The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 720: Wishful thinking

When his concubine was caught, she said arrogantly, "The fate of your direct daughter of the Fang family lies with me. If you kill me, the fate of the Fang family will be ruined."

Fang Xi'er suddenly thought of the time when Yan Xiangluo sorted out her meridians, and immediately realized that Yan Xiangluo was still a heavenly master, and he had taken back her destiny without telling her.

What kind of meridians are there to be dredged? It's obvious that her luck was taken away, which caused her body to have problems, but Yan Xiangluo calmly regained her luck.

Fang Xi'er was extremely moved. This is a true friend. He just does good for you and doesn't need your knowledge or gratitude.

 She said to her father and brother, "Dad, brother, don't worry, my destiny has not been changed."

She couldn't say that her luck was taken back by Yu Xiangluo. Since Yu Xiangluo didn't tell her, she just didn't want people to know that she was a heavenly master. As a friend, she had the obligation to help her keep this secret.

She immediately made an oath in her heart that the fall of the fragrance was a matter of the Heavenly Master. Unless she took the initiative to mention it, she, Fang Xier, would never tell anyone about it, otherwise the sky would be thundering and her soul would fly away.

It’s not that she doesn’t trust herself, but that she is not strong enough to keep this secret. Only in this way, even if someone collects the soul, the secret will be protected by the rules of heaven and cannot be collected.

Her father and brother were relieved after hearing this and executed the woman.

It's just that the grandfather who was in seclusion had not yet come out of seclusion. Because he was worried about Yu Xiang's loss, Fang Xi'er told her father and brother and rushed over.

After Ge Tianjun learned about the news about Yu Xiangluo, because Fu Qingfeng was not in the demon world, he arranged for other people to go to Ji's residence. These people also watched in the dark.

  After all, they are demonic cultivators. There are too many strong people here, so they will inevitably be discovered and cause unnecessary trouble.

The reason Ge Tianjun didn't tell Fu Qingfeng was because he knew he would definitely go to Ji's house after getting the news. There was no need to tell him specifically. Fu Qingfeng might have already arrived at Ji's residence.

Fu Qingfeng did arrive at the Ji family's residence, but he did not hide himself, but was in the crowd for the convenience of inquiring about some information.

The stronger Yan Xiangluo is, the greater his influence will be on his own king, and it will not be easy for him to borrow a knife to kill someone.

He looked at the city gate standing in front of them, Jiuyuan Imperial City, with gloomy eyes. It seemed that the spiritual world was about to revive.

Whether Ji Jiuzhong has the ambition to dominate the spiritual world or not, the existence of this imperial city alone shows that the spiritual world is no longer the scattered sand it was before.

 He has to think of another way.

He always felt that being too close to the wife of the human emperor in the spirit world was not a good thing for the king.

If the king really has any romantic feelings for Yan Xiangluo, then it is inevitable to confront Ji Jiuzhong, which will not do any good to the devil world.

 Time passed little by little, and soon it was noon. Yan Xiangluo had been practicing without even moving.

Ji Jiuzhong and Jue Chengye gathered towards the south gate at an even speed. It can be seen that the two people's formation attainments are equally high.

 Jin Yutang paid attention to their progress and saw that they would soon reach a crowded place. He immediately gave orders to those who had already entered the mountain and the operation began.

With his order, there was a loud noise in the mountains behind the palace, and then a colorful light rose into the sky. Everyone was attracted by the loud noise, so everyone could see this colorful light.

The light was fleeting, but it was enough for these people to imagine.

No wonder there is no movement in the imperial city. It turns out that the people have moved to fight in the mountains. It seems that the ancestors of the Ji family still have backup in the mountains. How come they didn’t think of this?

For so many years, people here have focused on how to get into the ruins to find the treasures left by the Ji family. They have never thought that there are treasures left by the Ji family in the vast mountains behind.

 Yes, they all thought of the Ji family's treasure.

After all, the Ji family was destroyed more than 30,000 years ago, but the Jiuyuan Dynasty was well known to the world, but no one has discovered this wealth until now.

Now when I see the strange noises and visions in the mountains, I all think of the Ji family's treasure.

Since they can't get the Ji family's Xuan Wen technique, Ji Seal, it would be nice to divide the Ji family's treasures. For a moment, greed took over their thinking.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yu Chengye were very calm when they heard the noise and saw the strange phenomenon.

Yu Chengye is calm because he believes that with Ji Jiuzhong's cunning and cunning, he will never let the Ji family's belongings fall into the hands of outsiders.

Ji Jiuzhong was calm because he knew that everything in the Ji family was under his control. This movement should have been caused by Yutang to attract the people at the South City Gate and make room for them to set up their formation.

The crowd was just stunned, and in an instant, the crowd surged into the mountains. They all rose into the air, trying to reach the place where the strange phenomenon appeared in the mountains as quickly as possible.

Even Fang Xi'er followed curiously. She wondered if she was coveting the Ji family's treasure, but felt that if it was really the place where the Ji family's treasure was, Yu Xiangluo would also go there.

Ge Tianjun’s people, including Fu Qingfeng, hesitated for a moment and then followed. They also wanted to know what the Ji family’s treasures were.

In the blink of an eye, the crowded Nancheng Gate turned into an empty space.

 Only Jin Yutang and the others were left hiding in the dark. Jin Yutang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the effect was good.

Ji Jiuzhong and Jue Chengye speeded up. They knew very well that this kind of illusion could only hold them back for a short time, and someone would soon react and come back here. They have arrived at the South City Gate and it won't take long.

Jin Yutang and his men appeared in front of the south city gate. The troops divided into two groups to help Ji Jiuchong and Jue Chengye. With their help, the two set up their formation much faster.

Yan Xiangluo, who was cultivating, was awakened by the loud noise and quit practicing. She stood up and let go of her mental strength to see what happened in the mountain where the sound came from.

 When she sensed countless people pouring into the mountain, she immediately understood that it was probably Ji Jiuzhong's people who were trying to lure those at the South City Gate away.

 This also shows that my father and Ji Jiuzhong’s formation has reached the final moment.

She turned to look at the formation eye, and her apricot eyes shrank when she saw it. Why did the formation eye have the power of soul control and the power of a heavenly master?

Thinking about the fact that I was practicing just now, could it be that the aura of my own practice melted into the eyes of the formation.

If the soul-controlling power and the Celestial Master's power that you have cultivated can be integrated into the formation's eyes, it means that this city-protecting formation needs the soul-controlling power and the Celestial Master's power to become stronger.

Thinking of this, she raised her hand and input her soul-controlling power and the power of the Heavenly Master into the eyes of the formation.

This is different from the previous formation eyes that only absorbed the power emanating from her practice. Both Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Chengye felt it was obvious that the power of soul control and the power of the Celestial Master had increased.

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