The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 805: what conditions

Yan Xiangluo saw that what they threw out was still a formation disk, similar to the one used by the woman, but the formation disk they used was offensive.

From the formation disks, it can be seen that the three of them are indeed from the same family. They all use the same formation disks. It seems that they are also from the same formation disk family.

Having seen the strength of the defensive array used by the woman, Yan Xiangluo felt that it was really possible for the two men to escape from the red snake's mouth.

As expected, the two array disks were thrown at the same time. The giant snake closed its mouth instantly and quickly dodged with its huge head.

However, the snake's tail quickly raised up and collided head-on with the two array disks. Yan Xiangluo's sight was blocked by the huge snake tail, but she could clearly hear the loud noise of the two formation disks colliding with the snake tail. The power caused her space to tremble violently.

After the huge tail of the red snake moved away, Yan Xiangluo saw that the two men had successfully escaped from the snake's mouth and fled into the valley in embarrassment. The direction of escape was exactly the entrance of the cave where Ji Jiuzhong entered.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed, they would soon find the cave entrance in this direction.

Although she didn't want the two men to enter the cave, it was too late to stop them even if she went out immediately.

What's more, the red snake chased after him angrily, and Yan Xiangluo's heart was raised. The thing she was most worried about was still going to happen.

 The huge snake body blocked her sight, so she immediately came out of the space and flew into the air. The sight widened, just in time to see two men discovering the entrance of the cave and getting in.

Just when Yan Xiangluo was worried that the red snake would follow him in and collapse the cave with its anger, the red snake chased him to the cave entrance and left in horror as if he had finally woken up.

The red snake retreated to the middle of the valley and hovered in mid-air, apparently waiting for the two men to come out.

The fragrance fell and my eyes paused for a moment, what on earth is in the cave? How could such a powerful red snake be so frightened that he didn't even dare to get close?

At this time, the red snake turned to look at Yan Xiangluo, who narrowed her eyes and waved to the red snake.

The huge red snake's head paused, and it turned and ran towards her. As it came, its huge body slowly shrank, and when it came to Yuan Xiangluo, it returned to the same thickness as her wrist.

The difference between the body before and after is too big, but fortunately it doesn’t look so scary when you look at it this way.

 “An hour has come.” Yuan Xiangluo said.

   Hearing what she said, Red Snake suddenly shuddered.

This time Yan Xiangluo was sure that the red snake could really sense that Yun Tuan was stronger than it, otherwise it would not be so tolerant of her.

“You have consumed so much spiritual power. Even if the piece of spiritual ginseng is ten thousand years old, you will not be able to break through to the realm of dragon transformation.” Yan Xiangluo continued.

When the red snake heard that Yan Xiangluo actually knew that it was going to break through the dragon transformation realm, the snake head froze and looked at the clouds on her shoulders.

Yun Tuan rolled his eyes secretly. He was really smart and knew how to communicate with his master.

Yun Tuan said, "Master, it asked you if you can help it?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I can help you, but there are conditions."

Red Snake hesitated immediately. For a spiritual beast with its level of cultivation, many human monks wanted to contract with themselves as a battle beast. It desperately wanted to break through the Dragon Transformation Realm, but it just didn't want to become anyone's contracted battle beast. But now it has no other way and doesn't want to give up the opportunity, so it communicates with Yun Tuan and asks what the conditions are for its owner. As long as it is not contracted to be a war beast, it will agree to anything else as long as it can do it.

 “Master, what conditions does it ask you?” The cloud is now a translation.

Yuan Xiangluo said, "I want to know what happened in that cave."

The red snake seemed to be relieved when he heard it. It turned out to be this condition. As long as it was not a contract with it as a war beast, it would not refuse any other conditions as long as it could meet them. What's more, it's such a simple condition that couldn't be simpler.

 The snake nodded, indicating its agreement.

Yun Tuan did not interfere with the transaction between the master and the red snake. Although he knew that there were opportunities for Ji Jiuzhong in it, he really didn't know if there were other dangers. It was indeed a good idea for the master to know the information in the cave from the mouth of the red snake. Method.

 Red Snake cultivated here, and as a native here, he naturally knew more than people like them who came from outside.

Seeing that Red Snake agreed, Yan Xiangluo stretched out her slender and white hands, and a god-level spirit-restoring pill appeared in her palm.

 Red Snake immediately became energetic when she saw the elixir in her palm, and her excitement was palpable. This is an elixir refined by a human alchemist. Although it has never taken it, it knows how effective these elixirs are.

 It has seen those human monks who were seriously injured and recovered quickly after taking the elixir.

Even though it doesn't know the grade of the elixir in front of it, it can sense from the energy contained in the elixir that as long as it eats this elixir, the spiritual power it consumes will be replenished, and it can continue to break through into a dragon. The situation should be more certain than before.

Yu Xiang lowered her hand and raised her hand, and the god-level spirit-restoring pill flew towards the red snake.

The red snake opened its mouth and accurately caught the god-level spirit-restoring pill and swallowed it.

Instantly, the whole body heated up, and the spiritual energy consumed in the battle was quickly replenished. Not only that, the effect of the medicine was not over yet, and the spiritual energy in the body was still filling. The red snake looked at Yan Xiangluo in surprise.

It was very glad that it had sensed the extraordinary aura of the palm-sized spiritual beast on the woman's shoulder. The woman could absorb spiritual energy for two purposes and practice. The spiritual energy absorbed only absorbed the purest part of the spiritual energy, so it did not try to **** it away from the woman. As a spiritual ginseng, he generously gave her two spiritual ginseng trees in exchange for not absorbing spiritual energy within an hour.

Now it seems that its decision was very right. The woman in the red dress is simply its savior. Her body is red, she is also wearing a red dress, and she obviously likes red. Sure enough, the aura matches well.

The red snake didn't waste any time and immediately told Yun Tuan everything it knew about the cave. After all, the time had come for it to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm. Finally, it reminded Yun Xiangluo that it was best not to have this level of cultivation. Go in.

As soon as he said that, the red snake ran towards the piece of spiritual ginseng.

Yan Xiangluo fell to the grassland and listened to Yun Tuan telling him the information that the red snake knew.

Red Snake did not practice in this valley from the beginning, but accidentally entered this valley and discovered this piece of spiritual ginseng when he was injured and escaped after being defeated in a battle with the spiritual beasts for territory a thousand years ago.

When the spirit snake discovered that this piece of spiritual ginseng would be ten thousand years old in another thousand years, it was just suitable for it to take when it broke through the realm of dragon transformation. There were no other spiritual beasts here, so the red snake stayed and stayed in this valley for a thousand years.

The red snake had never been in this valley and had only been to the entrance of the cave once, but it was terrified.

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