The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 721: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

They thought that Yan Xiangluo knew that the formation was at its last moment, so he stepped up the input of the Heavenly Master's power and soul-controlling power.

 The two of them found that with such strong soul control power and the power of the Heavenly Master, they could set up the formation much faster.

At this time, those who entered the mountain turned over the place where the vision appeared and found no so-called treasure. Except for a deep cave, there was nothing.

Those with quick minds immediately thought that this was a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Ji Jiuzhong must be doing something to lure them away.

Had it not been for this cave here, they would have known they had been cheated sooner. Those who wanted to understand immediately took off in the air and flew toward the south city gate, hoping that it was not too late.

Before they arrived, they saw a group of people busy doing something in front of the south city gate from a distance.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the people returning from the sky and raised the corners of his lips. You came back just in time to see the completion of the city defense formation.

 He immediately used the sound transmission stone to tell Yuan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, activate the formation."

As soon as Yan Xiangluo received Ji Jiuzhong's voice transmission, the power of soul control and the power of the Heavenly Master in his hand did not withdraw, but he added the spiritual power that activated the formation, and instantly the formation's eyes emitted a dazzling light.

Then this ray of light centered on the formation eye, wrapped around the inner city on both sides and rushed towards the south city gate. In just an instant, the original outer city of Jiuyuan Imperial City was enveloped by a wall of light. The light did not last too long, just for a moment. Flash past.

Ji Jiuchong and Jue Chengye looked at each other and succeeded.

Yu Chengye has a new understanding of the strength of his son-in-law.

This kid's brain is so good that he can calculate things down to the bone. Even without the blessing of his daughter's heavenly master power and soul control power, they can still complete the formation of the city defense, but they will just catch up. When those people come back, they can still see the scene of those people being excluded from the formation.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the people who were flying back and said to Chengye, "Father-in-law, let's go back."

Yu Chengye nodded. Although those people couldn't get into the formation when they arrived, they were safe and they didn't use their original appearance. Those people wouldn't know that Ji Jiuzhong had set up the formation himself.

 But there is really no need to be treated like a monkey here.

Ji Jiuzhong waved to Jin Yutang, and Jin Yutang knew that they could follow their master into the city, and immediately followed them in an orderly manner.

Those who came back from the air first without exception bumped into the city defense formation, and then fell out in embarrassment.

It's good that he was strong and reacted quickly. He quickly stabilized his body and landed on the ground. Although he was attacked by force, he didn't feel embarrassed.

Those who reacted slowly were hit hard by the counterattack force of the formation, and fell to the ground with their arms stretched out. They were as embarrassed as they could be.

 After they stood up, they rushed to the formation one after another. Only then did they realize that there was a force they could not see preventing them from entering.

 This power is different from the previous restrictions in the Ji family's residence. It should be a formation.

There is nothing they don't understand now. Ji Jiuzhong sent them away just to set up this city defense formation.

However, how powerful the formation just laid out could be, and someone immediately attacked the formation angrily.

 But without exception, they were all counterattacked by the defensive and offensive power of the formation. It was similar to the previous restriction, and many people were injured instantly.

At this time, those people in the mountains also returned. When everyone realized that they had been tricked, the expressions on their faces were wonderful. There is only one person who is happy, and that is Fang Xi'er.

Her good friend’s fiancé is so powerful that she seems to be worried in vain.

 The people outside were very unwilling and immediately asked if there were any formation masters to see if they could break the formation. They didn't believe it, and it wasn't forbidden. There were so many of them that they couldn't break a formation.

The outside suddenly became lively. Some people wanted to break the formation forcefully, so they united many people to attack one place. However, the stronger the attack, the stronger the counterattack, and everyone was injured without exception.

 After several trials, they all calmed down and waited for the formation master to study whether the formation could be broken.

The Black Feather Guards were shocked when they discovered the city defense formation outside. They didn't know when Ji Jiuzhong arranged for people to set up the formation.

As Ji Jiuzhong expected, those who originally wanted to keep some tribesmen outside made up their minds to move all the tribesmen over.

This is simply the safest city in the entire continent. They would be stupid to hesitate any longer.

At this time, Yuan Xiangluo and the others had returned to the palace. Yuan Chengye went back to see his wife and children first. Yuan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong sat down to discuss the next thing.

"I will take Yun Tuan, Bai Hu, and Wu Ji into the training place later." Ji Jiuzhong didn't want to waste time. The most important thing now was to become stronger quickly.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay, I'll check on my mother and An'an later. I'll go out to see my sworn brother and come back. If mother and An'an have finished breaking through, I'll send them into my space magic weapon first." To experience.”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I think it would be more suitable for my father-in-law to follow me into the Ji family's training ground."

Yan Xiangluo blinked and understood what he meant. Her father's cultivation level was already at the peak of the lower gods. The effect of training in her space magic weapon was not very obvious. Her space magic weapon was more suitable for people below the **** level. Go in and practice.

“Ask my father later!” Yan Xiangluo did not make the decision for her father.

 Because she knew very well that in her father's heart, neither she nor An An was as important as her mother, so whether her father followed Ji Jiuzhong to the Ji family's training ground depended on her mother's situation.

Ji Jiuzhong also saw how much his father-in-law cared about his mother-in-law.

As the two of them were talking, Jue Chengye came over with his wife and son.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her mother's cultivation level, which had not changed, but the aura of the Heavenly Master had become much stronger.

 My younger brother’s cultivation level has spanned two major levels.

Yesterday when I first met my younger brother, his cultivation level was at the second level of the Yuan level, and now he is at the second level of the Spirit level. This shows that An An has crossed two major levels. This promotion speed is really scary. But in An An's case, this is nothing. After all, his talent was suppressed too hard after being smuggled out. Once the destiny is regained and released, an explosive breakthrough is normal.

Yan Xiangluo told her parents what she had just discussed with Ji Jiuzhong and asked them what they meant.

Yu Chengye didn't hesitate at all, "Dad and Jiuchong are going in to practice."

Although Chengye has never experienced in his daughter's space magic weapon, he believes in Ji Jiuzhong's judgment that the experience there must be unsuitable for his level of cultivation.

Long Moran also said, "Mother and An'an go into your space magic weapon to practice."

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