The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 793: See Nascent Soul Again

 The four of them told each other their situation one by one, making everyone believe that they really did not know what was going on inside.

The four of them were also very lucky. When they sensed the surge of spiritual energy, they happened to have just left a training place. They were so embarrassed that they rushed there without having time to pack up any treasures they were worried about missing.

So the four of them still looked like they had just come out of the experience and were in a state of embarrassment. This state was evidence, making the people present believe that they had really just experienced life and death in the place of experience.

When everyone saw that they didn't know anything, they all dispersed and continued to focus on the inside.

In order to make things more realistic, the four of them did not leave immediately. Instead, they stood with these people, looking curiously at the training ground, and from time to time they asked the people around them if they knew what was going on inside.

 It’s a pity that no one paid attention to them.

 After people kept trying to get in, more and more people got in.

When the four of them saw this, they understood that the place of training probably no longer existed, otherwise they would not have come out so easily.

They all felt like they were surviving a disaster and retreated quietly to the back of the crowd. After leaving these people, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief and took off into the air, quickly leaving this place of right and wrong.

This is really a confusing way to leave the place of experience. If they are lucky and God gives them a chance to escape, they will naturally not waste this opportunity.

 The four of them are rare understanding people, and everything can only be saved if they save their lives.

At this time, Yun Tuan was standing on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder, looking out with his dark eyes. He had clearly sensed that the place of experience had disappeared.

There should be too many god-level experts pouring in, and the training ground cannot bear the training of so many god-level experts at once. The first training place will automatically consider that this training place has no meaning of existence and will be eliminated.

 But in this way, the place where the training was originally was able to resist these god-level powerhouses for Yan Xiangluo, but now they can come to the master's location without any hindrance.

Yun Tuan looked at Yan Xiangluo worriedly. The master had obviously recovered all his spiritual and spiritual power, so why hadn't he withdrawn from practice yet?

If we exit now and enter Pangu Space directly, we can avoid these god-level powerful men, at least we don’t have to face them head-on.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo felt like a fetus still in her mother's belly, wrapped in the comfortable warm breath. She completely relaxed herself, as if lying on a white cloud, under the warm sunshine. It was floating gently in the gentle warm breeze.

 Even she can see such a miniature version of herself.

A doll wearing a golden dress, nestled in a comfortable cradle of white clouds in the sleeping position of a fetus in its mother's body. The cradle of clouds floated slowly, and the baby slept soundly.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely curious. This was the first time she encountered such a situation in her practice. She followed curiously and looked at the little baby who was exactly the same as herself.

I’ve been looking at it for a while. Why do I become more familiar with it the more I look at it? Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that this baby who looked exactly like her and was wearing a golden dress was her Nascent Soul. Because she came from the lower continent to the higher continent, her Nascent Soul was wrapped in a golden cocoon. Later, she learned that people from the higher continent would only awaken their Nascent Soul after breaking through to the divine level. As for those who come from lower continents, because they have awakened the Nascent Soul before, they will be temporarily sealed. The Nascent Soul will not appear again until they break through to the **** level.

She has not seen her Nascent Soul for a long time. How could she see her Nascent Soul when her cultivation and mental strength were restored through this experience?

 Is it possible that your spiritual consciousness is in your Dantian?

Yan Xiangluo looked up curiously and looked around, but did not see her spiritual root tree. It should not be in her dantian.

I am looking at the miniature version of myself sleeping in the cradle of clouds. No, there is a Pangu flower open like an umbrella above my Nascent Soul. Where is the Pangu flower?

Yan Xiangluo was confused. Could it be that this was an illusion and not his real Nascent Soul? Is this also an experience?

 If yes, what do you want to experience yourself?

Yan Xiangluo sat on another cloud, holding her chin with her hands, looking at the miniature version of herself in the cradle of clouds, and began to think.

This is why she has recovered all her spiritual and spiritual power and has not quit practicing yet.

Yan Xiangluo fell into memories.

 Thinking back to the time when she risked her life to survive, her soul from another world came back, broke through the first life-and-death barrier of Pangu Flower Bloom, and condensed the Nascent Soul. At that time, after the Nascent Soul was completely condensed, there was an identical living miniature version of himself sitting cross-legged in the Dantian. The golden light in the Dantian turned into clothes and was worn on the Nascent Soul. The golden little person was extremely beautiful.

There is also a golden flower with five petals appearing on the head of Yuanying. It is like a flower umbrella rotating on the head of Yuanying. It is the Pangu flower.

Countless warm rays of light fell from Pangu Flower, centering on her Dantian, it turned into countless warm currents and spread around her body. Wherever he went, the broken bones and broken tendons after falling off the cliff were quickly rebuilt, and the tendons were several times wider than before. The bones and meridians were purified without a trace of impurities, and the spiritual energy transformed by spiritual energy was The power flows unimpeded in the meridians.

At the same time, the five spiritual roots in Dantian were also entangled together, shrouded in golden light, and slowly condensed into one spiritual root, which grew into a thick sapling, growing next to Nascent Soul.

 Although the spiritual roots are condensed into one, they still have the five attributes of the five spiritual roots.

 After that, her cultivation became easier, and her luck seemed to be particularly good. She also opened the Pangu Space, broke through the second life and death barrier of Pangu Flower, and made it all the way to the present.

It was the first time that Yan Xiangluo thought about what would happen after her soul returned without any distractions.

She suddenly realized that it had been more than three years since her return, and it would be four years soon. She didn't have much real experience, and she didn't have much time to actually fight people and spiritual beasts. Most of the time, she was very lucky. Can be avoided. Because her soul in the other life was not in good health and was lost early, she cherished her hard-won health and life, and she rarely faced danger head-on.

This time, the first place of training was completely different. She took the initiative to look for opportunities to practice. This battle with the giant tiger was really the first time she faced a life-and-death battle so bravely.

Thinking again about seeing her own Nascent Soul after recovering her spiritual and spiritual power, she suddenly realized that this was the test of the third view of life and death in the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique.

Yan Xiangluo's mind seemed to have a door suddenly opened.

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