The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 787: Encountered robbery

Obviously Yan Xiangluo's decision was correct, but controlling nine flying lotus leaves at the same time to cause destruction in the huge body of the giant tiger pan requires a lot of mental power.

The giant tiger finally came to his senses and no longer dared to look down on Xiangluo. At the same time, he also understood that he would definitely die today. He looked at Xiangluo with a pair of tiger eyes with hatred, with a look of determination. Since he would definitely die, then pull her together.

The giant tiger gave up resisting the nine flying lotus leaves in his body, and his already huge body suddenly grew. Powerful demonic power burst out from its broken body, doubling the size of the giant tiger's body.

Yan Xiangluo knew that Juhu was going to blow himself up, and a solemn look flashed in his apricot eyes.

At this moment, the swollen giant tiger didn't care about the pain of its injured front paw. It jumped up with all its strength, and its huge body fell in front of Yuan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly erupted with a cold light. Not to mention that the giant tiger was so close to her now, even if it was in its previous position, it would not be able to survive the self-destruction.

Even if she could hide in Pangu Space, she was not sure whether Pangu Space could withstand the power of the giant tiger's self-destruction, and she would not take the risk.

Yan Xiangluo quickly input some spiritual power into herself. At this time, her spiritual power was almost exhausted, but she could still teleport her away by activating the teleportation pattern on her body.

At the moment when the giant tiger self-destructed, Yan Xiangluo teleported himself hundreds of miles away.

Even so, she was not confident that she would not be injured, but she had no way to do it. Now her spiritual power could only activate the teleportation pattern to send her so far away.

 Therefore, as soon as she landed on the ground, she entered the Pangu space.

 Even though he moved so fast, he was still shaken by the power of the giant tiger's self-destruction and fell to the ground in Pangu Space.

The whole space seemed to be about to turn over, and it trembled for a while before stopping.

Yan Xiangluo was lying on the ground in Pangu space. At this time, her mental power was too much, her spiritual power was almost exhausted, and she was still injured. However, she couldn't care about it at this time. She was distressed about her Changling Spear and San One flying lotus leaf, no, actually nine flying lotus leaves.

The power of the giant tiger's self-destruction was so strong that she was moved a hundred meters away and was knocked to the ground in the Pangu space. Can the flying lotus leaves and long caltrop spears in the giant tiger's body survive?

 If they were all destroyed and her Flying Lotus was incomplete, how could she explain it to her ancestor Mu Changling?

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, and tears welled up in my eyes.

At this moment, she heard the voice of someone speaking outside the space, "Hey, did the battle just end here, and the humans and animals died together?"

 “What is that golden stick?”

When Yan Xiangluo heard the words "Jin Huanghuang", he immediately got up from the ground and looked outside the space. He saw that what they were talking about was the long diamond spear exposed on the ground.

She was immediately happy. The long rhombus spears were still there, and she could save each one.

Seeing the three people outside walking towards the Changling Spear, Yan Xiangluo immediately left the space and took back the Changling Spear with a thought, along with the flying lotus leaves.

This was really an unexpected surprise. The Flying Lotus Leaf was not damaged by the explosion. She just saw that the Changling Gun was not damaged by the giant tiger's self-explosion, so she thought that maybe the Flying Lotus Leaf was not damaged either, so she wanted to collect it together. return.

 Actually, I just gave it a try, but I didn’t expect that the flying lotus leaves were not damaged by the explosion. The three people who were running towards the Changling Spear saw that Jin Huang's stick was missing and sensed someone's presence. They suddenly turned around and looked behind them, and saw Yu Xiangluo who looked like a beggar.

Hair is dirty, the red dress on her body is so damaged that she can barely maintain the dignity of the dress, and her face is also dirty.

"Did you take our treasure?" One of the men looked at Yan Xiangluo and saw that she didn't have much spiritual energy on her body. He knew that her spiritual energy had been exhausted.

Yan Xiangluo sneered, "When did my weapon become your treasure? Shameless people are not uncommon. This is the first time I have seen shameless people like you."

The other party did not expect that Yan Xiangluo was already like this and dared to provoke them.

"What's wrong with being shameless? What we want is the treasure. Brothers, come on, she has no spiritual power. We stole her gift ring and we will divide the treasure equally. Whichever of you likes it can go to whoever you like." The man became more and more shameless as he spoke. .

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and looked at the three people opposite her. She thought that her spiritual power was exhausted and she was just meat on the sticky board. Who was also slaughtered?

It's just that she's not sure whether these three people are a test for her, or whether they are simply meeting people who have also come in for experience?

The other man chuckled, "Brother, I won't be polite. I've been here to practice for so many days, but on the first day I met a woman, I was thinking about going into the woods to rest and got lost, which was a waste of time. Now I'm wasting some time." It’s worth it.”

Yan Xiangluo is sure that the other party is not a test for her here, so let’s keep their lives alive and fight to the death here.

She knows very well that if the place of training cannot be passed, people will not really die, but will only exist in a static space, and then be sent out together with other people who have experienced it when the time is up.

Although the three of them were not good people if they made rude remarks, she did not want each other's life. After all, after entering here to experience, it was unlikely that they would be able to get out based on their character.

 She didn’t want to get human lives on her hands unless it was absolutely necessary.

 Therefore, she didn't wait for the other party to make a move, and Feilian was summoned by her again. The Enchanting Bell was given to her by Master Qianhe. She had not used it on anyone yet, so today was a good opportunity.

The three of them saw that she could still summon things, but what kind of weapon was this golden lotus?

 Wasn't her weapon a golden stick before? How to become a golden lotus?

 Is this the same weapon?

 No one practices two weapons at the same time, right?

This lotus flower looks like a girl’s toy, with a small golden bell tied underneath. It doesn’t look like a deterrent weapon.

 The three of them looked at the golden lotus on the head of Yan Xiang in confusion, then looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

 Even laughed to the point of tears, "Are you kidding me?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the three of them coldly, "You will soon know what I am going to do."

The three of them were stunned, and they all stopped smiling and looked warily at Yan Xiangluo and the flying lotus above her head.

I thought to myself that this little girl never showed any fear from the beginning to the end. Could it be that this golden lotus is really some kind of amazing weapon?

  Could it be that they are blind and cannot see it?

However, none of the three felt that Yan Xiangluo had any fighting ability at this time. Even if she had powerful weapons, she could not use them with much strength.

Weapons and the owner’s strength are complementary to each other.

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