The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 801: an intuition

Although Ji Jiuchong agreed to go in together, he quickly took a step ahead and asked Yan Xiangluo to follow him.

Yan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips when she looked at the tall figure standing in front of her. She did not refuse and walked quietly behind him.

Soon, the two of them came to the middle of the two peaks. It was much easier to walk without the trees and weeds.

 As soon as he stepped into the two mountain peaks, the powerful force in the middle suddenly became clear, and with it, there was also strong pressure.

Ji Jiuzhong was lucky, after all, his cultivation level was above the **** level, but Yan Xiangluo felt uncomfortable. Her cultivation level was only at the saint level, and even using spiritual power to resist was ineffective, so she used spiritual power to wrap herself up When she got up, her mental power was indeed strong enough to block the strong sense of oppression.

Ji Jiuzhong felt the spiritual power around her and asked, "Can you bear it?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, it's okay."

 The two of them continued walking inside.

Although the two peaks look as thin as awls from a distance, when you get closer, you find that the bottoms of the peaks are also very wide, and a winding road extends forward along the two peaks.

They walked for a while before reaching the exit on the other side of the mountain.

The destination is a small valley, surrounded by cone-like peaks. The only difference is that the bottoms of the peaks are connected. Only the peak they entered has a way to enter and exit.

There were no other plants growing in the valley, only the grass that reached their ankles. The breeze blew gently, and the grass surged over like waves, which made Yan Xiangluo think of two words, grassland.

Ji Jiuzhong’s eyes did not fall on the green grass, but looked at a round hole on the mountain directly in front of him. Although the distance was not close, he was attracted by a familiar aura. Coupled with his cultivation strength, he could see far away and saw the cave at a glance.

 The familiar aura he felt came from there.

 The pressure became stronger as they entered the valley, and Yan Xiangluo strengthened her mental protection.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "I'll go to the cave in front to take a look. Luo Luo is waiting for me outside."

Yan Xiangluo understood that Ji Jiuzhong’s familiar aura should be in that cave.

This time Yan Xiangluo did not refuse. She was also a burden to go with her. After all, she still needed to protect herself with her mental strength. It was better to wait here and let Ji Jiuzhong go past boldly and without any scruples.

Seeing that she agreed, Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved, "If the pressure suddenly increases, Luoluo should quickly exit this valley."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, I will protect myself."

With her assurance, Ji Jiuzhong rose up in the air, crossed the green grassland, and headed straight for the cave on the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo watched Ji Jiuzhong's figure disappear into the entrance of the cave, then retracted his gaze and looked around.

 Hey, there are all grasses here, and there is only one kind of grass. How come there is such a strong smell of elixir? Qiong sniffed, it seemed to be spiritual ginseng.

Xingmu immediately followed the scent of spiritual ginseng she sensed, and found a patch of red fruit growing on the mountain on the left at a height of one person.

The apricot eyes suddenly lit up. It was indeed a ginseng, and it was a large piece. It should be ten thousand years old.

She was a little curious. This mountain was not a suitable environment for the growth of spiritual ginseng. How could so many spiritual ginseng grow so abnormally?

 The most important thing is that there are no other plants around the ginseng, which is very conspicuous. How did it avoid so many people coming in and grow for thousands of years?

She looked around carefully. Except for the spiritual ginseng growing on the mountain here, the other mountains were full of various plants, none of which were very big. She couldn't get through the cave, but she also checked her mental strength. For a moment, no other elixir breath was detected. In other words, this piece of spiritual ginseng grows in the entire valley.

 The strong pressure came from the cave where Ji Jiuzhong went. There was no danger outside.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a while, but even though it was too strange, she still walked towards Lingshen.

The distance was not too far, but Yan Xiangluo walked very carefully. Although he did not sense any danger, there was a chance that such a 10,000-year-old spiritual ginseng might be guarded by a spiritual beast.

To be honest, they never encountered a single spiritual beast along the way. She had collected so many elixirs that were tens of thousands of years old, but she had not encountered a single guardian spirit beast.

 This piece of spiritual ginseng is the youngest elixir she has ever encountered, but she will not lose her vigilance.

Facts have proved that the saying that you should sail with caution is absolutely correct. Just when Yan Xiangluo was approaching the spiritual ginseng, a blood-red snake as thick as her wrist appeared from under the spiritual ginseng, spitting out its core and looking at it fiercely. she.

Yan Xiangluo stopped and felt even more strange. The elixir that was tens of thousands of years old was not protected by a spirit beast, but this ginseng that was just ten thousand years old actually had a guardian spirit beast.

Although this snake is not very big, it is the first time she has seen a snake with a blood-red body.

And she didn't sense the snake's cultivation strength, which didn't mean that the snake was weak.

It is also very possible that her current cultivation level cannot see through the cultivation level of this snake.

“Are you the guardian beast of these spiritual ginsengs?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Since the red snake was not a mythical beast, it had no way to answer her, but Yuan Xiangluo still got the answer from its contemptuous eyes.

“Yun Tuan, can you communicate with it?” Yan Xiangluo said to Yun Tuan.

The reason why she didn't let the clouds come up directly was because Yan Xiangluo didn't want to take it by force. If it could be negotiated, she would be fine with just one or two plants.

Spiritual ginseng is an excellent medicinal material for refining healing, nourishing the body, and restoring spiritual power. If one or two trees are planted in Pangu space, with so many seeds, many trees can be reproduced, and they will grow even better than here.

Yun Tuan was speechless. It was a divine beast. There was no spiritual beast it could not communicate with.

“What does the master want to say to it?” Yun Tuan asked.

"I want one or two spiritual ginseng trees. Can you ask what conditions it will agree to?" Yan Xiangluo said directly.

Yun Tuan was speechless, "Master, in the future, as long as there are medicinal herbs for guardian spirit beasts, the owner will have to exchange them with others? What if they don't exchange them?"

Isn't its owner too kind? He doesn't fight directly with the spiritual beast, and then wins and takes away the elixir.

Yan Xiangluo said, "At this moment, when I saw this red snake, I had a feeling that I didn't want to hurt it. It wasn't my kindness, it was an intuition."

Yun Tuan understood that the master was a heavenly master. He should have instinctively sensed some cause and condition, so he had this intuition. In this case, he should communicate with this snake!

I don’t know how Yun Tuan communicated with Red Snake. Anyway, Red Snake looked at Yu Tuan and then at Yan Xiangluo, pulled out two ginseng plants with the snake’s tail and threw them to Yan Xiangluo.

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