The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 790: go to her

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was wearing a snow-white brocade robe embroidered with silver dark patterns, and the original color could no longer be seen, and his black hair was extremely dirty. If the white jade crown that bound his hair was not still there, he would have looked like a madman. .

Although he looked embarrassed, his phoenix eyes became more and more sharp.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, the sharp light in Ji Jiuzhong's eyes was completely restrained, making him so peaceful that no one could see his emotions.

At this time, some people passing by saw him suddenly appearing and knew that he had just come out of the training ground. They wanted to rob him, but when they saw the strong coercion emanating from him, they all chose to continue on their way.

 Such a person is the last person to be messed with, as anyone who has been in here knows.

Ji Jiuzhong calmly tidied himself up in the gaze of passers-by, changed into clean clothes, and thought about where to go next and where to land.

His main purpose in coming in was to help Luoluo pass the first level of Pangu Flower, but he didn't expect to be separated as soon as he came in, and completely separated, the kind of person.

At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt that the spiritual energy was surging in one direction, and the amount was very large. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the surging spiritual energy. This feeling was too familiar to him.

This will happen every time Luoluo exhausts his spiritual energy and absorbs spiritual energy to restore his spiritual energy.

That petite body seems to contain a bottomless pit.

Why didn't he suspect that some treasure was about to be born, but instead suddenly thought that it was the effect created by Yan Xiangluo?

The reason is very simple. There is a pattern when Yan Xiangluo absorbs spiritual energy. This pattern is indescribable, but Ji Jiuzhong can sensitively sense the specialness.

Ji Jiuzhong's beautiful phoenix eyes burst out with joy. He had always been worried about her. After all, her cultivation level was the lowest among the people who came in. Although there are many methods and there is Pangu Space, when you encounter a truly strong person, you have no chance to use them.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately rose into the air and ran towards the direction where the spiritual energy was surging.

He knew very well that the direction of the spiritual energy surge was far away from him, and he could sense that many people in the entire training place had probably sensed it.

 No matter what the reason is, curiosity and greed are something that no one can suppress. No matter what they think, they will rush to where Luoluo is, and the strong ones are no exception. Luoluo would be in danger, and he had to get to her as quickly as possible.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual and spiritual power has been restored to half, and her cultivation is still continuing. At this time, eight of the dozen or so people at her training place came to her training place.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the eight people opened their mouths and eyes in shock, with unified expressions as if they had discussed it in advance.

It’s no wonder they were shocked. At this time, Yan Xiangluo herself didn’t even know that the tree she was sitting on had been wrapped in a huge spiritual vortex.

 All trees within ten meters are within the scope of the spiritual whirlpool. The eight people cannot get close to it due to their luck and spiritual power, so they can only watch from ten meters away.

 Such a scene made them even more sure that some unique treasure was about to be born.

The eight people don't know each other, but they all know in their hearts that more and more people will come here, and they don't know what the treasure is yet. They can be sure that there won't be many. How can there be so many peerless treasures? They are lucky to have even one.

 Hence, they are all competition targets, but now it is an opportunity for the eight of them. After all, there are only eight of them and there are not many competition targets.

“Which continent are you from?” one of the men asked.

"It doesn't matter which continent you are from. What matters now is how to get the treasure. Who can get the treasure?" Another man directly expressed the common thoughts of the eight people.

Time is their opportunity now, and they don’t want to waste a moment of respite. If they hadn't been able to get in, none of them would be standing here now. "No one should be hiding anything. Anyone who has a way can tell me. The eight of us will work together to find a way to get in first. When we see the treasure, we will all rely on our own abilities." The man who was the latest to ask which continent these people are from also said bluntly. He said bluntly.

 “Okay.” The other seven people said in unison.

 Since an agreement was reached, the eight people began to study it.

“The spiritual energy vortex is so strong that even if we can enter it, our body cannot bear it. We need to think of a way first. How can we enter it safely?”

“It is up to each individual to ensure their safety when entering. After all, none of us know what kind of treasure is inside and how dangerous it is.”

“There should be only one way to get in.”

Everyone was talking, but none of them got to the most important point. The man who asked the question last brought the topic onto the right track.

 “What can be done?” The other seven people asked in unison.

“Let’s use our spiritual power to build up a protective layer of spiritual power together, and then walk inside together until we reach the innermost point without using any protective layer.”

 The reason why the man wanted to get the seven people to cooperate was to use them to get in. As long as he got in, he would have a way to get rid of the seven people and get the treasure alone.

 The seven people hesitated after hearing his words. This requires eight people to trust each other very much. If one of them wants to take action against the others, they will be unable to guard against it.

"After all, we don't know each other, and we don't have that much trust between each other. What do you think of this? The eight of us will first make an oath to support the spiritual protective layer together. No one can attack anyone during the process of entering. How about this? "The man who came up with the idea said again.

 He has already thought about it, and he does not trust the seven people. Only in this way can he ensure that they will not be attacked by any of them when they go in.

"You guys make a decision quickly, we don't have much time to waste, others will come soon." The man reminded the seven people again.

The seven people looked at each other and knew that what the man said was the truth and that there was no better way than this. They all nodded, "Okay."

 Eight people made an oath together, then formed a circle back to back and used their spiritual energy to prop up the spiritual protective layer, and then tried to walk inside together.

 As soon as they touched the aura vortex, they were bounced back.

The man who came up with the idea shouted, "If you don't have enough energy, don't hold anything back now. If we relax even a little bit when we get in, we may die in there."

 After listening to the man's words, the seven people increased their spiritual power output, and the protective layer became stronger.

This time the eight of them tried to walk into the spiritual whirlpool and actually walked in. They were all overjoyed. It was indeed possible.

 It’s just that they walked extremely slowly, and found that the further they walked inside, the stronger the spiritual energy vortex became, and they always felt like they were about to be swept up by the spiritual energy vortex and fly out.

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