The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 814: Forbidden power

Yun Tuan immediately rubbed Yan Xiangluo's cheek with his furry head, "Master, even if I am a divine beast, I am restricted by the rules of heaven. A lot of information here can only be told to the master when it happens."

Yan Xiangluo had no intention of complaining about Yun Tuan. After all, none of them could go against the law of heaven, and the divine beasts were no exception.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was a little curious about what the Way of Heaven was. Or does it have an entity?

"In this case, we have to go there." Although she felt that her and Ji Jiuzhong's talents were already excellent, who would despise that her own talents were better.

Besides, isn't it said that the physical strength can also be improved? She has cultivated vitality, so there is no need to worry about physical strength, but Ji Jiuzhong has not cultivated vitality.

Since they knew that the spirit beasts at this time would not attack people no matter how powerful they were, the two of them stopped hiding and directly rose into the air to follow the crowd in front.

At this time, all the monks who came over ignored each other. After all, such opportunities were too rare. If they could meet, it could be described as smoke rising from their ancestral graves. No one who is not stupid would do it at this time. Make trouble for each other.

 Now we have to let go of all the big grudges. Nothing is more important than improving physical strength and talent.

 Everyone understands that the most important thing is to first absorb the aura fed back from the forbidden area to improve their talents and physical strength.

As long as they can absorb the aura feedback from the forbidden area after this month of training, it will be a worthwhile trip even if they leave immediately.

 After flying in the air for a while and catching up with the spirit beast, they all landed on the ground and followed slowly.

The reason is very simple. The spirit beasts in front of them don't walk very fast. What makes them puzzled is that those flying spirit beasts can also walk.

  And it seems like there is some pattern in walking.

Judging from the reactions of these powerful spiritual beasts, Yu Xiangluo felt that they were rushing to their destination with a kind of piety. This kind of piety meant that they could obviously go faster, but they used the slowest step by step. Way to go.

As soon as this feeling emerged, Yan Xiangluo felt something flashing through her mind. She thought about it carefully, but couldn't catch anything.

She shook her head and understood that it might be related to the memory of her previous life, but because she had not recovered her memory, it just felt familiar.

 She will not dwell on problems that cannot be solved.

Then, a strange scene appeared in the Spiritual Medicine Valley. A large group of powerful spiritual beasts were walking slowly in front, followed by a group of human monks who were not weak in strength. The huge special team walked slowly towards the same destination.

Along the way, other spiritual beasts continued to join the group of spiritual beasts, and the team of human monks also continued to expand.

However, no matter how the team expanded, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were always at the back of the team.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know how big the Spiritual Medicine Valley was. Before, she and Ji Jiuzhong traveled in the air for so long without flying out of the Spiritual Medicine Valley. Now the spirit beasts have traveled for so long and still haven't reached the Spiritual Medicine Valley. The forbidden area shows how big the elixir valley actually is.

Yan Xiangluo absorbed spiritual energy as she walked. Sometimes she would pick the elixir when she sensed its scent, and then chase the team.

 The procession continued until the sky became slightly brighter, and the team finally stopped.

Because Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were at the back of the team, they couldn't see where they were in front.

 Looking around, there are still cone-like peaks and woods, and nothing has changed.

I originally wanted to fly up in the air and look ahead, but I saw that no one was moving. They stood quietly, and no one even spoke. Yan Xiangluo did not jump into the air impulsively. Instead, she pulled Ji Jiuzhong and climbed up a tree next to her. She didn't see the scene in front of her until she climbed to the top of the tree.

 All the spiritual beasts were prostrate on the ground, as if they were worshiping something devoutly.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the spiritual beast in front of it. It was the tallest and largest mountain that he had ever seen in the Spiritual Medicine Valley. If other peaks are like cones, this peak is more like a pillar.

The top of the mountain is not getting thinner, but is about the same thickness as the bottom of the mountain, towering into the sky.

“Is that mountain peak a forbidden area?” Yan Xiangluo asked in a low voice.

Ji Jiuchong's eyes narrowed slightly, "The entrance to the forbidden area should be on that mountain peak."

Since it is a forbidden area, people will not be able to enter easily, so there is only one possibility, which is to have controllable entrances and exits.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked at the mountain peak carefully. At this time, she did not dare to use her spiritual consciousness to investigate, fearing that her spiritual consciousness would affect the opening of the forbidden area.

 So many people and beasts are waiting so devoutly, she is not stupid and will not touch their bottom line.

After a while, Ji Jiuzhong said, "The door to the forbidden area is about to open."

Yan Xiangluo kept staring at the mountain peak. As Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, she also felt the changes in the mountain peak. About ten meters high on the mountain peak, a circle of light spread out faintly. As the circle of light became brighter and brighter, an arched light door appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The light was so dazzling that you could only see the shape of the door, not what was inside.

Immediately, the crawling spirit beasts jumped up into the arched door one by one in their own way. When the spirit beasts jumped into the circle of light, their figures would disappear immediately.

All the spirit beasts enter one by one in order without fighting. When all the spirit beasts present enter, the light circle dims, but there is still the shape of an arched door. In this case, even if there are more spirit beasts, Even if you come here, you probably won’t be able to get in.

 After all the spirit beasts entered the forbidden area, the crowd began to walk forward, reaching the spot where the spirit beasts were prostrate on the ground, and then sat down cross-legged one by one to wait.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong, "Why is there no movement inside?"

Ji Jiuzhong pulled Yan Xiangluo down from the tree and walked towards the people sitting cross-legged. "We should be able to sense something when we go over there."

Sure enough, when the two of them walked to the crowd sitting cross-legged, there was a clear tremor under their feet, and they could clearly feel that the vibration was coming from the ground.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yanxiang Luo and sat down behind the crowd. After sitting down, the feeling became clearer, as if the Dantian was connected to the ground.

 No wonder these people are sitting cross-legged, obviously they have known for a long time that they should be like this.

After Yan Xiangluo sat down, she also felt that her Dantian was connected to the ground. At the same time, she felt that the vibration was more obvious, but at the same time she felt that there was a force in the ground trying to enter her body.

Yan Xiangluo instinctively rejected the power and immediately used her spiritual power to resist, not wanting that power to enter her body.

During the contest, she clearly felt that the power underground was getting stronger and stronger. She decisively wanted to stand up and leave, but found that there was a force preventing her from standing up.

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