The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 802: what do you want

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand to catch it. Seeing the red fruit of Lingshen shaking, she was worried that the fruit would fall. The fruit was not ripe yet, but it was about to ripen, so she couldn't drop it.

 She carefully planted the spiritual ginseng in Pangu space.

 Then he asked, “What does it want?”

Yun Tuan said, "It doesn't want anything, as long as the master doesn't absorb the spiritual energy here within an hour."

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "Why?"

She has indeed been absorbing spiritual energy to practice. The spiritual energy here is so rich, and she has not absorbed spiritual energy like she did before when she recovered her cultivation. Will it affect the cultivation of this red snake?

Yun Tuan said, "There is still one hour before it can take these spiritual ginseng. If the master has been absorbing spiritual energy, this time will be postponed. It said that the spiritual energy absorbed by the master is the essence here."

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that the spiritual energy she absorbed seemed to be different from ordinary monks. Even if she was in the same place, the spiritual energy she absorbed never had any impurities. Only today did she understand that it turned out that the spiritual energy she absorbed was from the surroundings. The essence of spiritual energy.

  Could it be that my body or Dantian can filter the impurities in the spiritual energy?

Since I have received spiritual ginseng from others, I have to fulfill their requirements. There is nothing impossible that I cannot do.

Yan Xiangluo stopped absorbing the spiritual energy and looked at the red snake. The red snake was very strong and she couldn't tell the strength of her cultivation. However, Red Snake is definitely at the critical moment of breakthrough.

But she knew that this piece of spiritual ginseng was still an hour away from being able to last ten thousand years. Red Snake was waiting for the red ginseng to become the elixir that would last ten thousand years before taking it.

 Absorbing spiritual energy and cultivating yourself will delay the maturity of spiritual ginseng.

"Don't worry, within an hour, I won't absorb any more spiritual energy, I won't attack you, and I won't steal spiritual ginseng. But I can't guarantee that others won't do anything to you. After all, this place is not closed. I I can’t guarantee whether anyone will come at this time.”

Yan Xiangluo felt that it was better to say something ugly in front of others. She took two ginseng trees from it, not just to sell them, but to protect them.

 The red snake nodded and hid its body in the spiritual ginseng.

Yan Xiangluo did not stay here and returned to the entrance. Since she could not absorb spiritual power for practice, Ji Jiuzhong's pressure was obviously reduced a lot after entering. There was no problem for her not to use spiritual power to protect herself.

I just don’t know what Ji Jiuzhong encountered inside? When will it come out? But I didn't hear the sound of fighting, so there shouldn't be any big danger.

I simply sat down on the grass and admired the natural landscape of the valley and grassland. This is a rare sight.

 Looking at the green waves passing by layer by layer, and the breeze blowing her hair, she suddenly relaxed and waited quietly.

Time passed little by little. She estimated the time and found it was about half an hour. Ji Jiuzhong hadn't come out yet. At this time, she felt someone coming behind her. After three breaths, she immediately stood up.

I saw three people walking in at the entrance, two men and one woman. Although they looked very embarrassed, they were obviously in good spirits.

She had obviously recovered her spiritual power after an experience, and she was in a mess because she would enter the experience again at any time. On the way here, she also saw many people walking in such a mess.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the three people, and then looked at the place where the spiritual ginseng grew. The red snake told her not to absorb spiritual energy for an hour, but only half an hour later, another person came, and the strength of the three people They are all stronger than her, so Red Snake may not have an easy time with this level.

The red ginseng fruit is so conspicuous that even if the three of them don't have a keen sense of smell, they are not blind and cannot miss it.

But she didn’t want to get involved. As a Heavenly Master, she knew very well that she couldn’t interfere too much with other people’s cause and effect.

So after taking a look at the three of them, Yan Xiangluo had no intention of talking to them, but just looked at the three of them indifferently.

The three of them were surprised when they walked in and saw the scene in front of them. A small valley, a sea-like grassland, and a woman wearing a fiery red dress.

The woman has an alluring face, and her beautiful eyes are like a deep pool, which seems to be sucked into her at a glance.

 Obviously his cultivation level is not as high as theirs, but he is not afraid at all and just looks at them indifferently.

Although the spiritual energy here is very strong, the woman in the red dress does not seem to be practicing. They are a little puzzled. There is a time limit for coming in to practice. They do not believe that the woman in the red dress in front of them is just enjoying this grassland and wasting her time in practice. .

The three of them looked at each other, and then motioned to the only woman among them to inquire about the news.

 After all, it is easy for women to communicate with each other.

The woman nodded and walked towards Yan Xiangluo, but she did not walk in. She just took a few steps forward so that she could talk to Yan Xiangluo and stopped.

  After all, we are strangers, so we are on guard against each other.

“Girl, do you know where this is?”

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her and said, "This is my first time to come here for training, and it's also my first time here. I don't know where this place is."

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched. The other person was impatient to talk to her, so she made it clear at once.

Don’t ask me, it’s my first time to practice and I don’t know anything.

“The spiritual energy here is so strong, why don’t you practice cultivation?” The woman asked again, pretending not to understand what she meant.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her like she was an idiot, "How do you know I'm not practicing? I just finished practicing and recovered my spiritual power and rested for a while."

After the three people came in, Yan Xiangluo stopped looking at the entrance of the cave where Ji Jiuzhong entered. She didn't know what was inside. Ji Jiuzhong had been in for half an hour, and the strong pressure had completely disappeared, but Ji Jiuzhong hadn't come out yet. .

Although without the coercion, they cannot sense the existence of the cave through coercion, but there is no guarantee that they will not be able to discover it.

 She tried to delay as much time as possible so that the three of them could discover the cave later.

After hearing her words, the woman said awkwardly, "I saw that the girl's clothes were clean and tidy, but I didn't expect that the girl had just finished practicing."

Yan Xiangluo said indifferently, "I'm not so poor that I can't even afford to change my clothes."

 Does this sound irritating? Does it mean that they cannot afford to change their clothes?

 They just don’t feel the need to be so wasteful.

Yan Xiangluo changed the topic and asked, "You also just came out of the place of training?"

The woman saw that Yan Xiangluo's words finally became less sarcastic, and her tone became much more relaxed, "Yes, I almost couldn't get out."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the two men who were still standing at the entrance and had not come in, and saw that they were looking around, apparently using their spiritual sense to explore the valley.

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