The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 791: Eight men end

Without being reminded, they all stepped up their spiritual power output. Although the speed was still slow, they at least suppressed the fate of being swept away by the whirlpool.

Yun Tuan lay on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder and looked at the eight people committing suicide with cold eyes.

It also did not expect that its master's cultivation would cause such a large spiritual vortex. Only a **** with a god-level cultivation level could withstand such a spiritual vortex.

 Those of them who are not yet at the **** level have relied on everyone's strength to enter the vortex, but their spiritual power has been output so powerfully that it will not take long for their spiritual power to be exhausted. Once their spiritual power is exhausted, their fate is to be swept out by the vortex of spiritual energy sucked in by their master. As for how powerful it can be, it is still uncertain whether they will live or die in a cloud.

At this time, four more people came outside the spiritual whirlpool. They had exactly the same reaction as the previous eight people, and they were also discussing what to do.

At this moment, the eight people, relying on their collective strength, still did not reach where they thought the treasure was.

They finally realized a serious problem that they had ignored, that is, half of their spiritual energy was consumed. If they continued, they didn't know if they could survive until they left the vortex. If they return, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

Once you go out and meet other people, they will become the target of being robbed, and neither outcome seems good.

  We all have our own thoughts and are anxious, but now we have to make a decision.

The man who came up with the idea opened the way, "We all know now that we have to make a choice again. Should we continue walking in and face death, or should we go back?"

The other seven people were also thinking about this issue in their minds, but no one could make a decision. After all, this is a choice between life and death. When they came in, they were attracted by the treasure. Greed overcame fear, making them ignore the consequences of failure.

 “How do you choose?” someone asked.

There was a fierce look in the man's eyes, "I want to give it a try. You should know the consequences of returning. We will probably stay here forever."

The seven people looked at each other after hearing his words. They all knew what it meant to stay here forever, which was death, the real death.

Since the consequence of returning is likely to be death, it’s better to give it a try.

 “I want to continue.”

"Me too."



Without exception, all seven people chose to continue. The man who came up with the idea breathed a sigh of relief, "We made this decision ourselves, and we all bear the consequences. No one should blame anyone."

"Don't say discouragement, we will definitely succeed." One of the men said in a serious tone, not sure whether he was comforting others or himself.

 “Yes, we will definitely succeed.” Others echoed.

Yun Tuan glanced at them with disdain. Many people died because of human greed.

 Had they chosen to return at this time, they might have had a chance to survive, but they chose a road to death.

 After the eight people made their decision, they continued to move forward as if they had received some support. This time, none of the eight people would retain their own strength. They all increased their spiritual power output and wanted to get into the circle as soon as possible. In fact, they were only ten meters away from the tree where Yan Xiangluo was, but they had not reached the place after walking for half a quarter of an hour.

The four people outside also made the decision to cooperate. However, they did not use the stupidest method of eight people to use spiritual energy to enter. Instead, they each took out a defensive magic weapon and also made an oath to cooperate.

The first magic weapon they used was a defensive magic weapon. A protective shield covered the four people inside. The four people had just stepped into the spiritual vortex. The spiritual power of the eight people who had entered before was finally exhausted, but they were still in the spiritual vortex. force.

 The eyes of the eight people showed despair, because they knew that they had lost the bet.

They only had time to look at each other before the bodies of the eight people were swept up by the spiritual vortex and shot out in all directions, not in the same direction.

 First of all, there is the physical injury caused by being oppressed by the vortex of spiritual energy after the spiritual energy is exhausted, plus the injury caused by being thrown out. For the monks who have exhausted their spiritual energy, it is fatal.

 And this is not an experience in a place of experience, so death is real death.

Yun Tuan looked at the figure flying out and sighed helplessly. As expected, the hope of the eight people surviving was too slim.

At this time, they were equivalent to an ordinary person who was beaten to internal injuries and then thrown from a high place. One can imagine the consequences.

Looking at the four people who came in using defensive magic weapons, Yun Tuan thought to himself: Fortunately, these four people are not very stupid.

 The four of them just entered the spiritual energy vortex before eight people were thrown out. Under the strong pressure of the spiritual energy vortex and the defensive magic weapon, they did not hear the screams of the eight people at all.

 The four of them didn't know that someone had come in before and ended up miserably. They were all excited about getting the treasure soon.

Yun Tuan looked outside and came over again. The four people who were looking up at the people flying out were stunned. Well, now except for the three people who were confused by the master using the ecstasy bell, everyone else in this training place is here.

Yun Tuan was a little curious. Were the four people afraid to come in because of the eight people flying out, or were they greedy and overcoming fear to choose a way to come in?

At this time, many god-level powerhouses have arrived outside the training place. God-level powerhouses are generally aware of the training place, so they know very well that this is a training place.

They wondered, since it was a place of experience, how could treasures be found?

 Many of them are from other continents, and this is not their first time coming here for experience. Therefore, although they cannot share any information after coming in, they know a lot themselves.

 The treasures in the first training place are usually born in a treasure habitat, and there will be no training there. Each person can simply obtain the treasure based on their strength or choose the owner of the treasure with spiritual knowledge.

 This abnormal phenomenon made the god-level experts cautiously stop and did not rush in blindly.

 As more and more god-level experts arrived, some finally lost their composure and took the lead in entering the training ground.

 Isn’t it just a place of experience?

 If there is a treasure inside, take it. If there is no treasure, take it as an exercise. Experiencing it there is not an exercise. Anyway, for their god-level experts, every experience is equally unpredictable.

Seeing someone go in, other people also figured this out and rushed in one after another.

If someone could take an overview of the entire first training ground, they would definitely find that the training place where Yan Xiangluo is located is the training place with the largest number of experienced monks, the largest number of powerful people, and the densest concentration of experienced monks in the entire first training ground.

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