The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 812: Encountering a herd of spirit beasts

Haunted with pride, he laughed heartily, "You are nothing more than that."

As soon as he finished speaking, the teleportation mysterious pattern was activated, and the man's figure suddenly disappeared from in front of Yan Xiangluo, causing her attack to fail.

Just as Yan Xiangluo was feeling annoyed, she noticed that the man's figure appeared again and fell from mid-air.

 The man shouted in horror, "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

How could two in a row show his disbelief? He had successfully activated the teleportation pattern, so how could it be interrupted?

 For the first time, he knew that the teleportation of the mysterious pattern could be interrupted.

Just now he felt as if he had hit something, which knocked him down hard. Immediately afterwards, the teleportation pattern lost its effect. When the teleportation failed, he fell from the air.

Yan Xiangluo was also surprised. She was a little curious about how Ji Jiuzhong did it?

It's not like a barrier. After all, the two of them were fighting. Although Ji Jiuzhong killed the two strongest men and stopped the fighting, she didn't see any movement from him.

 Besides, can the barrier be set up so quietly?

No matter what Ji Jiuzhong did, the man was stopped anyway. Yan Xiangluo immediately rushed over with the Changling Spear, and directly caught the man's falling body with the Changling Spear. It sounds long, but it only happened in an instant. between.

Men wear it on Changling Qiang, just like wearing candied haws.

Yan Xiangluo shook her hand, and the spiritual power was transferred from her hand to the long caltrop spear, shaking the man's body out. At the same time, she also used spiritual power to clean the blood on the long caltrop spear.

The man's body hit the ground, twitched and died, but his eyes did not close. He really couldn't rest in peace.

Now four of the six people are dead, Yan Xiangluo said to the remaining two, "Which one of you will come first?"

The two of them trembled and glanced at the four corpses on the ground. What Yan Xiangluo said was equivalent to asking them, which of you will die first?

 Look at both of us, neither of us wants to be the first to die. No, no one wants to die.

However, they did not escape even when their companions used teleportation patterns, which made them understand that this place must have been something done by this terrifyingly powerful man.

 They were pretty sure it wasn't a barrier. Although they didn't know what it was, one thing they knew very well was that it was impossible to escape.

The two looked at each other, plopped down, and knelt down neatly, "Two adults, please spare us. All our things will be given to you. Please spare our lives!"

 While speaking, he quickly took off his storage ring, and took the initiative to erase the divine consciousness on it, making the storage ring ownerless, and then placed it on the ground in front of them.

Ruan Xiangluo was speechless. For a person of this cultivation level, he is so humble just to survive without even losing his dignity. What is the point of living like this? This is a knot that they will not be able to overcome in their future cultivation. It is not easy to improve further. It's possible.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what she would choose if she reached this point, but no matter how much she cherished her life, she would definitely not choose to live without dignity.

 In an instant, she lost interest in fighting and practicing with them, and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "You decide."

Then she fell to the ground and glanced at the two kneeling people with disgust.

The two of them didn't care whether they were disliked or not. Nothing was more important than living at this time. They had been working together to rob each other since they came in, and they were successful every time. They never thought that the robbery would fail, or even risk their lives.

Although the six of them are from the same continent, they did not know each other before coming in. They just met on the way to experience and had similar odors, so they joined forces to **** the treasure.

 Do you still expect such a person to die for dignity? Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo, who was arranging her dress and hair that was messed up due to the battle, and knew that this girl disliked these two people for being too spineless.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the two of them and said, "Go away."

These two people are not from their Jiuyuan Continent. He is not willing to kill such groveling and spineless people.

When the two of them heard the two words Ji Jiuzhong spat out coldly, they felt as if they were hearing the sound of nature. They kowtowed excitedly, "Thank you, sir, for sparing your life. Thank you, sir, for sparing your life."

After kowtowing several times in succession, the two quickly stood up and fled for their lives in the air.

As expected, there was no invisible obstacle blocking them anymore, and in the blink of an eye the two of them escaped out of sight.

Even so, neither of them dared to stay, even after leaving the Spiritual Medicine Valley. The two of them had only one idea, to escape as far away as possible. In the remaining time for training, they would never encounter those two people again.

 They never expected that the two men, whose strength was so different from theirs, could be so scary in combat. Let the six of them lose four, including the two with the highest cultivation level.

Yan Xiangluo did not change her clothes, but simply tidied them up. Anyway, she still had to practice next. The most important thing was that although her clothes were a little messy, they were not dirty.

His hair was combed again.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the four corpses on the ground, took her hand and left, "This place is dirty, let's move to another place."

Yan Xiangluo didn't object. Although she didn't have as severe a germaphobia as Ji Jiuzhong, she didn't like such **** places either.

The two of them walked for a long time in the night. The elixir valley was very quiet at night. Because of the special quietness, the two of them would immediately sense any smell.

The two stopped and looked ahead. Yan Xiangluo said, "There seem to be many spiritual beasts coming this way."

 Her consciousness was powerful, and although the aura in front of them was still far away from them, she still sensed it.

Ji Jiuzhong naturally sensed the group of spirit beasts in front of him, "Let's find a place to check the situation first."

 They came into the Spiritual Medicine Valley during the day. At first they just collected the spiritual medicine and didn’t encounter any spiritual beasts. Apart from the red snake that was about to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm that I saw in that valley, I really didn't encounter any other spiritual beasts.

Now at night, I actually encounter a group of spiritual beasts. Either there are none, or there is a group. No matter how you think about it, it feels weird.

Ji Jiuzhong looked around with his spiritual consciousness, pulled Yan Xiangluo and jumped up to the nearest Aizi Mountain, which was more than ten meters above the ground, hiding his body and looking down.

Yuan Xiangluo was held in his arms, and the two of them tried their best to control their aura.

 After about a quarter of an hour, a spiritual beast finally appeared in the direction they had been looking at.

As soon as the spirit beast appeared, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong immediately looked at each other.

As expected, it was a group of spiritual beasts as they expected. Many spiritual beasts came out of the woods between the cone-like peaks. They came in different directions, but they had the same purpose.

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