The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 811: Give me some practice

Chasing Luoluo will definitely lead to death.

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that Ji Jiuzhong would take action so happily, but she would not blame Ji Jiuzhong, after all, he was seeking death.

"Why are you so anxious? Leave it to me to practice my skills." Yan Xiangluo's voice was soft and pleasant, but it sounded like a magic sound to the ears of the other five people.

Is this woman really only a saint-level practitioner?

 “Dirty.” Ji Jiuzhong spit out one word.

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood what he meant. Because of the man's thoughts towards her, he despised the man's dirty looks and didn't want to have any contact with him, not even in a fight.

The five people on the opposite side were awakened by the arrogance of the two. Although they were frightened by Ji Jiuzhong's strength, they thought that if the five of them joined forces, they would not be his opponent alone.

People with a holy level of cultivation in Yanxiangluo were completely ignored by them. In their eyes, those with a holy level of cultivation were not worthy of being allowed to take action.

"Those who dare to kill us will take their lives." The five people showed their weapons at the same time and surrounded the two of them, mainly targeting Ji Jiuzhong. They wanted to fight quickly. Revenge for their companions is just a pretense, what they want is their gift rings.

Four of the five people were going to Ji Jiuchong, and one of them was going to Ruan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Don't worry about me, I can handle it."

Although the opponent's cultivation level is higher than hers, he has not broken through to the **** level, which is suitable for Yan Xiangluo's battle experience at this time.

With a slender hand raised, the Changling Spear appeared in Yan Xiangluo's hand. She rushed forward without fear and fought with the opponent.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was also facing off against four.

 In an instant, the sound of the impact of weapons' spiritual power rang out in the quiet night sky. Perhaps because of the night, the sound seemed to be amplified, and it was particularly clear.

Yun Tuan lay firmly on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder, staring at him with his dark eyes.

The other party also saw a palm-sized spiritual beast on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder.

 Looks like a spiritual pet, but if the spiritual pet cannot stay outside when fighting, it will be put into the spiritual pet space.

This one could only lie firmly on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder during such a fierce battle between the two of them. Even if he didn't feel the breath of the war beast, he knew that this palm-sized white dumpling was definitely not an ordinary spiritual pet. , but a war beast, but this was the first time he saw such a small war beast.

What surprised him the most was that even though his cultivation level was much higher than that of the stunning woman in the red dress in front of him, she could actually tie with him.

Obviously the opponent can fight beyond the level. It's not like he has never encountered someone who can fight beyond the level. They are only two or three levels at most. However, there is a difference of eight or nine levels between him and her. What kind of evil genius is she? Can jump through almost a large level of battle.

 At this point the man knew that they had underestimated these two people.

Women can fight beyond a large level, while men can fight one against four. It is obvious that the ability to fight beyond a level is even more terrifying than that of women. You must know that among the four people, two of them are higher in cultivation than him. The man felt as if he had been kicked on an iron plate.

Seeing that he couldn't win against the woman, and then seeing the man fighting one against four, although he didn't win, he didn't lose either.

 A bad premonition came over him.

 Shouted decisively, "Let's retreat quickly."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes froze when he heard the man's shout, and he said coldly, "It's too late to leave now." The five of them were shocked. Although they couldn't defeat Ji Jiuzhong, Ji Jiuzhong also won. Without them, it's not impossible to leave. Why is it too late?

Yan Xiangluo became more and more courageous as she fought. Even though she fought at a higher level, it could only be a draw. Both of them were a little embarrassed. However, the long caltrop spear in her hand was cold and the sharp breath would be destroyed wherever it touched.

 In the blink of an eye, most of the plants around them had been destroyed.

 “Withdraw.” The man with the highest level of cultivation who was fighting against Ji Jiuzhong shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Jiuzhong's long sword came to him. He hurriedly used his spiritual power to form a protective wall in front of him, hoping to resist Ji Jiuzhong's murderous sword.

But Ji Jiuzhong's long sword was as powerful as breaking a bamboo, splitting his protective wall, and the long sword sank into his heart. He quickly drew out the long sword and ran towards another strong man.

 The man who was stabbed by him first fell from the air with disbelief in his eyes.

He never thought that he would die in the hands of a person with a lower cultivation level than him. Until he took his last breath, he also didn't understand why Ji Jiuzhong's sword was so powerful.

 He knew very well that he used all his spiritual power to form this protective wall.

He thought that as long as he could avoid the sword, he would take out his escape weapon and leave immediately, but he never expected that Ji Jiuzhong would not give him a chance to escape.

At the same time as the man landed, Ji Jiuzhong used the same technique to kill another person with a higher cultivation level than him.

The remaining two people looked at him with frightened eyes, as if they were looking at a devil.

How is it possible? How can his fighting power be so strong?

Ji Jiuzhong did not kill them directly as they imagined. Instead, he stopped and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Leave these two to Luo Luo to practice."

Ji Jiuzhong could see that the person Yan Xiangluo was fighting was on par with her. As long as she could kill her opponent, even if her cultivation level remained unchanged, her combat effectiveness would increase. The cultivation level of these two people is higher than that person, which is suitable for her to continue fighting.

The two of them had indescribable feelings after hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words. They didn't know whether they should be grateful for their escape from death or sad for their subsequent fate.

His eyes were rolling, wondering if they would have a chance to escape since Ji Jiuzhong didn't do anything to them.

Yu Xiangluo responded, "Okay."

Since Ji Jiuzhong said this, he could guarantee that these two people could not escape. The Changling Spear in Yan Xiangluo's hand became sharper and sharper. The other party finally realized that Ji Jiuzhong did not take them seriously at all. At this time, They are like animals trapped in a cage, left to play.

Since you are facing a dead end, you must always struggle, just in case you are lucky enough to escape.

The man's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to find a way out.

Ji Jiuzhong stood in the air indifferently, watching Yan Xiangluo fight with the man, suppressing the other two people with coercion, not letting them move, and ready to rescue Yan Xiangluo at any time.

The man fighting with Yan Xiangluo flashed a fierce look in his eyes. It seemed that he was trying his best to kill himself with Yan Xiangluo. He secretly took out a teleportation pattern and quietly released a ray of spiritual power. The teleportation mysterious pattern was activated.

After successfully activating the teleportation pattern, surprise burst out in the man's eyes. The other party was indeed arrogant, giving him a chance to escape.

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