The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 806: will be blocked

However, he was almost crushed to death by the strong pressure inside, and finally escaped from the cave entrance. Because he couldn't bear to part with this piece of spiritual ginseng, he still had the courage to stay.

After staying, the red snake discovered that as long as it did not cross the center of the grassland, no pressure would be released in the cave.

So the Red Snake has never dared to cross the boundary of the past, but although few monks have arrived here for thousands of years, it is not impossible. But there is a strange phenomenon. All the monks who come in can find the cave, and no pressure is released when they enter the cave, but none of the monks who enter comes out.

This is why Red Snake wanted to draw the three people's attention to the cave when fighting them. As long as the three of them discovered the cave, they would no longer fight for spiritual ginseng with it. If they entered, they would never return, and it would no longer have to expend spiritual energy to deal with them.

It's a pity that the three of them were confused by the spiritual ginseng. It threw the woman in the direction of the cave and didn't look at it.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the red snake that was already swallowing spiritual ginseng and beginning to break through the dragon transformation realm.

 It can be said that the information she got from Red Snake was not much, but it made her very worried.

In the past thousand years, Red Snake has only seen monks who have gone in, and no one has ever come out. So, what about Ji Jiuzhong?

Although Yun Tuan felt that Ji Jiuzhong, with his almost demonic brain and super talent and strength, would never be trapped in a cave, not to mention that there were opportunities for him inside.

 But at this time, he could not guarantee that Ji Jiuzhong would definitely come out, so he did not dare to say anything to comfort his master.

Yan Xiangluo frowned and looked at the cave, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

Red Snake said that no pressure was released when the monks entered the cave, but as soon as she and Ji Jiuzhong walked into the valley passage, they felt the pressure. The pressure was so strong that she needed to use her mental power to protect herself.

The pressure completely disappeared about half an hour after Ji Jiuzhong entered. Why was their experience different from other monks?

 She didn’t think Red Snake was lying. She thought it was still a problem in the cave. She turned to look at the cave and decided to go in and take a look.

Having made up his mind, he didn’t hesitate, took off in the air and flew towards the cave.

While rising into the sky, he also collected the formation disks left by the woman and the two men. I don't know how this formation disk compares with the Fang family's formation disks. When the time comes, let Jiuzhong study it and give it to Fang Xi'er. One, let her take it back and study it. After all, their Fang family is famous for its array.

The clouds did not stop Yan Xiangluo from going to the cave, and he lay on her shoulder obediently. Then he looked back at the red snake who was breaking through the dragon transformation realm.

This guy was lucky. He met his master. Although the battle damaged a lot of his spiritual power, the master's god-level spiritual restoration pill made him even stronger than before the battle.

Coupled with such a large piece of spiritual ginseng that is ten thousand years old, if it can no longer break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, it may never have the chance to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm in this life. It had seen spiritual snakes that had broken through the dragon-transformation realm before, but the red snake that received help from human monks was the only one it had seen. Otherwise, it would have been lucky.

Just when Yan Xiangluo arrived at the entrance of the cave, Yun Tuan saw that all the spiritual ginseng had been swallowed by the red snakes. Then the red snakes coiled up and suspended in the void, and their whole bodies were shrouded in golden light.

This is the unique light of the spirit snake that breaks through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, but the time it takes to break through varies.

 Some spirit snakes with strong talents and good opportunities can quickly break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, but those who are unlucky may take a long time, and some even need a year or two.

There is no need to worry about its safety during this period. These golden lights are their protection. As long as it does not break through the Dragon Transformation Realm, no one can harm them. This is the protection given to them by the rules of heaven. The fragrance fell at the entrance of the cave. He did not rush in, but let go of his consciousness to explore inside.

The cave was not as spacious as she imagined, but there was only one passage extending downward. Her mental power followed the passage and kept searching downwards. After a while, she did not check to the end. There was still a gap in front of her spiritual consciousness. long passage.

Yan Xiangluo was very puzzled. Although the cave was located in the middle of the mountain, her mental power could see hundreds of meters away in an instant. Even with his mental power, he could see how far underground he was. It's tens of thousands of meters long. How could the passage be that long?

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that there was something strange in this cave, and she finally understood why the monks mentioned by Red Snake only saw what went in but not what came out.

 If she entered such a passage blindly, she would probably be lost in it and never be able to get out.

Unless the monks who enter can break the strangeness of the passage, they will be trapped inside until death.

What about Ji Jiuzhong?

Yan Xiangluo didn’t see Ji Jiuchong in the passage. Where were the others? By the way, there were two men who had just entered, but she didn't see anyone either.

 This means that people who enter will be blocked and no one can see anyone.

●Before, Yan Xiangluo was still hesitating whether to go in or wait outside? Now she decided to wait outside.

Even if she went in, there was no guarantee that she would be able to get out of that passage. Not to mention that after going in, she would be separated by a shield and would not be able to meet Ji Jiuzhong at all, so the point of going in would be meaningless.

At this moment, a flash of doubt flashed in Yun Tuan's eyes. Why couldn't it feel the aura?

Want to understand, Yan Xiangluo calmed down and could not cause trouble to Ji Jiuzhong.

She didn't go down either, and simply sat down at the entrance of the cave, with her legs hanging on the outside of the rock wall, swaying slightly, and looked at the red snake coiled in mid-air that had broken through the Dragon Transformation Realm.

 Being able to see a spiritual snake step into the realm of dragon transformation with your own eyes is not something that everyone can encounter. It can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

It is impossible for a spiritual snake to break through to the realm of dragon transformation without tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

 She was also curious about what it would be like if the red snake really succeeded in transforming into a dragon? Could it be a red dragon?

 Does she really not know that there are red dragons in the world?

“Yun Tuan, if the red snake successfully enters the realm of dragon transformation, how long will it take for it to successfully transform into a dragon?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Yun Tuan said, "Entering the Dragon Transformation Realm is only the first step for the spirit snake to transform into a dragon. Compared with transforming into a dragon, this step is the easiest. Entering the Dragon Transformation Realm does not mean that the dragon transformation will be successful in the end. Even if it can succeed, it needs The time will not be shorter than this step.”

Ruan Xiangluo sighed. It would take at least ten thousand years for the spirit snake to reach the breakthrough level of dragon transformation. Wouldn't it mean that it would take at least ten thousand years for the spirit snake to successfully transform into a dragon? She wouldn't be able to live that long either. It seemed like she wanted to There is no hope for the spiritual snake to transform into a dragon successfully.

 “Oh, I thought I could see the red snake transform into a dragon.” Yan Xiangluo let out a long sigh.

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