The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 809: Mythical Beast Xuanwu

In order to avoid being discovered in the cave, Yan Xiangluo teleported behind those people before the appearance of the valley was completely exposed. She was very close to the valley passage. If anyone saw her, they would think she had just entered.

 After all, her cultivation level is too low, and she cannot get in until the spiritual energy vortex dissipates.

I just heard Yun Tuan say that if the red snake hadn't broken through and transformed into a dragon to attract the attention of these people for her, she would have been exposed this time.

As soon as Ji Jiuchong Mountain came out of the cave, he saw the scene outside.

Feng’s eyes narrowed, what’s going on? Why is there a snake in the valley that wants to break through to the dragon realm?

Seeing the fiery red figure behind the crowd, Ji Jiuzhong had to sigh with emotion at Yu Xiangluo's good luck.

He was certain that the previous aura oppression was caused by Yan Xiangluo's practice, and the red snake that was about to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm caught everyone's attention and blocked Luo Luo's front, so Luo Luo was not discovered.

 At the same time, he also understood that Luoluo's practice should have been interrupted by these people.

 He teleported directly from the cave entrance to Yan Xiangluo's side.

Yan Xiangluo sensed his breath, turned to look at him in surprise and whispered, "You are so awesome!"

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. This compliment came out of nowhere. Didn't he just go into the cave? It took him so long to come out. Why was he described as awesome by Luoluo?

 What happened during this time?

“What’s going on?” Ji Jiuzhong asked in a low voice.

Yan Xiangluo took his hand and walked towards the entrance of the valley passage, "Let's talk after we get out."

When they arrived at the entrance of the valley passage, the two of them realized that walking out was not possible.

Now that the aura vortex is gone, people who come in don’t have to worry about safety issues. People coming in from outside the passage can be described as crowded. The passage is too narrow to allow people inside to leave.

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. How could these people be so obedient and even walk in? She pulled Ji Jiuzhong into the air and flew directly over the heads of the people who came in.

The two people acted so uniquely and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Now they have to go in, how can these two people get out?

There are many people among them who have seen Yan Xiangluo in the last spiritual vortex. The main reason is that her appearance is so outstanding and she is also wearing a conspicuous red dress. It is impossible not to remember her.

At the same time, they were reminded by their flying in the air, and many people also flew into the valley.

 For a time, the entrance to the valley was full of people, and it was even more crowded than before.

There are more people outside the valley than in. There is no place to stay at a glance.

The two of them found an open space and landed. Yan Xiangluo said speechlessly, "Is it possible that all the people who came in for training are here?"

 When people nearby saw them coming out, they gathered around and asked what happened inside?

Yan Xiangluo said, "A red spiritual snake, shrouded in golden light. I don't know if it is turning into a dragon."

Since the red snake took the blame for her in the spiritual vortex this time, she did not hesitate to take the blame.

Everyone was surprised after hearing her words. Is the spirit snake that wants to transform into a dragon so strong? It can actually cause such a powerful spiritual energy vortex. The most important thing is a set of red spiritual snakes, which none of them have seen before.

 “Why did the spiritual energy vortex disappear?” This is what everyone is most curious about.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "We don't know either. There are too many strong people inside, and there is only one snake in the Dragon Transformation Realm. We didn't want to waste time in it so we came out and were ready to continue training."

After saying that, he no longer dealt with these people, and pulled Ji Jiuzhong up into the air and ran away from everyone.

Looking at the two people who left without hesitation, some people also hesitated. As they said, there is only one snake in the Dragon Transformation Realm, and everyone wants it. The people here are not low in cultivation, so it is not realistic to contract a snake in the Dragon Transformation Realm.

Some people who wanted to understand also left immediately, and for a while there were many fewer people outside the valley.

The two of them flew in the air for a while. There was no one else around, so they found a place to land. Only then did Yan Xiangluo tell Ji Jiuzhong what happened after he entered.

Ji Jiuzhong then realized that the reason why Luoluo praised him for his greatness was because the spirit snake that had broken through to the Dragon Transformation Realm said that no one who had entered the cave had come out for thousands of years.

He said happily, "Fortunately, Luoluo resisted and didn't go in."

 He is not worried about whether she can get in or out. After all, her mental strength is no weaker than his, or even stronger. He was worried about the delay between the two of them, one looking for me and the other looking for you.

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "What's going on there? No matter how much I investigate, I can't get to the bottom of it."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "There is a very high-level illusion inside. It is difficult for people with a high level of spiritual cultivation to get out, unless they are extremely mentally strong."

 And he is the one with strong mental strength.

As soon as he said this, Yan Xiangluo understood how powerful the illusion inside was. No wonder the monks for thousands of years could only get in and out.

“Have you found that familiar scent?” This is what Yan Xiangluo is most concerned about.

Ji Jiuzhong went in because of the familiar smell. I wonder if he found it or gained anything?

Ji Jiuzhong did not answer her directly. He spread his slender palms and a small turtle appeared in his palms.

Yan Xiangluo asked happily, "Is that familiar aura released by this little turtle?"

Ji Jiudian nodded, "It was released by it. It is Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts."

“Huh?” Yan Xiangluo looked at the little turtle in surprise. It turned out to be Xuanwu, one of the four mythical beasts.

 Why didn’t she see it?

Isn’t Xuanwu composed of turtles and snakes? Isn't this a little turtle in front of me? What about a snake? The original meaning of Xuanwu of the four great beasts is Xuanming. Wu and Ming are connected, Xuan means black, and Ming means yin.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes fell on Xuanwu and said with disgust, "It will have to wait until the four major divine beasts gather together before it can return to the form of a divine beast."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless and disgusted. The little white tiger before and now the little turtle completely overturned her fantasy of the four mythical beasts.

This little turtle is not as good as the little white tiger. The little white tiger is still the same as it is, just a little cuter.

Yan Xiangluo also saw Ji Jiuzhong's disgust and comforted him, "At least we found two. If we find two more, they will return to their divine beast form."

Ji Jiuzhong called the white tiger out of the spiritual pet space and handed it to Yan Xiangluo together with the little turtle, "Luoluo, put them all in your space."

With a thought, Yan Xiangluo sent the little white tiger and the little turtle into her Pangu space.

“How is the spiritual energy absorbed?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said helplessly, "Even with such a big commotion, I didn't feel any progress. It seemed like it was really a bottomless pit. But this time I saw my Nascent Soul again. Before you broke through to the **** level, Can you also see your own Nascent Soul?”

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