The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 803: bad luck

Yan Xiangluo understood that the two of them were holding themselves back by letting the woman talk to them, so that they could safely and boldly check what was here.

Yan Xiangluo said to the woman, "If you can practice together, your cultivation levels should be about the same."

The woman nodded, "We are all descendants of the same family. Because our cultivation levels are almost the same, we came together to practice. This way we can take care of each other when we enter the training place, and it will be easier to pass the training place."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "It is indeed a simple and effective method."

Yan Xiangluo didn't know these three people, and knew that they should be from other continents. People have the opportunity to come in every year, and there is no limit to the number of people who can come in, so naturally they can practice together.

People from the Nine Yuan Continent can only come in once every three years, and only one person can come in at a time. Even if they want to go together, there is no companion.

By this time, the two men had discovered the piece of spiritual ginseng and walked there quickly.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes quickly flashed with worry. Is Red Snake their opponent?

The woman who was talking to Yan Xiangluo also saw the movements of the two people, and she also saw the piece of spiritual ginseng in the direction they walked.

She quickly ran over to catch up with the two of them. The three of them were training together, and the good things and treasures they found had to be shared equally. However, people are selfish in nature. If she wasn't watching, the two of them would definitely Leave more selfishness to themselves.

Yan Xiangluo said nothing, and did not remind Lingshen that there was a red snake guarding the spirit beast, and she had no intention of helping the red snake.

However, in order to avoid being affected when Red Snake fought with the three people, Yuan Xiangluo immediately walked towards the exit of the valley.

The three of them saw Yan Xiangluo's movements and ignored her when they saw that she was walking outside. After all, the three of them had a much higher cultivation level than Yan Xiangluo. They really didn't put a person who had just broken through the saint level cultivation level in their eyes. In eyes.

 She never thought that Yan Xiangluo was in the valley. No matter how low her cultivation level, she couldn't find the conspicuous spiritual ginseng. Why didn't she pick it?

The reason why Yan Xiangluo walked out of the valley was to tell the three people that there was nothing in the valley except for the piece of spiritual ginseng. The main purpose was not to let the three people discover the cave on the opposite mountain wall and affect Ji Jiuzhong's work.

Yan Xiangluo walked into the valley passage, climbed up the mountain without the three people seeing it, and quickly entered the Pangu space where the situation in the entire valley could be seen.

 She was not escaping, but she just wanted to wait for Ji Jiuchong to come back and watch the excitement of the battle between Red Snake and the three of them.

Sure enough, at this time the red snake's entire body had emerged from under the spiritual ginseng, looking at the three of them fiercely.

Yan Xiangluo saw clearly when she confronted the red snake before. The red snake was only as thick as her wrist, but now the red snake was as thick as her arms wrapped around it. The difference in size and thickness was huge.

Yan Xiangluo patted her heart, feeling like she was surviving a disaster, she lifted the clouds off her shoulders and rubbed them in her hands.

"Yun Tuan, have you threatened Red Snake before?" Besides that, Yan Xiangluo couldn't find any reason why such a powerful Red Snake would give her two spiritual ginseng trees.

Yun Tuan was rubbed very comfortably by Yan Xiangluo. He squinted his eyes and did not forget to answer her words.

"Master, I did not threaten it. Not only did I not threaten it, it also completely restrained the aura of the divine beast from its body."

Yan Xiangluo was puzzled, "Then it's obviously so strong, why did you give me two spiritual ginseng trees?"

 Wouldn’t it be better to directly use your strength to destroy yourself? Yun Tuan was speechless, "Master, this snake is not an ordinary spiritual beast. It is about to enter the realm of dragon transformation. At this time, it is not willing to waste any spiritual power. And the master is not greedy, as long as one or two It doesn't have much impact on it. Although I have completely restrained the aura of the divine beast, it is a spiritual beast that is about to enter the realm of dragon cultivation. It cannot sense any power from me, so it should know about me. The strength exceeds it, so it doesn’t want to offend us.”

It turns out that it is about to reach the realm of dragon transformation. No wonder this red snake is so intelligent. This was the first time she saw a spiritual snake that was about to transform into a dragon.

The Dragon Transformation Realm is too difficult for the spirit snake. During this period, it has to experience ninety-nine and eighty-one life and death catastrophes, and it also needs to reach the level of cultivation. Only one of them is indispensable to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm.

As long as you enter the realm of dragon transformation, the spiritual snake will have the opportunity to turn into a dragon. Once the dragon transformation is successful, it will be the ultimate snake life.

Yan Xiangluo understood the significance of these spiritual ginseng to the red snake. She felt a little sorry for the red snake. These three people would obviously not let go of the opportunity to obtain spiritual ginseng. Losing these spiritual ginseng and consuming so much spiritual power in battle, the red snake once again wanted to touch the dragon realm. The opportunity may not be easy.

No matter how strong the Red Snake is, the strength of these three people is not weak either. Although they have not yet broken through to the **** level, they are all at the eighth or ninth level of the holy level. In addition, if the three of them join forces, they must have magic weapons to protect themselves. It is really not certain who will win or lose.

“It’s not very lucky.” Yan Xiangluo sighed with emotion.

 Such a rare opportunity to reach a new level was ruined by three people. It was more than bad luck.

Yun Tuan glanced at his master with his dark eyes, but he didn't think so.

By the time Yan Xiangluo was talking to Yun Tuan, the three of them had confirmed it with their eyes. The two men were responsible for attacking the red snake, while the woman was looking for opportunities to pick spiritual ginseng.

“The fight is about to start,” Yan Xiangluo said excitedly.

The two men also knew that the Red Snake was not weak. They used their strongest attack power as soon as they came up, and the long swords in their hands emitted a series of attacking lights.

 The woman moved closer to the mountain, looking for an opportunity to get close to the spiritual ginseng.

 The strength of the two fighting together instantly destroyed the nearby grassland. But those spiritual ginseng were not affected, mainly because both parties avoided damaging the spiritual ginseng.

Looking at the black soil on the ground, Yan Xiangluo felt that it was a pity that such a beautiful grassland had been destroyed in such a large area.

Looking at the woman who sneaked close to the spiritual ginseng, Yan Xiangluo shook her head. They still underestimated the strength of the red snake. How could it not detect the woman's movements.

Sure enough, when the woman was about to get close to the spiritual ginseng, the red snake fighting with the two men quickly swept over with its huge snake tail. Although the woman had been guarding against the red snake, the power of the red snake's tail was stronger than that of the two men. The strength for fighting is even stronger.

Even though the woman had used her best strength to resist the red snake's attack, she was still hit by the power of the snake's tail and flew out with a scream.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the direction in which the woman was flying, her apricot eyes turned cold. This red snake was indeed very treacherous. It wanted to lead the three of them to the cave.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the entrance of the cave, wondering how long it would take Ji Jiuchong to come out.

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