The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 727: Brother is right

 The implication is that if your mother doesn’t like you, don’t be sad, there is someone who likes you.

“Well, I’ll have a chance to see you in the future.” Ge Tianjun’s heart felt warm, and the mother’s voice sounded very natural.

  This is the first time he has been called like this since he was a child. He was born in the palace of the demon world, and he is the son of a queen. He has been calling his mother who gave birth to him as "mother" since he was a child. Only today did he realize that this "niang" is so affectionate.

Yan Xiangluo said silently in her heart: She has already given her mother a share to Ji Jiuzhong, and also given a share to her sworn brother. Plus she and An An, will her mother be able to bear the pain?

Ge Tianjun held the jade bowl until the black blood stopped dripping. Then Yan Xiangluo took the jade bowl and put it away without ceremony.

Then he took off the silver needles on Ge Tianjun's chest and back, "Okay, there's no problem at all."

Ge Tianjun calmly put on his clothes one by one. After Yan Xiangluo put away the needle roll, she took out a storage ring and handed it to Ge Tianjun.

"Brother, these are all the elixirs I refined. Most of them are of the eighth or ninth grade. I have not been promoted to a god-level alchemist for a long time. Only a small part of them are god-level elixirs. They are all suitable for demon cultivators to take. of."

She had already prepared these elixirs, just wanting to give them to Ge Tianjun when she saw him. After all, she had promised to refine high-level elixirs in the future, and she wanted to refine some elixirs suitable for demon cultivation for him. .

Ge Tianjun was not polite, he took the gift ring and put it away. The effect of the elixir Xiang Luo gave him three years ago was much better than the elixir refined by the highest level alchemist in the Demon Palace.

Now Xiangluo is a god-level alchemist, not to mention the effect.

My sister's talent in alchemy and medical skills is so monstrous. She is already a god-level alchemist at this age.

I thought to myself that the things I had given Xiangluo were too few, so I had to get some good things for her. Now that she had a fiancé, she would have to prepare a dowry if she got married. Ge Tianjun's sister couldn't be shabby when she got married.

 This is the first time Ge Tianjun has worried about someone so much.

“Xiangluo, what’s going on with your fiancé?” Ge Tianjun asked.

Even though he had heard rumors about them and knew that Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo came from the lower continent together, he had never heard her say that she had a fiancé before?

He naturally had to find out about his sister's marriage.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t hide anything, and simply told Ge Tianjun about her relationship with Ji Jiuzhong.

Ge Tianjun pondered for a moment and said, "From what Xiang Luo said, this kid is not bad. There is no need for my sister, Ge Tianjun, to be wronged. If he treats you well, you can tolerate him, and if he doesn't, destroy him."

Ji Zimo's lips twitched after hearing this. The destiny son of his Ji family was to be discarded at will, but considering his status as the king of the demon world, he did have the capital to be arrogant.

Although he was a little speechless, he was relieved by Ge Tianjun's words.

 At least now it seems that Ge Tianjun, the demon king, has no feelings for men and women towards Yan Xiangluo, and indeed treats her as a sister.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "I have the support of my parents and brother, and my back has indeed become much straighter."

Ge Tianjun also smiled, "Xiangluo can support herself, we are just the icing on the cake."

Ji Zimo nodded in agreement. Ge Tianjun is indeed a smart man, and his words are the real truth.

At the age of a woman who had just reached the age of hairpins, Yan Xiangluo came to the high continent from the lower continent with her own strength, and became a miracle doctor and a god-level alchemist. Although her current cultivation level has not broken into the gods, she is a sixteen-year-old emperor-level How many women from this advanced continent can achieve this level of cultivation? Even if they can do it, their cultivation environment is different. Yan Xiangluo grew up in a lower continent, and the cultivation environment is not even the slightest difference. It is a world of difference.

If Yan Xiang had grown up in the higher continent, he would not dare to imagine his current level of cultivation. The same was true for Ji Jiuzhong in his mind.

Although Ji Jiuzhong is a few years older than Yan Xiangluo, he is already on the verge of breaking the gods at this age, and he is also the first person on the mainland.

As far as he knew, the first person to break the gods in Jiuyuan Continent was in his thirties. At that age, he was called a monster-like genius, let alone Ji Jiuzhong at his age. If Ji Jiuzhong had grown up in Jiuyuan Continent, he might have broken his mind by the time he was a teenager.

He had a hunch that Yan Xiangluo was younger than Ji Jiuzhong Poshen, after all, she came to the higher continent earlier.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised at all that Ge Tianjun knew her so well. To be honest, although they had spent a good time together, this was the first time they had met since they separated three years ago.

 But when she first met Ge Tianjun, she had a feeling that he and she were on the same road. They had experienced some things and relied on themselves to grow up.

Especially knowing today that his mother actually wants to destroy his cultivation, how unkind he is.

"Brother, you know how powerful your sister is. If you have anything, just tell me and don't make me worry." Ge Tianjun understood the meaning of Yan Xiangluo's words. She was worried that he would be tricked again. If there was anything wrong, he would come to her immediately.

Ge Tianjun laughed and said, "As the elder brother, I let my sister worry about it."

“Brother, how many brothers do you have?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

“Xiangluo doesn’t know about my situation?” Ge Tianjun was surprised.

Yan Xiangluo spread his hands and said, "I just found out that he is the king of the demon world not long ago, and I don't have time to understand my brother's situation. Besides, I can't be sure of the news from the outside."

The news outside the phrase of Xiang Xiangluo pleaded with him. He laughed, "Xiang Luo said it makes sense."

 “That’s right.” Yan Xiangluo’s tone and expression were clear.

"My father, the king, and his mother have three sons, and they have seven sons with other concubines. We have ten brothers in total, and I am the youngest..."

Ge Tianjun slowly explained his situation.

Yan Xiangluo also learned about Ge Tianjun's living environment. She sighed, feeling very emotional. Sure enough, the royal family has no true feelings. He was born in a family at the pinnacle of power. Ge Tianjun is not happier than ordinary people. The only advantage is that there is no shortage of cultivation resources. .

 But the emotional vacancies were much more than what she lacked. At least her parents really cared about her and did what they could for her before leaving.

 But Ge Tianjun was born when his mother's relationship with his father broke down, so neither of them wanted to see him.

And he was the youngest among the brothers. Anyone could pinch him or bully him. In this environment, the little Ge Tianjun practiced hard. He left the Demon Palace at the age of ten to go out to practice, often for two years. After not returning home for three years, he performed all his spiritual breakthroughs in a secret realm. His family didn't even know his level of cultivation until two years after he broke through.

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