The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 788: not kindness

 The stronger the owner of a weapon of the same level, the stronger the weapon. Similarly, when the owner's strength weakens, the power of the weapon will also weaken. In other words, the power of the weapon is actually determined by the strength of the owner.

But they don’t know that Yan Xiangluo’s flying lotus can be controlled not only with spiritual power, but also with mental power.

Even though her mental strength was very high at this time, her mental strength was not comparable to theirs. No one has conquered anyone who has more spiritual power than Xiangluo.

Just after Yan Xiangluo spoke, the three of them saw the golden lotus turning, and the small bell hanging under the lotus also swayed, making a sweet sound as it swayed.

The sound of the bell does not sound offensive at all. On the contrary, it is very comfortable to listen to, making it difficult for people to resist. After the three people heard the bell, their eyes gradually changed.

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that the effect of the ecstasy bell would be so obvious. As long as people heard the sound of the bell, they would be immediately confused, without the slightest doubt or struggle.

Although the three people on the opposite side are not at the **** level, they are also at the seventh or eighth level of the holy level. Although the people who enter the training ground are not considered strong in cultivation, if they are not on the mainland, their cultivation and talent are not considered low. , many monks will not reach this level of cultivation throughout their lives, but their character is not very good.

 “Go and practice.” Yan Xiangluo said four words softly.

With the sound of the ecstasy bell, the three of them memorized the four words of Yan Xiangluo in their hearts, muttering "Go and practice", and then turned around and walked deeper into the woods.

  Until the three people were no longer visible, Yan Xiangluo put away the flying lotus, and the ecstasy bell also became quiet. No matter how the flying lotus moved, it would not make a sound.

It’s not that she’s kind, and she’s not from the mainland. She may barely notice the person they meet again. Although the other person’s words are rude and his character is not bad, she still won’t let him die.

 There is a punishment more terrible than death.

Yan Xiangluo sat on the ground tiredly, not caring that she was dirty and miserable, nor did she mind the bad smell around her.

After the giant tiger exploded, the surroundings were in a mess. If you looked down from the air, you could see a huge ruin-like circle, with a dirty and ugly girl sitting in the center.

Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath, this was not the place to stay.

Her spiritual power is almost exhausted now. Although her spiritual power is still good, she can only deal with monks below the **** level. If she encounters someone with a **** level above, the consequences will definitely be worse. Meeting a giant tiger is even worse.

Now she was mainly recovering her spiritual and mental strength. She stood up and walked unsteadily into the woods in front of her, in the opposite direction to the three of them.

  After walking for a while, we stepped into the woods, and the air in our breath finally became fresh.

She looked back at the battlefield just now, which had disappeared. Behind her were stretches of woods, dense trees and lush weeds.

 As if her previous battle with the giant tiger was just her hallucination.

 It seems that this training place will automatically recover once it is over. She felt sorry for the destroyed trees before, but now she feels a little stupid.

 After her experience, I wonder what happened to her parents and Ji Jiuzhong?

She didn't know if her father and mother were separated, but she wasn't worried about her father and Ji Jiuzhong. Not only were they both very smart and their cultivation levels were above the **** level, they only had to face the challenges in the training ground. Danger, from monks, is very rare. Even if you meet a strong person, you should still worry about him. What she is worried about is her mother. If she is separated from her father, she will be in the same situation. Thinking that her mother was a heavenly master and her sense of danger was stronger than ordinary people, Yu Xiangluo restrained her thoughts. Now they could only rely on themselves, and there was no point in worrying.

Yun Tuan has been lying on her shoulder obediently. Although he was a little worried when he saw her condition, he did not interfere with her in any way.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the dense trees around and said to Yun Tuan, "Yun Tuan, do you think it's better for me to recover my spiritual and spiritual power outside or go into Pangu Space?"

It stands to reason that it would be absolutely safe for her to go into Pangu Space to recover her spiritual and spiritual power, but she had an idea in her heart that she would gain more if she recovered her spiritual and spiritual power outside.

Yun Tuan saw her asking this question and understood what she meant. She was a heavenly master herself, so it was normal for her to sense something.

"Master, it is naturally better to recover spiritual and spiritual power outside, but it will be very dangerous outside." Yun Tuan said matter-of-factly.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "I came here to gain experience, not to avoid danger. How can I gain experience without danger?"

But she couldn't just sit on the ground and recover her spiritual and spiritual power without any protection. Wouldn't that be courting death?

She pondered for a moment, then looked up at the lush canopy above her head. Go to the tree. She could simply set up a defensive formation to restore her spiritual and spiritual power. If someone found her, attacking her defensive formation would at least replace her. She resisted for a moment and had time to prepare.

 Now she has no spiritual power at all and cannot fly in the air, so she can only climb up with the strength of her own body.

 Fortunately, she has also cultivated her vitality, otherwise it would be a luxury to climb a tree now.

But this time she also experienced it personally. After the spiritual energy is exhausted, even if her body has vitality to support it, her body will still be very tired.

Of course, if she used her vitality to fight, her physical fatigue would not be so obvious.

This should be the difference between a warrior who purely cultivates vitality and a monk who cultivates vitality. After all, warriors who purely cultivate their vitality are in better physical condition.

Yan Xiangluo gathered her strength and climbed up the tree. Although her speed was a little slow, she climbed up smoothly.

 She found a place where the main trunk of a tree branched out to set up a defensive formation. Because the area to be defended was small, it didn't take long to set up a defensive formation. However, she used her vitality and spiritual power to set up the formation, because when she was setting up the formation, she remembered that she had no spiritual power at all, and wondered if she could use her vitality. The formation with mental power was really successful, but she still didn't know how far the defensive ability of the formation could be achieved.

To be on the safe side, she carved a defensive mysterious pattern on the formation. Carving the mysterious pattern requires mental strength, and she is still very clear about the effect of the mysterious pattern she carved.

After getting everything ready, she cleaned herself up, put on a red dress, sat down cross-legged, and began to restore her spiritual power. At the same time, she also used spiritual power techniques to restore her spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo has no hope of improving her cultivation level. After all, she has now entered the last level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique. Her cultivation speed will be extremely slow, and she can only break through and advance if she encounters a great opportunity.

 Hence the cultivation state of mind is very calm, and it is just to restore spiritual and mental strength.

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