The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 815: another world

Although there was power to prevent her from standing up, she swung her spiritual power down her **** without thinking, cutting off the connection with the ground, thus cutting off the power that prevented her from standing up, and successfully stood up. stand up.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and retreated quickly, not forgetting to pull Ji Jiuzhong up.

Ji Jiuzhong was sensing the cause of the ground tremor when he was suddenly pulled away by Yan Xiangluo, almost dragging him with his hands.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly stabilized his body and retreated simultaneously with her, "Luoluo, what's wrong?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't stop until she retreated to the point where she couldn't feel the force. "As soon as I sat down, I felt a force entering my body. The more I stopped, the stronger the force became. I wanted to stand up and... The strength prevented me from standing up, but I cut it off forcefully, didn’t you feel it?”

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No, I only felt the ground shaking."

Ji Jiuzhong looked forward after listening to Yan Xiangluo's words. The arched door with a faint aperture was still there. So many people were sitting on the ground waiting so obediently. It must be the same as him. He could only feel the ground shaking, but why Do you have the strength to enter Luoluo's body?

"I instinctively reject that force. The force that I instinctively reject is at least not kind to me." Yan Xiangluo said.

 She is a heavenly master. Although she cannot see her own destiny, her instinctive sense of good and bad and the pros and cons is still very strong. Since her body instinctively rejects it, it means that this power is not good.

Ji Jiuzhong said decisively, "We will leave the Spiritual Medicine Valley immediately."

Although he found Xuanwu, one of the four divine beasts, in the Spiritual Medicine Valley, it did not mean that the entire Spiritual Medicine Valley was a chance for them. The Spiritual Medicine Valley is not a place for experience. If something happens, it will be real.

Luoluo's cultivation level is only at the saint level. Although she needs a lot of spiritual energy, she doesn't need to calculate her spiritual energy. As for the so-called spiritual energy feedback that can improve physical strength and talent, they are not looking forward to it at all.

Yu Xiangluo nodded, the Spiritual Medicine Valley was indeed not suitable to stay any longer.

The two of them rose up in the air and headed in the opposite direction of the forbidden area. They didn't know the way out of the Spiritual Medicine Valley. Just like when they entered, there was no fixed entrance.

Therefore, it goes without saying that the two of them came up with a solution, which was to fly in one direction and they would eventually get out.

It was already bright at this time. The two of them walked through the cone-shaped peaks. After flying in the air all morning, they could still see the endless three cone-shaped peaks in front of them.

 The two finally discovered the problem and stopped at the same time, suspended in mid-air.

“Do you feel like we can’t fly out of this mountain peak?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Indeed, the peaks we flew over are almost exactly the same. Although the peaks were all awl-shaped when we came in before, there are still differences between the peaks, and some differences are very obvious. Now here Look at the mountains, are they all the same?”

A flash of doubt flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes, "Is it an illusory formation? I didn't feel the breath of the formation."

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said with certainty, "It's not a magic formation."

 He pulled Yan Xiangluo and flew straight up, "Let's see if we can reach the top of the mountain?"

Yan Xiangluo understood what he meant. Since all the mountain peaks were exactly the same, if he wanted to find a breakthrough point, he could only go to the top of the mountain and take a look.

 But every mountain peak reaches straight into the sky. Can they reach the top of the mountain?

The two of them have been flying for a long time and are still far away from the sky. It can be said that the sky is still far away from the ground. They have been flying for so long, and they have not closed any distance at all. "Yuntuan, do you know what's going on?" Yan Xiangluo asked Yuntuan lying on her shoulder.

 But Yun Tuan did not respond to her. She turned around and found that Yun Tuan had his eyes closed as if he was asleep.

Yan Xiangluo picked up Yun Tuan and shook it, but Yun Tuan didn't react at all. Ji Jiuzhong also saw something strange about Yun Tuan, so he was no longer worried.

 Said to Yan Xiangluo, "Send the clouds into space!"

Yan Xiangluo also knew that it was not safe for Yun Tuan to stay outside in this state, so she decisively sent Yun Tuan into Pangu space.

The two of them also stopped flying upward, suspended in their position and looked down. Below were the continuous mountain peaks and endless woods.

 This was the first time the two of them encountered this situation and knew that they were indeed trapped.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo didn't have to worry about whether using the power of his spiritual consciousness would disturb the forbidden area of ​​the Spiritual Medicine Valley. If he couldn't leave here, this experience would be over.

Yan Xiangluo also wanted to test how far her spiritual consciousness could see.

In an instant, her consciousness was released with maximum power without any reservation. The speed was very fast. In front of Yan Xiangluo's eyes, with the two of them as the center, her consciousness was like the flying lotus petal device she attacked with the strongest spiritual power. Spread out.

 In an instant, countless mountain peaks and woods passed before her eyes. A long time passed, but the scene passing before her eyes was still exactly the same.

A flash of cold light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes, and while her spiritual consciousness spread to the surroundings, it also spread upwards.

The power of spiritual consciousness spreading upward changed, and soon it rushed into the clouds that the two of them could not reach before. Only then did she realize that there was actually another world above the clouds, and there was actually a large and gorgeous palace. palace.

And the countless peaks in the Spiritual Medicine Valley are just pillars supporting the palace.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes. This palace gave her a very familiar feeling. Now there was no other way. Now that she discovered that there was a palace above the sky, she continued to control her consciousness to look at the palace without hesitation.

 In an instant, his spiritual consciousness was above the palace, and the entire palace was under Yan Xiangluo's sight.

This palace is antique, and it looks like a building from a long time ago. There is a kind of nobility in the luxury, which is the kind of nobility that makes people feel that it is blaspheming the palace at a glance.

Although Yan Xiangluo was wondering why there was such a palace above the Spiritual Medicine Valley, she now understood why the Spiritual Medicine Valley had such a strong aura.

 All the spiritual energy in the Elixir Valley pours down from this palace, and only a small part of it. The intensity of the spiritual energy in the palace is a hundred times greater than the intensity of the spiritual energy in the Elixir Valley below.

There are no very tall trees in the palace, but there are many ornamental dwarf trees and a wide variety of flowers. Every landscape is exquisite, and any palace can be seen to have been carefully designed.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness circled around the palace, but she didn't sense anyone or any spiritual beast inside.

At this time, not only did the palace feel familiar to her, but the aura inside seemed also familiar.

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