The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 728: Some appreciation

Just because his father's breakthrough failed and his longevity was coming to an end, he had to choose a successor to the throne. When the ten sons gathered together, he discovered that the youngest son who had been neglected by him for several years and had not seen anyone was actually the He has the strongest cultivation among the ten sons. He also has a calm temperament, tough eyes, and a temperament that is actually the most outstanding among the ten sons.

The Demon King thought that because his son was born after his relationship with his wife broke up, they did not want to see him. Therefore, they did not even test his talent. He did not know when his spiritual roots were awakened, nor when he started practicing.

 At this time, the Demon King felt a little regretful. If he had paid attention to his younger son earlier, his achievements would have been even greater than what he has done now.

 The Demon King immediately tested Ge Tianjun's talent. He was actually the most talented person in the history of the Demon World, and even he couldn't compare with him.

The Demon King was overjoyed and felt that God was helping them in the Demon Realm. With such a Demon King in the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm would be even more powerful than the Spirit Realm in the future. Even what he had not been able to do in his life, this little son might be able to do it.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to let Ge Tianjun succeed to the throne, and he succeeded him immediately. While he, the Demon King, was still alive, he abdicated directly and let Ge Tianjun succeed, and handed all the Demon King's people into Ge Tianjun's hands.

 This is the only care Ge Tianjun received from his father, but it was not because he liked and cared about him, but because he cared about his talent and cultivation strength.

Although Ge Tianjun doesn't care whether he can become the Demon King or not, he knows that at this point, even if he is not the Demon King, the other brothers will not make it easy for him and will try their best to kill him.

 When the Demon King has people who are loyal to him, he will have the strength to protect himself until he becomes a truly strong man who is not afraid of anything.

His father gave up the throne so happily and made him the new Demon King. For a while, his other nine brothers had no chance to do anything.

 Coupled with the fact that their father was suppressing them, the succession was very smooth.

 But everyone looked bad, especially his brother Ge Tianyu, the third prince.

 His talent as the third brother was only lower than his own, and he was the successor of the Demon King by everyone at that time. Especially their mother, Ge Tianyu is the son she loves to see the most and has always been her pride.

After learning that Ge Tianjun had become the Demon King, his mother went directly to his palace and asked him to give up the throne to Ge Tianyu, but Ge Tianjun directly refused.

Ge Tianjun's words left the Queen Mother speechless.

Ge Tianjun said, "Except for giving birth to me, you have never done anything for me, so please do the same in the future. Don't interfere in any of my affairs or decisions, and just be your queen mother."

The Queen Mother was stunned for a while. She never thought that Ge Tianjun would talk to her like this. Before she could recover, she was taken away by people sent by Ge Tianjun's father.

  Until the time when his father disappeared into nothingness, he never saw the Queen Mother.

Since then, although the queen did not openly embarrass Ge Tianjun, his brother Ge Tianyu, the third prince, often took action against him. Three years ago, Ge Tianjun also used his mother to plot against him.

 It was also at that time that Ge Tianjun knew that he had very few relatives and no longer expected any family affection.

Yan Xiangluo said in confusion, "You all know that she dislikes you so much, so how come you were tricked by her again?"

Ge Tianjun naturally knew who she was talking about, and sighed, "Her life is short. She said she has figured it out. She is sorry for me, and she wants to treat me well in the last few years."

"You believe it?" Yan Xiang was stunned.

At the same time, I also know that Ge Tianjun has been looking forward to his mother's love in his heart. "Yeah, but now I have completely given up." Ge Tianjun took a deep breath.

 Just after he found out that he had been poisoned by the Magic Cherry Fruit by his mother, he really gave up. It turns out that the queen mother really doesn't want to see him, and she won't tolerate him living until she does.

But he won't do anything to her. Although he has no favor, he still has a favor. This time she wants his life, so he has repaid her favor. From now on, she will only be the Queen Mother until her longevity. All.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and listened to Ge Tianjun narrate his experience. Needless to say, Yan Xiangluo also knew why the Queen Mother wanted to show her favor to Ge Tianjun, and then used this opportunity to give him the Magic Cherry Fruit, just to see her best in her lifetime. The beloved son ascended the throne of the Demon King.

“Why does my sworn brother raise tigers to cause trouble?”

This is what Yan Xiangluo doesn't understand the most. Since he knows that the person who has been harming him is his Third Emperor Brother, and he doesn't have the strength to deal with him now, why do he still keep him as a hidden danger?

“I am here for the devil world.” Ge Tianjun said.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, "For the devil world?"

"Yes, although Ge Tianyu is cruel and ruthless, his talent is indeed excellent, second only to me in the demon world. I understand that he is not willing to let me become the demon king, and I understand that he tried every means to kill me. After all, no one wants someone to fall on their head. Although I can kill him easily now, the demon world cannot accept such a loss."

 Ge Tianjun's tone was very soft, but very firm.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised that Ge Tianjun’s reason was to leave a powerful man to the demon world. How big of a mind does he have? How did he grow up to be such a broad-minded person in such a living environment?

"Perhaps Xiangluo can't understand that we people in the demon world can fight no matter what we want, but once it involves foreign enemies, we will temporarily put aside our personal grudges and deal with the outside world together. I am no exception, and Ge Tianyu is no exception."

Ge Tianjun explained a few more words, and then Yan Xiangluo understood how united the people in the demon world were.

 This is incomparable to people in the spirit world. Under the same circumstances, people in the spirit world would never be able to do this, and would even take advantage of the opportunity to kill their opponents.

“Why do I have some people who admire you from the devil world?” Yan Xiangluo said with a smile.

Ge Tianjun was amused by her words, "How else could we be destined to become brothers and sisters?"

Ji Zimo was also shocked by Ge Tianjun's words. Ever since spirits and demons were divided into two realms, people in the spirit realm have considered themselves superior to demons and looked down on people in the demon realm. Although Ji Zimo did not have such a discriminatory mind, he felt that He is also someone who does not approve of practicing magic.

However, his thoughts were suddenly shattered today. If the people in the spirit world had been as united as the people in the demon world, their Ji family would not have to pay the price of genocide.

He agreed with what Yan Xiangluo said, and he also had some appreciation for people in the devil world.

At this moment, a drum sound came from outside. This drum sound was a bit special. It didn't sound like it was knocked out, but it seemed like the aftermath of some kind of force impact, which spread far away.

“The magic drum actually sounded.” Ge Tianjun narrowed his eyes.

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