The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 816: Nascent Soul reaction

And there is no sense of rejection towards the power of the Spiritual Medicine Valley Forbidden Area. Instead, there is a feeling of closeness, as if these auras once belonged to her.

A flash of light suddenly flashed across Yan Xiangluo's mind. Could it be her own power in the previous life?

 After all, the master and senior brothers have completely disappeared, and they can still leave traces of their spiritual consciousness everywhere waiting for her arrival. It is not impossible that her power is kept in one place waiting for her to take it back.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo immediately sat cross-legged in the void and closed her eyes. Ji Jiuzhong on the side saw her actions and immediately understood what she had discovered.

 And she must be sitting cross-legged because she wants to practice, so it means that she has discovered a power that she cannot refuse.

 He also let go of his spiritual consciousness, but not to investigate anything, but to guard the surroundings and protect her.

All of this was shrouded in Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, and she naturally knew everything Ji Jiuzhong did. At this time, her spiritual body was also sitting cross-legged above the palace. The position where she sat was exactly above the center of the palace.

 In an instant, her consciousness entered the golden cocoon where Nascent Soul was.

Yuan Ying lay asleep in the cradle of clouds as always, and Yan Xiangluo's body and consciousness began to absorb spiritual energy at the same time.

 The amazing thing is that the spiritual body absorbs the spiritual energy in the palace, and the body absorbs the spiritual energy in the elixir valley.

Yan Xiangluo, who had already triggered the spiritual vortex twice, triggered the spiritual vortex again. This time the spiritual vortex was more powerful, and it also alarmed everyone in the entire elixir valley.

Everyone felt that all the spiritual energy around them was rushing up to the sky. No matter where they were in the Spiritual Medicine Valley, they all felt that the spiritual energy around them was rushing towards the clouds in the sky.

Although they did not see the formation of a spiritual energy vortex, based on the speed and situation of the spiritual energy surge, they could tell that there was a huge spiritual energy above the clouds, and a vortex was formed.

Many powerful people use their spiritual consciousness to look above the clouds, but without exception, their spiritual power cannot reach above the clouds.

 No information could be found despite all possible means, and the place where Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were was trapped, and no one in the Spiritual Medicine Valley could see them.

 For a time, everyone in the Spiritual Medicine Valley seemed to have no direction and didn't know what to do.

They have come in for experience before, and some of them have also come to the Spiritual Medicine Valley to collect many spiritual medicines and have gained a lot of harvests. This is the first time they have seen the strange sight of spiritual vortexes appearing again and again in the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

Now they all have speculations in their minds that the formation of these three spiritual energy vortices may not be as simple as they thought.

In the valley where the mythical beast Xuanwu was found, Red Snake's breakthrough to the Dragon Transformation Realm has not yet ended, but there are already many fewer people in the valley.

The biggest fluctuation was in the Spiritual Medicine Valley Forbidden Area. The spirit beasts that entered before were very quiet, but after the spiritual energy surged up to the clouds, the people guarding outside clearly heard the roars of various spirit beasts in the forbidden area. From the sound, You can tell how restless they are.

 People outside don’t know what is going on in the forbidden area, but those who can reach the level of cultivation above the holy level have good talents, and their spiritual power is not weak, so they all have a sense of crisis in their hearts.

No one could care about receiving the feedback from the aura of the forbidden area. They all got up from the ground and ran back. Because after the spiritual energy surged up to the clouds, the familiar sense of oppression came again, no one could fly in the air, so they could only run away from the forbidden area. Not long after they left, the aperture arch door at the mountain peak lit up again, and countless spirit beasts rushed out from it. When they followed, they lived in peace and harmony, creating a huge contrast. Each spirit beast seemed to be angry. Like crazy, they collide and attack each other, one after another.

 Suddenly, the outside of the forbidden area, which was like a holy land a while ago, became a battlefield where spiritual beasts were fighting.

There was too much movement, and the people in the Spiritual Medicine Valley soon discovered that something was wrong with the spiritual beasts. There was the power of the spiritual vortex, and there were countless spiritual beasts fighting under the pressure, which was likely to be affected.

At this time, no one was thinking about what benefits they would get from the Spiritual Medicine Valley, and ran as fast as they could outside the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

There is no way, no one can fly in the air now. The competition is to see who can run faster to see who can avoid this bad luck.

 As for the people who were left in the valley where the red snake was, they no longer cared about the red snake and ran away for their lives.

 In an instant, there was no one in the valley.

The red snake that was breaking through the Dragon Transformation Realm was extremely frustrated. Why was it so difficult for it to break through the Dragon Transformation Realm? The previous spiritual energy vortex squeezed it onto the mountain, and it accepted it. The current spiritual energy vortex was actually pressing down from the sky. If it comes down, it will be pressed to the ground at this time. If the pressure is stronger, it will be pressed to the ground.

 But, there is no way, it failed to break through successfully, it cannot make any movement, and can only allow the pressure to continue to push it down.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was frantically absorbing the spiritual power in the palace, and Yan Xiangluo's spiritual body in the cocoon, which had been silent, finally felt a difference.

  Yuanying, who had been sleeping, actually began to absorb spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo has come in three times, and this is the first time she sees Nascent Soul reacting. Does this mean she has a breakthrough in the third level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique?

Yuan Ying began to absorb spiritual energy, which instantly gave Yan Xiangluo hope and increased confidence. She understood in her heart that the amount of spiritual energy she had absorbed before was not enough, so Yuan Ying did not move at all.

The main reason should be related to her spiritual body absorbing the spiritual energy in the palace. The spiritual energy in the palace is too pure and rich. It is the richest spiritual energy she has ever seen since practicing. The richness is beyond her knowledge. That's why Nascent Soul began to absorb spiritual energy.

Ji Jiuzhong, who was beside Yan Xiangluo, could no longer stay by her side after the spiritual energy vortex was formed. The pressure of the spiritual energy vortex is too strong, even if his current cultivation level is not low, he can't resist it.

However, the place where they were trapped was filled with the oppressive power of the spiritual vortex, and they could not leave him and had nowhere to hide. Fortunately, the restrictions on his entry and exit in Yan Xiangluo's Pangu space were lifted, and Ji Jiuzhong immediately entered the Pangu space. .

 The pressure disappeared instantly, and Ji Jiuzhong let out a long breath. Fortunately, he could enter the Pangu space, otherwise he didn't know whether he could survive the pressure of the spiritual energy vortex.

 It seems that it is indeed Luoluo's opportunity to enter the first training place.

Needless to say, the difference between the Spiritual Medicine Valley and Luoluo was not mentioned. Ji Jiuzhong thought in his mind that perhaps all the training places in the first training place would not be very helpful to Luoluo's training. At most, they could improve his combat effectiveness. Luoluo's opportunity to enter this time should be the treasure land formed by the several training places in the first training place.

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