The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 808: Consciousness sleeps

Will Lotus Platform appear together with Nascent Soul this time?

Does it mean that every time you practice before you break through to the **** level, you will be like this?

Yan Xiangluo felt that it was obvious that he was practicing on his own, but absorbing the spiritual energy seemed to have nothing to do with him. The body automatically absorbed the spiritual energy, and his consciousness could stay leisurely with Yuanying.

If those monks knew that she practiced like this, they would definitely be jealous.

Yan Xiangluo felt a little bored when she looked at Nascent Soul who was sleeping soundly. She looked around, all blue and blue, as if she was in the blue sky, but she knew very well that this was the golden silkworm cocoon that wrapped Nascent Soul.

She was a little curious that she had absorbed so much spiritual energy, where was the converted spiritual energy? Are you more curious about what your bottomless pit looks like?

 But after looking for a long time, she found nothing. She didn't even feel the aura.

I was getting more and more bored, so luckily I found a place next to Yunduo's cradle where Yuanying was sleeping, and I also fell asleep on it.

 She has never been to the higher continent and rarely has time to sleep. Although she doesn't sleep and doesn't feel tired, she is still willing to have a good sleep if she has time.

 But this is the first time for me to sleep with my spiritual body like this.

Yan Xiangluo hugged Yuanying and slept beautifully together.

 After she fell asleep, the spiritual energy vortex in the Spiritual Medicine Valley accelerated again, and the people guarding outside the valley clearly sensed this change.

Although everyone is curious about what happened inside, no one dares to enter the valley at night. This is not a place for experience. If you encounter any fatal danger, death will be real.

 In the early morning of the next day, when it was just dawn, the people guarding outside the valley could no longer bear it and began to try to enter the valley.

Because there is only one passage to enter, it is not too wide and can accommodate at most two people walking side by side. In order to avoid any danger when entering, they wisely avoid crowding.

 Walking forward in pairs, the four people in front and behind will keep a certain distance between them so that they can fight at any time in case of danger.

Even so, people below the **** level cannot enter. The pressure and speed of the spiritual energy vortex alone cannot be endured by people who have just entered the **** level.

 Therefore, all those who can enter are those who have cultivated above the fifth level of lower gods.

As more and more people entered, those who could not enter did not give up and left. Therefore, more and more people gathered outside.

But there are also some smart and rational people. No matter how reluctant they are, they know that they will gain nothing by staying here and waste their little experience time. Therefore, they left decisively after trying and failing to get in.

 Some go to other places in the Elixir Valley to pick some elixirs, and some find a place to absorb spiritual energy and practice.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo’s consciousness was still sleeping soundly.

Yun Tuan has been standing on her shoulder, looking at the entrance to the valley passage. Seeing people coming in, Yun Tuan looked at his owner worriedly.

Sighing secretly, it has only been two days since I came here, and the master has practiced twice. Why is it so thrilling every time he practices.

Because the entire valley was shrouded in a vortex of spiritual energy, people who came in could not see clearly what was going on in the valley, but they all saw the red snake that had broken through the dragon realm and was squeezed onto the mountain by the vortex of spiritual energy and shrouded in golden light.

 The main reason is that the golden light is too conspicuous.

 No one present had ever seen the spirit snake transform into a dragon. At this time, they did not know whether the red snake had broken through the dragon transformation realm or was still transforming into a dragon. Everyone thinks that the red ginseng that can cause such a strong spiritual vortex is transforming into a dragon. The most important thing is that the preconception is that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Since there is such a spiritual snake here, there must be no other spiritual beasts.

 So everyone who came in rushed to where the red snake was.

Everyone thought that if they could contract this red snake, they would have a dragon war beast. Not to mention how much the combat power would be improved, the reputation alone could not be matched by others.

 In the first place of training, I am afraid that I am invincible, and I no longer have to worry about my own safety.

 In an instant, countless people’s greedy eyes fell on the red snake.

The red snake who broke through to the Dragon Transformation Realm was speechless. Very few people have come into this valley for thousands of years. Why do people keep coming in at the critical moment?

First there was the woman in the red dress and the man. Both of them were fine. The man went straight into the cave without looking at it. The woman was also very talkative and had no intention of robbing it of its spiritual ginseng.

Later, three greedy people coveted its spiritual ginseng, and three of them were killed by it. The two of them fled into the cave. Now so many people are coming, it can't lure them away. You don't have to look at them to know what they are. A greedy face.

 Fortunately, it was protected by the golden light of Heavenly Law before it broke through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, so he was not worried about what they would do at all.

On the contrary, it is more determined to succeed in breaking through. If it successfully breaks through and enters the Dragon Transformation Realm, its strength will be half that of a dragon. It will have a chance to escape from the attacks of these people and avoid the fate of being contracted by human monks.

If the breakthrough fails, it will be difficult to save its life under the attack of so many powerful men above the **** level. After practicing for ten thousand years, it has finally reached the Dragon Transformation Realm, but it doesn't want to die like this.

People continue to enter the valley, and there are more and more people. Standing at a high place, the clouds are clear, and you can see that half of the valley is full of people.

It's just that their attention is all on the Red Snake, and there is no one on their side.

Yun Tuan was glad that the red snake was there to protect its owner from disaster.

However, everyone who came in had to constantly use their spiritual power to resist the oppression caused by the spiritual vortex. As more and more people came in, their resistance became stronger and stronger. The sleeping Xiangluo was finally awakened.

 When she woke up, her consciousness left the cocoon where Nascent Soul was, quit practicing, opened her eyes and saw a familiar scene again.

  She was a little confused, "Yun Tuan, what's going on?"

Yun Tuan reluctantly told what happened.

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that she would enter the realm again as soon as she practiced, and at the same time, she would cause a stronger sensation than before.

Even though she quit practicing, Dan did not stop absorbing spiritual energy. However, because she was no longer in the realm, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy became normal, and the spiritual energy vortex also stopped.

Ji Jiuzhong, who was under the cave, sensed it first. One night passed, and his cultivation level had been completely restored.

As soon as the pressure of the spiritual energy vortex was removed, Ji Jiuzhong immediately stood up and walked towards the entrance of the third cave as quickly as possible.

 It's not that he doesn't want to run, but it's just that you can't run here at all, you can only walk. Even so, it's not allowed to get out.

As the spiritual energy vortex stopped, the sense of oppression also disappeared, the spiritual energy gradually disappeared and returned to the normal intensity of the elixir valley, and the appearance of the entire valley was also revealed.

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