The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 723: Meet Ge Tianjun

Yu Xiangluo said, "I just learned it."

Ji Zimo was speechless, "I'm really curious about what kind of powerful soul control technique you learned. Is it an ancient technique?"

Ji Zimo's words immediately reminded Yan Xiangluo. Could it be that the soul control technique that the Long family got from that person was really an ancient soul control technique?

 Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?

She thought it was very possible. In addition, the cultivation technique she learned was the ancient Pangu Flower Blooming technique, and she had a photographic memory. Therefore, she was able to learn the ancient Celestial Master's spells easily and did not find it difficult.

Wanting to know whether the soul control technique she practiced was an ancient soul control technique was also very simple. She named several spells one after another and asked Ji Zimo if it was an ancient technique.

With the way Ji Zimo looked at her, Yan Xiangluo understood without saying anything that the soul control technique she practiced was indeed an ancient technique.

Ji Zimo sighed, "The spells you mentioned are all the spells of the ancient Celestial Masters. I don't know if the level of the Celestial Masters' spells on the mainland today is consistent. The Celestial Masters' spells in the ancient times are not the Celestial Masters of our time. Comparable. Luo Yatou, before you break through to the **** level, don't let anyone know that you are a heavenly master, at least don't let people know that you are learning the Shanggu Soul Controlling Technique, otherwise you will face even worse things than you are now. brutal reality."

He pointed at the sky, "People there have no bottom line and can do anything. If I knew that the soul control technique you learned is an ancient technique, I would definitely get it at any cost."

"I understand." Yan Xiangluo's tone became a little heavy.

 Originally, the main reason why she had been hiding her identity as a Celestial Master was because she did not want to be the target of public criticism.

 It is even more impossible now. The ancient cultivation techniques can already make people lose their heads. If it is the ancient Celestial Master's spell, she knows what will happen without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, she is cautious and has no utilitarianism, otherwise she might have gotten into serious trouble.

 It seems that before he breaks through to the divine level, his identity as a Heavenly Master still has to be hidden.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that she just wanted to take Ji Zimo out and actually found out the origin of the soul control technique she learned.

This is not an unexpected surprise.

Ji Zimo glanced at the dark crowd outside and said, "These people won't leave for a while, so we'd better leave from the back."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "Okay, listen to ancestor Zimo."

 After the drama Jin Yutang and the others put on the mountain, no one believed there was anything in the mountain, and they no longer paid attention to the situation in the mountain. Indeed, it was harder to be discovered if you walked from the back.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Zimo left from behind. She had a sapphire token on her body, so she could freely enter and exit the restricted area. She also knew how to get out of the formation in the outer city, so the two of them went out smoothly. .

Ji Zimo left the ruins of the imperial city for the first time in 30,000 years and walked in the lush woods again. He felt as if he had been resurrected and felt happy both physically and mentally.

Yan Xiangluo glanced in the direction of the palace and took out the sound transmission stone to contact Ge Tianjun.

 “Brother, where are you, where shall we meet?”

Ge Tianjun has been worried about Yan Xiangluo. While he was discussing something, he suddenly noticed that the sound transmission stone lit up. He immediately took it out and saw that it was the sound transmission from Yan Xiangluo. The expression on his face became much gentler.

  Waving his hands to the people below, he said, "Everyone, please go down."

After saying this, he stood up and left the hall. The ministers looked at me and I looked at you. They didn’t know what was going on with the king. Why did he leave so suddenly?

After leaving the main hall, Ge Tianjun replied to Yan Xiangluo, "Where are you? I'll find you." Yan Xiangluo said quickly, "It's better that I go find my brother. It's not convenient for me here because there are too many people."

His adopted brother is a demon king. If he comes here and is noticed by others, he will definitely cause a lot of trouble without causing big trouble. Don't cause trouble for him.

Ge Tianjun said, "Are you still living at Ji's house?"

“Well, I contacted my brother as soon as I came out.” Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

“Xiangluo, go and wait for me at the foot of the mountain behind Ji’s residence. I’ll go there right away.” Ge Tianjun immediately chose a place.

Yan Xiangluo looked at where she was and said, "Brother, I'm right where you said I am."

"Okay, wait for me." Ge Tianjun put away the sound transmission stone, took out a teleportation array disk and disappeared.

Before Yan Xiangluo picked up the sound transmission stone, she saw Ge Tianjun, who was dressed in black robe and looked domineering, appearing in front of her.

She said happily, "Brother, I haven't seen you in a few years, and you seem to be more domineering."

Ge Tianjun was amused by her words, "When I met you back then, I couldn't survive. How could I be so domineering?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said, "Who said that? My brother at that time was also very domineering and scary."

“Xiangluo was also scared at that time?” Ge Tianjun asked with a smile.

"Why aren't you afraid? I didn't know much about demon cultivators at that time. I thought that demon cultivators were all monsters. I didn't think that demon cultivators were human beings, but they only practiced in different ways." Ruan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

The little girl who pretended to be calm appeared in front of Ge Tianjun's eyes, but she had excellent medical skills. If he hadn't met her, he would have died in the lower continent and never come back.

Fu Qingfeng had advised him not to pay too much attention to spiritual practice. Even if it was a life-saving gift, just give it back when she needed it. There was no need to give it so sincerely.

He didn't think there was true love in this world, and he didn't believe it at first, but after meeting the little girl in front of him again, he wanted to believe it again.

The fate between people is very strange. It is obvious that they are completely unrelated strangers, and they do not even live on the same land. Whether it is the gap in continental level, the gap in identity, or the gap in spiritual and demonic cultivation, Any of these points could be a reason to prevent their relationship from going forward.

 However, at that moment, it seemed that nothing mattered. He made an oath with this little girl by accident and became brothers and sisters with different surnames.

 Although they are bound by an oath, they will not do harm to each other, but there are too many variables in this world.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Demon Palace. I've prepared a palace for you. See if you like it. You can go there as you like and stay for as long as you want. When you get married, I'll be your mother's family. Who can bully you?" Just tell me, I will support you."

Ge Tianjun has brothers and brothers, but no sisters. The brothers are almost enemies because of the throne. Now he finally has a sister that he can hold in the palm of his hand and dote on. He is in a great mood.

Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes suddenly turned into a pair of crescent moons when she smiled.

"By the way, brother, there is a soul body following me. He cannot leave me ten steps away for the time being. Can I take him with me?"

Yan Xiangluo did not want to conceal Ge Tianjun Ji Zimo’s existence, but she would not tell him Ji Zimo’s identity.

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