The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 794: Need help

The hands holding her chin were suddenly lowered, and Yan Xiangluo's consciousness was like releasing fireworks. The opened door seemed to have opened a new world for her.

At the same time, the sea of ​​​​consciousness expanded in all directions. Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised. The sea of ​​​​consciousness actually expanded again, and doubled again on the original basis.

 This is not the first time that her sea of ​​consciousness has expanded, but this time it has expanded the most. It is very difficult for a monk to expand his consciousness. Why is her consciousness different from others?

How powerful must her mental power be to be able to double the size like this? At this time, Yan Xiangluo felt a little envious of herself.

Xingmu looked at the Nascent Soul lying leisurely in the cradle of clouds, and understood that she had recovered her spiritual power and spiritual power through cultivation, and her cultivation state had reached a certain height, so she had touched the door to a higher realm.

 The opening of this door has a lot to do with her Nascent Soul. After all, she is now in the period when Pangu crossed the third level.

Although she condensed the Nascent Soul, the lotus platform did not come out, but she vaguely saw her own lotus platform, which was golden. However, when she came to the higher continent, the Nascent Soul was sealed and the lotus platform completely disappeared. .

Now that her sea of ​​consciousness has expanded again, she understands why the lotus platform has been unable to condense.

The reason is very simple, just because her lotus platform is too strong, and her realm, cultivation strength, talent, and sea of ​​consciousness are not enough to control the lotus platform. Therefore, the lotus platform has never appeared.

She has a feeling that as long as she breaks through the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming this time, the Nascent Soul will appear again when the Lotus Platform appears.

 Her current consciousness is inside the golden cocoon wrapping the Nascent Soul, so she cannot see the Pangu Flower and the Spiritual Root Tree.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo was so excited that she stretched out her hand to touch Yuanying's little face. It was so cute. She didn't even know she was so cute when she was a child.

 But before her hand could reach Yuanying's face, Yuanying disappeared.

Suddenly, the scene around her also changed, her consciousness was shaken, and Yan Xiangluo, who was sitting cross-legged among the branches of a tree, suddenly opened her eyes.

Discovered that she had exited the realm and returned to reality.

Thinking of the cute little Yuanying, Yan Xiangluo felt a little regretful that she didn't touch it.

"Master, you have finally quit practicing. Hurry up and enter the Pangu space. There are many god-level strong men under the tree. Master is not your opponent. Please avoid them first." Yun Tuan saw Yuan Xiangluo open his eyes and immediately He used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with her, his tone extremely anxious.

 Because the master has recovered his spiritual and spiritual power and no longer needs the spiritual energy, the spiritual energy whirlpool has disappeared, so the god-level experts are standing around the tree.

Although we didn’t come directly to the tree, there was only a circle with a diameter of five or six meters left. They all looked up at the tree, because they could no longer sense the spiritual energy vortex, so they did not act rashly.

Moreover, they found that there was actually a formation on the tree, and the level was not low. At this time, they all doubted in their hearts, was there really a treasure born?

  Why are there such obvious signs of man-made phenomena?

Although there are formations used for training in many training places, the spiritual vortex of this tree was so strong before that almost everyone in the training land could feel it. Why is it that only the formations are left now? ?

After listening to Yun Tuan's words, Yan Xiangluo looked under the trees through the formation. Sure enough, there were people on the three floors inside and three outside. He couldn't even see their heads at a glance. There were too many trees, which blocked his sight. However, his spiritual sense could detect It was found that the crowd stretched for a long distance, which showed how many people there were. And without exception, they are all powerful men above the **** level, but there is not even a single person who has cultivated at the saint level.

She knew that eight people with holy level cultivation were thrown out and died, and four people used protective magic weapons to come to the tree and got into a deadlock. Later, four people refused to give up and wanted to climb the tree. , oppressed by the powerful pressure in the center of the spiritual vortex, they immediately used the teleportation pattern to teleport out, and at least saved their lives.

Yun Tuan also lamented that the three people who were deceived by their master using the ecstasy bell were lucky. The training place disappeared. The experience the three of them were going through suddenly ended, and then they woke up. He quickly fled from this place with a frightened face. There was no way he could think of any treasure there.

 Therefore, except for monks who have cultivated above the **** level, no one else dares to come here.

 “What are they doing around me?” Yan Xiangluo asked a little confused.

Yun Tuan was speechless and explained helplessly, "When the master practiced, he caused a surge of spiritual energy in the entire land of training. A spiritual energy vortex was formed within a ten-meter radius of this tree. No one below the **** level could enter. Come on, they must have sensed the surge of spiritual energy and came here."

In fact, with the current mental strength of Yan Xiangluo, as soon as she quit practicing, she felt that there were many strong people around her. It's just that she didn't expect that these powerful people came because of the spiritual energy vortex caused by her practice.

If she in the previous realm heard the clouds telling her to hide, she would not hesitate to immediately enter the Pangu space and hide, and then come out after avoiding these dangers.

But the state after recovering her spiritual and spiritual power through this practice made her understand what she should practice most now, and she also understood the purpose of Pangu Huakai's third life-and-death test.

 It is a person's reaction and decision when facing danger, difficulty, and setback.

If, like before, her first thought was to escape when encountering a big crisis or setback, then how useful would the experience in the first place of experience be this time?

 To put it bluntly, the third level of Pangu Huakai is to improve her realm.

 After the three levels of Pangu Flower Blooming, the cultivation speed will increase rapidly. Why does the cultivation speed increase rapidly? Of course, the first three levels have given you all the basic skills you need.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo understood that Yun Tuan sensed that coming to this place of experience would be good for her, and it should be a change in her realm. This was very important for her to break through the third level of Pangu Huakai.

“I won’t hide anymore.” Yan Xiangluo’s tone was so firm for the first time.

Yun Tuan was stunned for a moment. What did the master mean by this? Without entering the Pangu space, would the master want to face so many god-level experts? Although it is there, as long as it uses the true strength of the divine beast, let alone these god-level powerhouses, it will not be afraid of twice as many.

 After all, in its eyes, these gods are not considered strong at all, but they can fight with powerful monks.

 But is now a good time to reveal that it is a mythical beast?

Although you can’t worry about so much when it comes to life and death, when you have a choice, it’s better to plan.

Yun Tuan glanced at the calm Yan Xiangluo and asked, "What does the master want to do?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled brightly, "As a saint-level practitioner, what can I do? Of course I need someone to save me?"

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