The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 813: There are also forbidden areas

There are many kinds of spirit beasts, and their auras are all very strong. At least they are powerful spirit beasts that they have never seen before.

 The strangest thing is that there are so many spiritual beasts of all kinds. They used to be natural enemies of each other, but now they are traveling together in harmony.

 Yes, the appearance of such a large group of spiritual beasts gave the two of them the feeling that they were on their way. It seems that there is a common destination, and the attraction of this destination has surpassed the existence of their natural enemies, so they can live together peacefully without attacking each other.

Moreover, the number of spirit beasts in the group far exceeded what they had sensed before. The spirit beasts that passed in front could no longer be seen, and there was a steady stream of spirit beasts following behind.

  There should be more and more spiritual beasts joining in, so the group of spiritual beasts is getting bigger and bigger.

Although Yan Xiangluo was very confused and wanted to discuss with Ji Jiuzhong what was going on, she was worried that even using sound transmission would alarm the spirit beasts below.

 Therefore, she endured it.

 It took half an hour for the spirit beasts to finally pass by.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo ask, "Where are they going? How can so many spiritual beasts get along so harmoniously?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "There are so many spirit beasts and they are so powerful. To make such an abnormal move, something big must have happened. And there are only two situations that can make so many powerful spirit beasts do this. "

A gleam of light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes, "Either there are spiritual beasts that are more powerful than them controlling them, or there is some treasure that will be released that will greatly help the spiritual beasts improve their cultivation."

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Yes."

 That's exactly what he thought.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Yun Tuan after saying that, "Yun Tuan, do you know what the situation is?"

Yun Tuan obviously knew the situation here very well, but there were some things he couldn't explain. He just asked casually, and Yun Tuan would naturally answer it if he could.

Yun Tuan said, "I didn't sense the aura of a stronger spiritual beast, but the direction they went to should be the forbidden area of ​​the Spiritual Medicine Valley."

 “Is there a forbidden area in the Spiritual Medicine Valley?” Yan Xiangluo asked in surprise.

Yun Tuan nodded, if it hadn't happened, it wouldn't have been able to say it.

"The forbidden area of ​​the Spiritual Medicine Valley has existed since the formation of the First Training Land. There are only a few places in the entire First Training Land that have existed since the formation of the First Training Land, and the Spiritual Medicine Valley is one of them. These few places Every place without exception has a forbidden area. Since the existence of the first training place, I have never heard of anyone being able to enter the forbidden area. However, the local spiritual beasts in the training place can enter, and there will be many in the forbidden area every time. Something big happened.”

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. The meaning of communication in their eyes was obvious. Do you want to go and take a look?

Yun Tuan made it very clear that from the formation of the first training place to the present, no monk who came from outside to practice has ever been able to enter the forbidden area. But since they have already encountered it, it seems a pity not to experience it. After all, it takes three years to get in once, and the opportunity to encounter movement in the forbidden area is rare.

"Want to go?" Ji Jiuzhong asked softly, looking at Yan Xiangluo's burning eyes.

Yan Xiangluo nodded immediately, "Let's just follow the spirit beast and have a look. It's enough to get a feel for it. We don't want to go in and take risks."

Her idea is very simple. With so many powerful and diverse spiritual beasts entering the forbidden area, not to mention that the monks can't enter. Even if they can enter, wouldn't the two of them die if they go in?

 Therefore, she really just wanted to see how magical the forbidden area of ​​the Spiritual Medicine Valley really was.

Seeing that she really wanted to take a look, Ji Jiuzhong didn't hesitate at all, "Then follow me and have a look." In the first training place, it is very dangerous at night, and a large part of the danger comes from the strength of the first training place. Powerful spiritual beasts. Now these powerful spiritual beasts are rushing to the same place. I believe that the Spiritual Medicine Valley will be safe tonight.

As for Luoluo's cultivation, she doesn't enter the realm anyway, and it doesn't delay her ability to absorb spiritual energy. It's just not as crazy as what she absorbs when entering the realm.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo followed the spirit beasts at a distance, not daring to follow too close, and could only sense their direction with their spiritual senses.

Along the way, spiritual beasts kept coming from all directions to join the team, and the group of spiritual beasts became larger and larger.

What they don't know is that the spirit beasts outside the Spiritual Medicine Valley are also rushing to the Spiritual Medicine Valley, but they don't walk, but come as fast as possible relying on their strength.

But one thing is the same, that is, once entering the Spiritual Medicine Valley, all spirit beasts will walk. It seems like this is a rule that goes without saying.

Yan Xiangluo looked in the direction and said speechlessly, "Isn't that the valley we left?"

Ji Jiuzhong naturally saw it too, but the spirit beast group did not pass outside the valley, but continued to walk to the right in the direction of three miles away from the valley.

Even though there was a distance of three miles, those who were guarding outside the valley still sensed the aura of the spirit beasts.

At this time, there is no room in the valley, and people are crowded together. Even so, there are still many people outside who cannot get in.

The first people to sense the herd of spirit beasts were the people who couldn't get in and stayed outside the valley. Many of them had come in and practiced many times. There were many people who knew a lot about the training place.

 Therefore, someone immediately shouted, "There is something going on in the forbidden area of ​​the Spiritual Medicine Valley."

The abnormal reaction of the spirit beast group can only occur in this situation, so countless strong men jumped into the air and chased in the direction of the spirit beast group.

  Abandoned the valley without hesitation.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw a large group of people suddenly appearing behind the spirit beasts, and asked Ji Jiuzhong, "Aren't they afraid of those spirit beasts?"

Ji Jiuzhong had not yet answered Yun Tuan's words, "Spiritual beasts at this time will not attack people."

"Isn't the forbidden area inaccessible to monks? Why are so many of them here?" Yan Xiangluo felt that she was just curious and wanted to see it. Could it be that all these people wanted to see it?

 Isn’t this a waste of cultivation time?

"When the movement in the forbidden area ends, there will be spiritual energy feedback. The spiritual energy absorbed during the cultivation of these spiritual energy is different, but a mortal can change his own physique and talent by absorbing a little bit. The strength of the body itself will increase, and the talent will also be enhanced. The absorbed energy The more, the greater the change," Yun Tuan explained.

The biggest weakness of monks is their weak body. Once they lose their spiritual power, they are not as good as ordinary people. This is also the reason.

But if you want to have a strong physique, you can only cultivate vitality. But how can a monk cultivate spiritual energy and then cultivate vitality? He doesn't have enough energy.

After all, she is the only one like Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at Yun Tuan and said, "You can say it again."

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