The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 780: Place of experience (6)

Yan Xiangluo said to He Siyun, "The two of us cannot control the chess pieces at the same time. Only one of us can control the chess pieces. Do you think this will work? I will direct how to fight, and you will control the chess pieces to fight. In this way, each of us can use what we have." Longer, it’s easier to break the formation.”

He Siyun said without hesitation, "Okay."

 She won’t break the formation anyway, so she can still fight. Her cultivation strength is higher than that of Yan Xiangluo, so this arrangement is just right. She wouldn't think that Yan Xiangluo was trying to be lazy with this arrangement, because she knew very well that those who can only fight are the most powerful ones.

At this time, they were as if they were on a battlefield. Yan Xiangluo was the commander in chief, directing the army how to fight, and she was the general, responsible for charging into the battle.

That's the only good thing about her, she can recognize her position and accept it happily.

Seeing that He Siyun agreed, Yan Xiangluo said without any objection, "Just being able to control the chess pieces is not enough. You must be able to flexibly control the chess pieces. To achieve the goal of the chess pieces becoming like ourselves, that is, we need human chess." Only by uniting can we be sure to win.”

After hearing what she said, He Siyun understood what she meant, "I understand."

As soon as she finished speaking, she began to contact the super-control chess pieces, and quickly adapted herself to the flexible control of the chess pieces. After the control was flexible, she began to try to control the chess pieces to fight in various postures. Just like her normal fighting.

Yan Xiangluo was suspended in mid-air, looking at the opponent's chess pieces. The battle was bound to begin, but who would start first, them or the opponent?

While thinking, she also used a ray of consciousness to watch how He Siyun controlled the chess pieces. She never put any hope in anyone.

The experience in the Peace Valley before her was her first experience in the place of experience, and it was definitely not just a test of her wisdom.

The more she faced this critical moment, the calmer she became. Yan Xiangluo observed her for a long time.

She often played ancient chess with her father when she was a child. When she was living alone in another world, due to physical reasons, she could only do some entertainment that did not consume physical strength, and playing chess was one of them. When grandma was alive, she often played chess and go with her.

 Her chess skills are quite good, not because she is modest, but because her father and her grandmother from another life often lost to her.

 But that was all before the age of ten, whether here or in another world.

 Six years have passed. Although she has a photographic memory, she still needs time to think carefully after such a long time.

 The enemy chess pieces on the opposite side have been moving but not attacking. It seems that they need to take the initiative to attack.

Since this gives her time to think about strategic methods, her opponents are not her father and her grandmother from another life, but the experience space. Since it is the strongest experience in Peace Valley, this chess game is not so easy to break, nor is it so easy to win. .

He Siyun knew that the only thing he could do was fight, so he worked very hard to practice how to control the chess pieces.

Half an hour passed, and Yan Xiangluo saw that He Siyun was already able to control the chess pieces skillfully, and she also knew how to control the chess pieces.

 At this moment, a few words appeared in the sky above the chessboard where they were sitting, and the one-hour countdown began.

Yan Xiangluo and He Siyun were both stunned. There is still a time limit for the relationship to break down. Yan Xiangluo asked, “What will happen if we fail during the experience?

He Siyun said, "This is the first training space in the mainland. If you fail to practice in it, you will fall into a deep sleep. There will be no other opportunities for training. When one month is up, you will be sent directly out of the training space."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. It was the first time she discovered that there was such a space for experience.

 In the past, some of the experience spaces were just a question of how much results you gained after you failed in the experience, and some were simply wiped out if you failed in the experience. This was the first time I heard that if you failed in the experience, you would fall into a deep sleep and be sent out directly when the time was up.

So why is it said that the mortality rate is very high in the first experience space? No one with a holy level cultivation level is allowed to come in.

“In that case, why do you still say that the mortality rate here is very high?” Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion.

He Siyun said, "That's because there are opportunities for experience here, and there are many treasures, and they are all treasures that are inaccessible on the mainland. Anyone can fight for their head. There are many people coming in, and in the process of fighting for It is difficult for people with low cultivation level to save their lives, and even those with a holy level cultivation level are difficult to survive, and many people die in the fight. "

Yan Xiangluo understood that this was not only a place of experience but also a place to test human nature. It was the same in any secret realm. There would be many people fighting to the death for the so-called treasures and suffering heavy casualties.

Those who have cultivated above the Saint level have a better chance of saving their lives. Even if the situation is bad, they still have time to escape, and the mortality rate will be reduced a lot.

"Time is limited, not much. We must start fighting immediately. It takes an hour to break the formation. It is not easy for my current level." Yu Xiangluo glanced at the suspension, and the time above the chessboard was opposite. He Siyun said.

He Siyun nodded, "I understand, just give the command with confidence. If you say one, I won't say two. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west and I will definitely obey your orders."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and immediately gave the first order, "The second soldier from the left attacks."

After receiving the order, He Siyun immediately controlled the second soldier from the left to attack. She did not reserve any strength, and the first attack went smoothly, killing the soldier on the opposite side directly. The killed soldiers simply disappeared. The chessboard is also missing one piece.

 They attack once, and the next attack will be the opponent's.

The opponent immediately killed their soldiers who had just crossed the boundary river, and another chess piece was missing from the chessboard.

He Siyun was a little anxious when he saw it, but Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry and calmly directed her to fight.

 Because of the time limit, Yan Xiangluo kept directing the battle. There were fewer and fewer chess pieces on the chessboard, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

He Siyun's combat effectiveness is also declining. After all, not everyone can withstand such continuous and high-intensity consumption of spiritual power. Even though she had taken the Restoration Pill, her combat effectiveness had dropped a lot at this time.

However, the Recovery Pill cannot be eaten as jelly beans. Eating too much is not good for the body. After all, her alchemist level is not yet at the level where there is no erysipelas. It is not easy to remove the single erysipelas from the body. If it accumulates too much, it will affect your cultivation.

 This is also the reason why monks will not take elixirs unless absolutely necessary.

The battle has entered the final stage, and it will soon be known who wins and who loses, and the time suspended above is also shortening. Yan Xiangluo said to He Siyun, "You rest, I'll come."

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