The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 804: is a fool

Yan Xiangluo was extremely calm and did not move at all. With the greed of the three of them, they should only have eyes on that large piece of spiritual ginseng now, and they will definitely not pay attention to other places.

 The woman was thrown to the middle of the grassland by the red snake's attack force.

 After a while, he stood up and quickly stuffed a healing pill into his mouth. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

After the woman got better, she watched the battle between Red Snake and the two men, biting her lip, as if she had made some decision. A protective array appeared above her head, covering her, and then she took off in the air and ran towards the spiritual ginseng. Fly away.

Sure enough, as Yan Xiangluo expected, she didn't even look in the direction of the cave. Red Snake's plan failed.

What the woman was thinking was that since the Red Snake was so powerful in combat, they had already turned against each other and were fighting to the death.

In this case, it would be a waste to keep the magic weapon if it is not used once it dies. It is better to use it to take away the spiritual ginseng and then escape.

As for what happens to the two men, it is not her business. This is not selfish of her. They had discussed it this way before. The two were responsible for fighting and she was responsible for grabbing things. Every time she grabbed something, she would run away and then find a place to wait for the two men to come back before dividing the spoils.

Originally, their target just now was the woman in the red dress. They wanted to find out more information and then robbed her. After all, looking at the way Yuan Xiangluo was dressed, it was clear that she was not a wealthy person. But who told her that her cultivation level was so low that she could still be alone.

Counting the woman was lucky, they found the ginseng before they started, and the woman in a red dress left wisely. When choosing between snatching a woman and this large piece of spiritual ginseng, they naturally chose this piece of spiritual ginseng without hesitation.

Even if they don't get any treasures this time, their harvest with this piece of spiritual ginseng is already great.

At this time, the woman knew why the woman in the red dress did not covet the spiritual ginseng. It turned out that the guardian spirit beast was so strong that the woman in the red dress could not get past her even with a single move.

How did she know that Yan Xiangluo got two spiritual ginseng trees without even doing anything.

Yan Xiangluo curled up the corners of her lips. The red snake's intention was obvious, but it was a pity that none of the three people understood its meaning.

This is okay, it can delay it for a while, after all, she doesn't want the three of them to go into the cave and disturb Ji Jiuchong.

Yan Xiangluo carefully looked at the formation disk used by the woman, which was different from the Fang family's formation disk. She carefully watched how the woman controlled the formation disk.

When the Red Snake's attack fell on the formation disk again, Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly opened wide. The defense capability of this formation disk was actually so strong.

Being attacked by such a powerful attack from the giant snake, it was only shaken violently. Not only was it not knocked away, the woman inside was not affected at all, and she rushed to the spiritual ginseng very quickly.

The woman stretched out her hand to pick the ginseng, her eyes filled with the pride of succeeding. At this moment, the woman screamed as soon as she grasped a spiritual ginseng, and threw the array plate downwards.

  Without even a chance to react, he honestly fell to the ground.

 The formation disk needs spiritual power to support it. If the spiritual power is interrupted in an instant, the formation disk will naturally lose its defensive ability and fall down with the woman.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the spiritual ginseng in shock. Although she knew that the red snake would not leave the spiritual ginseng alone like this, she did not see what the red snake had done to the spiritual ginseng.

Yun Tuan said at this time, "What a fool. Red Snake dares to leave the spiritual ginseng to fight, so it must have a back-up plan. How could it let people take the spiritual ginseng away so easily?"

"Do you know what's going on?" Yan Xiangluo has always been very confident in her consciousness and eyesight, but today she didn't see what the red snake had done to the piece of spiritual ginseng.

She had seen the piece of spiritual ginseng closely before, but didn’t notice anything on it? Yun Tuan said, "Before the spiritual snake enters the realm of dragon transformation, the scales on the snake's skin will evolve in advance. Although the strength is not comparable to that of a real dragon, it is much harder and stronger than the snake's scales and can be turned into a weapon. Then There were scale spines on the piece of ginseng made from the scales of the red snake, and there was also the venom of the red snake itself. She grabbed it with her hands, and when she was stung by the scales, she was also poisoned by the snake venom. "

Yan Xiangluo understood. Only then did she realize that she still knew too little about high-level spiritual beasts.

This incident also made her understand that she should never underestimate her opponent at any time, no matter whether the opponent is a human, a spiritual beast or something else.

Since this woman has been poisoned by snake venom, she is hopeless.

If it is ordinary spirit snake venom, you can also use detoxification pills to relieve it. Kill the spirit snake and take the snake gallbladder to detoxify it.

But the red snake in front of me is about to enter the realm of dragon transformation. Naturally, its snake venom can only be detoxified by its snake gallbladder. The most terrible thing is that its venom acts too fast. Even if it is killed immediately to get the elixir, it will be impossible. Can't save her.

What's more, even if two men can kill the red snake, they can't get the gallbladder of the red snake.

Spirit snakes who have cultivated in the Dragon Transformation Realm have strong spiritual consciousness. Even if they die, they will not leave their bodies for the enemy to destroy.

 That's why Yuan Xiangluo said that the woman was hopeless.

Yan Xiangluo sighed. She didn't expect that this woman would be the first to die.

This is not the place of experience, death means real death. Yan Xiangluo finally saw the cruelty in the place of experience.

The two men fell to the ground after hearing the woman's screams and never got up again. They kept twitching and their exposed skin turned dark black. They were shocked.

They knew very well that they underestimated the enemy. The level of this red was higher than they imagined. Not to mention that the two of them could not kill the red snake. Even if they could kill the red snake, they would not be able to take away the spiritual ginseng.

The rare spiritual ginseng that they thought before has turned into poison, and it is the kind that has no cure.

They didn't even think about saving the woman because they knew very well that the woman was hopeless. Now that the spiritual ginseng had turned into a poisonous ginseng, there was no point in fighting the red snake anymore.

The two of them looked at each other and understood each other's decision. After a feint, they both fled towards the entrance of the valley.

 But the red snake who was interrupted by them and entered the Dragon Transformation Realm hated them, so how could they let them escape?

The huge blood-red body swelled up and rushed to the entrance of the valley in an instant, blocking the exit. It opened its huge mouth and exerted powerful suction force on the two men.

The suction force was so strong that the two men were so frightened that they tried their best to resist the suction force erupted from the red snake's giant mouth.

The battle at this time was right under Yan Xiangluo's nose. Her position was exactly at the height of the big snake's head that blocked the passage. She could even reach the giant snake's head if she took one step out of the space.

Even though she was not outside, she could clearly sense the strength of the spirit snake that was about to enter the Dragon Transformation Realm.

The two men were getting closer and closer to the snake's mouth. Seeing that they could no longer resist, they took out their magic weapons and threw them at the giant snake.

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