The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 722: ancient magic

Long Moran knew very well that her current strength was too weak, and her cultivation was not as good as that of her daughter, but she was not discouraged. Her talent was here, and the replaced luck had been taken back by her daughter. As long as she practiced hard, The speed of cultivation improvement will not be too slow.

 She does not want to be a burden to the family, she wants to be the support of her children.

Now that the decision was made, Yan Xiangluo released Yun Tuan, Bai Hu, and Wu Ji. Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Chengye, Yun Tuan, and his spiritual pets Bai Hu and Wu Ji to study with the princes. In the small palace behind the palace.

Yan Xiangluo did not follow, she took her mother and younger brother directly into her Pangu space.

Juan Anluo has been curious since he learned that his sister had such a space yesterday. Finally he came in. He looked at his sister's space curiously. It was really like a small world.

Yan Xiangluo took her mother and brother for a walk in the space. Yan Anluo was very curious when she saw the huge black dumpling. Long Mo Ran was shocked that the space stone milk was actually brought into her Pangu space by her daughter.

 My daughter’s luck is not easy to describe.

 When I saw the furniture in my daughter's room, they were all furniture from the small courtyard in Tianshun Imperial City where their family had lived, and my eyes suddenly became wet.

 I instantly remembered the happy life of their family of three in that small yard.

 Although it was only ten years, it was the happiest and happiest ten years in her life.

Yan Xiangluo took out the space training weapon, threw it in an open space, and opened the door on the first floor.

"Mom, An'an, you go in and practice. There are nine floors in total. You can count as many floors as you can practice. But after you finish nine floors, it means that this place has no training effect for you."

She accompanied her mother and brother to the door on the first floor, "Does mother and An An have any weapons?"

Juan Anluo's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at her sister expectantly, "Sister, I don't have one."

Long Moran was speechless. Although they had lived a very hard life these years, they were not poor, nor did they owe anything to him. How could he and his sister look like they were crying about poverty.

"An'an really doesn't have a weapon yet. Mom and your father don't want him to do it casually. He is still young anyway, so they want to give him a suitable weapon, just like Luo Luo did back then." Long Moran explained.

Yan Xiangluo understood that, just like her, she had not had a suitable weapon for several years, and her parents did not force her to use any weapon.

Later on, her father found Flying Lotus for her and made her understand that the advantage of not giving in was that she could become one with her own weapons more quickly.

"Mom, you and An An will choose a suitable weapon first, and then practice it. This will be more effective. The practice process is also a run-in with the weapon." Ruan Xiangluo said.

She remembered that her mother's weapon seemed to be a long sword, just like her father's. It seemed to be a couple's sword, but it must not be enough after arriving in the higher continent.

Long Moran wanted to refuse, but Yan Xiangluo said again, "Mom, you can keep the weapons from the past as memories, but the weapons must be in your hands, so that the combat effectiveness will be stronger."

 Long Moran smiled, "Mom, it's better for Luoluo to understand. Okay, I'll listen to you."

"You just choose the one you want most, and you must take advantage of it." After Yan Xiangluo warned them, he sent the two of them to the weapons level.

At this time, she discovered that Changfeng had finally obtained his skill. She was a little curious as to what Changfeng's skill was and why it took so long to choose it. Mu Zixian came out in the morning. Fortunately for him, it was already past noon. .

With a thought, she sent Changfeng out of the space, and she also went out.

 After my mother and brother selected weapons, she could use her mind to send them to the level of experience without having to stay in space. Changfeng looked a little serious after he came out.

Yan Xiangluo saw that he still chose a long sword, but the aura of this long sword was more restrained. She asked, "What's wrong? Is there no suitable technique for you in it?"

Changfeng shook his head, "No, I hesitated between the two techniques and finally chose this one."

Yan Xiangluo said, "Since you have spent so long choosing it, it is the most suitable for you. Don't think too much about it, just practice hard."

 She could see that although Changfeng had made a choice, he was still unsure in his heart.

Changfeng nodded, "Well, thank you Mistress for the opportunity."

  After the exercise is chosen, it will automatically enter the spiritual consciousness. There are no inheritance books such as books. Therefore, Yan Xiangluo does not know what the exercise Changfeng has chosen.

Changfeng has hesitated to make a decision for so long. This should be more suitable for him. Even if it is not the most suitable, now that he has made a choice, he cannot regret it.

The skill is imprinted into the consciousness, and there is no other choice except to practice or not to practice. If you don’t practice this skill, you can’t practice other skills. This is the main reason why Changfeng hesitated for so long. .

"Mother, where is the master?" After Changfeng gathered his emotions, he realized that Ji Jiuzhong was not there. After checking with his spiritual sense, there was no trace of him in the entire palace.

"He's gone to practice and won't be able to come out until a month later. You can go find Zixian. Jiuzhong should have an explanation for him." Ruan Xiangluo said.

"Yes." Changfeng saluted and went to find Mu Zixian.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Zimo who was still sitting on the top of the hall and said, "Ancestor Zimo, I want to go out. Do you want to go out with me?"

Ji Zimo heard this and looked at her, "Can you take me out of here?"

Yan Xiangluo said with a smile like a flower, "Of course, I am a heavenly master."

Ji Zimo thought for a while and said, "It's okay to go for a walk with you. I'll also see what's going on outside."

It has been 30,000 years. What the spiritual world is like now after losing the rule of the Human Emperor is impossible to imagine just by thinking about it. You have to see it with your own eyes.

Besides, he had heard that the little girl was going to see her adopted brother, who was naturally a man and the devil king of the devil world. If he followed, he could also help Ji Xiaozi watch his wife and avoid being kidnapped.

Furthermore, he has never seen people from the spirit world get along so well with people from the demon world, and even become sworn brothers and sisters. He would like to see what kind of person the devil king of the demon world is now.

After saying this, he floated down from above and landed in front of Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "There is only one way to leave here, which is to apply an additional spell to make your soul body temporarily attached to my soul power. In this way, you cannot be too far away from me, no more than ten meters away."

Ji Zimo nodded and said, "Didn't you just become a Heavenly Master? How come you know such an ancient magic?"

Additional spells are not spells that only high-level heavenly masters can master. Even if they are lucky enough to wait for this spell, they seem to be unable to cast it for decades. How can this girl actually know it?

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