, you can only fight with the other party for the power of soul control. The other party is also a Celestial Master, and he is nearly thirty years older than her. He also has the power of soul control from the Long family, and his talent is even better. Not low, really no one can help, not even my own mother.

I don’t know how strong his Celestial Master has become over the years, but Yanxiang Luo hopes that his Celestial Master level will be higher.

"How long will it take?" Ji Jiuzhong asked worriedly.

Although she knows Luoluo's Celestial Master's strength, she has only become a Celestial Master not long ago. No matter how talented she is, she has not been in the Celestial Master profession for as long as her opponent.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what Ji Jiuzhong was thinking. He thought about the time it took to regain Fang Xi'er's luck. Although this time it was to win the luck of two people together, it didn't take much more time.

Compared with her opponent's experience, she is definitely inferior. She will never use her own weaknesses to compete with the opponent's strengths.

In terms of the power of controlling souls, her greatest strength is her powerful skills, which are beyond the reach of ordinary heavenly masters.

The soul control skills she knows now are only a drop in the bucket. Even so, she is still very sure of the fate of regaining An An and her mother.

“A quarter of an hour.” Yan Xiangluo gave a conservative estimate of the time.

 In fact, she felt that if everything went well, it would not take even a quarter of an hour.

Ji Jiu nodded and asked, "Do I need to choose a place?"

 When I treated her mother today, I specially chose an empty palace.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, just go to the palace where your parents live when you are young."

 She does not fight with the opponent in the open, but in a place invisible to the naked eye, so she has no requirements for the place.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the sky. The lunch they just had was a little late and dinner was a little early, but Luoluo probably meant that there would be no dinner.

"Okay, I'll go there with Luoluo then." Ji Jiuzhong didn't ask any more questions.

 He doesn’t have the power to control souls, nor is he a heavenly master. He really can’t help Luoluo much, but he can still do it by accompanying her.

“By the way, can the demon-eliminating mysterious pattern you mentioned be carved so that I can use it?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Ji Jiuzhong thought she wanted to remove the demonic energy from her master Deng Changze's body earlier, "No, the demon-removing mysterious pattern must be directly engraved on your master's body to be effective. If Luoluo is worried about the master, let's go to Xianyun Sect first. That’s fine too.”

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "It's not until this month. You'd better go and practice first. I originally wanted to go there if I could."

Ji Jiuzhong understood, "Luoluo wants to go out?" At this time, she must not go to Xianyun Sect specially. After all, her master has not reached that level yet and cannot wait for a month.

Luoluo probably had other things to go out for. Ji Jiuzhong had already guessed that Luoluo had said she wanted to see her adopted brother before coming to Ji's house.

 The reason why he decided to practice first and then slay Deng Changze was because he was about to advance again.

He had already been promoted once before, to the ninth level of the Saint level, after the Continental Contest, but after receiving the inheritance from the Ji family, his cultivation was already at the peak of the ninth level of the Saint level. He was about to break through to the divine level, and he couldn't wait any longer. .

 It is not easy to break through to the **** level. Not only does it require an opportunity, but it also requires an environment with a lot of pure spiritual energy. This is why most of the god-level powerhouses in the mainland are in Yunshang Palace.

 Just because Yunshang Palace is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the entire Jiuyuan Continent, it is easier to succeed in breaking through to the **** level there.

However, it is impossible for him to go to Yunshang Palace. Going to Yunshang Palace now would be a trap for him.

However, the Ji family has a training place. Although the training method there is very abnormal, the spiritual energy is also very rich, no worse than Yunshang Palace.

And he urgently needs to break through to the **** level in order to face the coming crisis.

Yun Shangtian's people should take action soon. Although the opponent can only come as a clone, his current strength is not something he can underestimate.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "After setting up the city defense formation, you go and practice while I go out to meet my sworn brother."

Ji Jiuzhong did not stop her from meeting her adopted brother, "Be careful, the spiritual world and the demonic world are all the same, there are all kinds of people. I can't accompany you this time. Next time we have a chance, we can meet her adopted brother together." "

He felt very helpless. He was living in a lower continent and recognized a sworn brother who was actually the devil king of a higher continent. Who would believe this? No one has this luck.

Although he has no prejudice against magic cultivators and spiritual cultivators, it does not mean that people in the spirit world have no prejudices. Now the entire continent knows that Luo Luo is his fiancée and the head mistress of the Ji family. Ge Tianjun is bound by an oath and cannot do anything to Luo Luo. Those around him can't do it.

He doesn't understand the behavior style of people in the demon world, but judging from Ge Tianjun's actions, he does what he wants.

Ge Tianjun's throne was not stable before. He was the youngest among the brothers, but the throne fell on him. He didn't believe that others could be convinced.

Since ancient times, there has been no true love in the royal family, and the royal family in the demon world is probably even worse.

No matter how worried he was, he knew he couldn't stop Luo Luo. No one could stop what she wanted to do, so he could only remind her tactfully.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

She is not a three-year-old child, and she is very clear about the relationship between herself and Ge Tianjun. They became siblings of the opposite **** by accident. Ge Tianjun is good to her, but that does not mean that everyone else has a good impression of her, such as the one who went to see her on behalf of her adopted brother. Although his subordinate Fu Qingfeng didn't say anything, she was a heavenly master and could sense hostility very clearly.

“Is there any movement in the Luoluo Nascent Soul?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

After they came to the high continent, the Nascent Soul was sealed and wrapped like a cocoon. Later it was found that the Nascent Soul would condense out in advance because of the low cultivation level in the lower continent. However, in the high continent, there is only a breakthrough. The Nascent Soul will only be condensed after reaching the God level. Therefore, for monks like them from lower continents, their Nascent Soul is sealed before they reach the God level. However, when they reach the Saint level, Now that I can sense the Nascent Soul, I want to know if there is any movement in Luo Luo's Nascent Soul.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, is there any movement in your Nascent Soul?"

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