The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 781: Place of experience (7)

He Siyun did not hesitate at all, let alone doubt that Yan Xiangluo was not good. She had an inexplicable sense of trust in Yan Xiangluo. She did not have this kind of trust in her own family, and she herself felt very strange.

She knew that Yan Xiangluo was a heavenly master, and that he was at a level unknown to the world. As long as he was not hostile to her, he would have a strong sense of trust when he got along with her. Yan Xiangluo herself didn't know this yet.

Yan Xiangluo has been directing the battle and has not participated in the actual battle. Her combat effectiveness is still at its strongest now. Although it is not as high as He Siyun's cultivation level, her combat effectiveness is still stronger than that of He Siyun who consumed too much.

 The experience in front of me is more about testing the level of ancient chess skills, and the requirements for combat effectiveness are not that high.

He Siyun was not polite to her, and hung in mid-air to rest and recover his spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the remaining chess pieces on her side and saw that the other side had the same chess pieces as her own. She knew that this was the time to show off her true chess skills.

 A soldier never tires of deceit, this is what her father and her grandmother from another life often said to her, so now she has to use this trick.

  Killing the opponent's commander does not have to be a chess piece with strong combat power. Any chess piece can kill the opponent's commander as long as there is a chance.

 Hence, she used the strongest flag as bait to attack the opponent, which was actually equivalent to sacrificing the chess piece. After sacrificing this chess piece, she lost in anyone's eyes.

If the opponent wants to kill her most powerful chess piece, he must use the chess piece guarding the handsome man. This is her opportunity.

The only soldier left on his side on the chessboard stood in an excellent position. As long as the opponent captured her strongest chess piece, the opponent's handsome man would be within the attack range of his other chess piece. Without her soldiers, he would not be able to retreat. If she retreats and gets eaten by her own chess piece, she wins.

 At this time, she was also very nervous. If the other party did not fall for the trick, she would definitely lose. Although its layout is very hidden, the opponent is not a living person after all.

Even though He Siyun didn't know how to play chess, his heart was lifted when he saw her using the most powerful flag to die.

  Although I don’t know the purpose of her doing this, I know that this is her strategic method. Therefore, she controlled herself not to say a word and never interfered with Yan Xiangluo's decision.

She just looked up at the time and saw that there was less than half an hour left. Her heart was extremely nervous.

 Can they break the ancient chess formation within the time limit?

The opponent's chess piece moved and captured her strongest chess piece. Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief. They won.

 She controlled the soldier to take a step forward and directly ate their handsome man.

The entire chessboard disappeared in an instant, and the time suspended above their heads also disappeared. At the same time, a voice came from their ears.

 “Pass through experience in Peace Valley.”

After the voice announcing that they had passed the test fell, two boxes fell from the void, causing a layer of dust to rise on the ground.

Yan Xiangluo and He Siyun looked at the box and then at each other. Yan Xiangluo said, "This should be the reward after passing the level."

He Siyun said in surprise, "It's so fair. Knowing that we are two people, we were given two boxes. I don't want any of them, so I'll give them both to you."

He Siyun didn't know about rewards before. Even if she knew, she wouldn't argue with Yan Xiangluo if they were the same. After all, it was mainly due to Yan Xiangluo that she was able to successfully break the formation this time. She knew very well that without herself, Yan Xiangluo could overcome the challenge alone.

Yan Xiangluo said, "We broke the formation together, and there are two boxes, one for each of us. You choose first."

He Siyun shook his head and said, "You have the greatest credit for breaking the formation this time. You can break the formation without me. It's good that I can go through it with you. If I don't want it, I'll give it all to you."

Yan Xiangluo knew that He Siyun had a broad mind and was not a selfish person, but she was still touched that she could resist the temptation. Such people are almost rare in the mainland, and it is difficult to meet them again. one.

"Why are you so polite? We hit it off as soon as we met, and we want to go to Jiuzhongtian to be friends together. One for each of us, so don't refuse. We will get more rewards in the future." Yuan Xiangluo said with a smile.

Hearing what Yu Xiangluo said, He Siyun no longer refused.

"In this case, I won't be polite to you. Don't worry, I'm not a selfish person who likes to take advantage. No matter what is in the box, I will accept it and I will never covet your share. You should choose first. ”

Seeing that He Siyun had said this, Yan Xiangluo said, "In that case, we don't have to choose specially. What's on my side is mine, and what's on your side is yours. We don't need to open the box on the spot and collect it separately." Let’s see after we get up and go back!”

He Siyun nodded in agreement, "That's good."

As soon as she said that, she put away the box in front of her. She felt very happy that she had not gained anything after coming in this time. However, she had borrowed the help of Yan Xiangluo, so she had to treat her better. .

Yan Xiangluo also neatly sent the box into Pangu space.

  She decided that all the gains from this trip would be stored in Pangu Space first, and she would look at them when she finally leaves.

Now that this level is passed and the harvest is packed in boxes, I'm afraid it will be the same next time.

After putting away the box, He Siyun stretched out happily with a smile on his face, "Xiangluo, you are indeed my lucky star. I finally didn't come in in vain this time."

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "This is the first time I've been called a lucky star."

He Siyun said in a cheerful tone, "I'm determined to follow you this time when you come in to practice. I will go wherever you go."

Yan Xiangluo did not agree. It was her first time coming in. Since it was an experience, there would be many unexpected situations, and she could not guarantee that the two of them would always be together. Moreover, she had to go to the place mentioned by ancestor Zi Mo. Ji Jiuchong and her parents should also be going there. During this process, she could not guarantee that she would always be with He Siyun.

However, with the intervention of her own destiny, He Siyun will definitely gain something when she comes in this time. Even if the two are separated, she will encounter her own opportunities.

Moreover, Yan Xiangluo is not worried about her safety. After all, her luck can perfectly avoid danger.

 Having been interfered with by his own destiny again, He Siyun only gained something from this trip, and even more under the rudimentary circumstances.

He Siyun is the only one that Yan Xiangluo has ever seen with this kind of special luck.

Yan Xiangluo watched the space of the scene change again after they broke the ancient chess formation, and continued to move forward without hesitation.

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