The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 817: Frustrated Red Snake

Ji Jiuzhong began to think about the possibility of finding other treasures.

Although the central place in the Land of Experience is a place that can only be reached by chance, several other treasure places are fixed and easier to find. When you go out and meet people from other continents later, you can ask about the locations of several other treasures.

Since you can't go directly to the center of the training ground, then go to a few treasure places first. Maybe Luoluo can accumulate enough spiritual energy to break through to the **** level.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yun Tuan who had entered Pangu space and woke up and asked, "Do you know where the other treasures are?"

Yun Tuan nodded, "I know, but it's useless, and I can't tell you. If you want to go to those precious places, you can only find them by your own ability."

Ji Jiuzhong twitched the corner of his mouth, "Why do I feel that you magical beasts are of no use?"

The clouds are like this, and the white tiger and Xuanwu are like this. Everyone has the name of a mythical beast, but they don't do anything about the mythical beast.

Yun Tuan was speechless, but thinking that it was restricted by the rules of heaven, it seemed that it was of little use now, so he wisely shut up and said nothing.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t dislike Yun Tuan and the others, he just said it casually. Since Yun Tuan couldn't directly tell them the locations of several other treasures, they could only wait to find out on their own when they went out.

He can't do anything now. He can only focus on the outside. Once the aura vortex disappears, he will go out immediately.

The spiritual energy vortex caused by Luo Luo this time was even worse than the previous two times. I don’t know what the situation is in the Spiritual Medicine Valley now. He cannot stay under the pressure of the spiritual energy vortex. It is estimated that the monks in the Spiritual Medicine Valley should be fleeing now.

Ji Jiuzhong is not worried about the monks above the **** level now, but is worried about the power in the forbidden area in the Spiritual Medicine Valley that makes Luoluo feel uncomfortable and wants to enter her body.

Because the pressure of the spiritual vortex became stronger and stronger, all the monks and even the spiritual beasts in the elixir valley ran away desperately.

Now there is no need to worry about finding the way out of the Spiritual Medicine Valley. You can run wherever the pressure of the spiritual vortex is weak.

If someone could stand above the Spiritual Medicine Valley and see the entire Spiritual Medicine Valley, he would be able to see all the monks and spirit beasts leaving from all directions of the Spiritual Medicine Valley accurately.

At this time, the spiritual energy in the palace, which had been absorbed by Yan Xiangluo for an hour, did not decrease. Yan Xiangluo's consciousness body saw that his Nascent Soul moved. Although he did not open his eyes, he yawned. He still seemed very sleepy.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. It seemed that she didn't have to wait for her to break through to the **** level. As long as the spiritual energy she absorbed met the requirements, the Nascent Soul would wake up.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo absorbed spiritual energy faster, and because she increased her speed, the range of the spiritual energy vortex in the elixir valley expanded.

The monks and spirit beasts who finally escaped from the Spiritual Medicine Valley felt the pressure of the spiritual energy vortex again before they had time to take a breath. Could it be that the spiritual energy vortex was about to rush out of the Spiritual Medicine Valley?

At this time, the monks who were able to fly in the air thought nothing of anything and hurriedly left in the air, for fear that they would not have the chance to leave later. And those spirit beasts also used their own abilities when they were not controlled by the pressure of the spiritual vortex. They flew away as fast as they could, and ran as fast as they could if they couldn't.

But their worries are unnecessary. Yan Xiangluo mainly absorbs the spiritual energy in the palace, and the palace is above the peaks of the Spiritual Medicine Valley. Therefore, the spiritual energy vortex will not go beyond the palace, nor beyond the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

At this time, the aggrieved Red Snake has been pressed ten meters underground. It is fortunate that it has not successfully broken through the Dragon Transformation Realm at this time, so it is still protected by the golden light of the laws of heaven, otherwise it would have been suppressed by the pressure of this spiritual vortex. Crushed.

At this time, it doesn’t know whether it should expect to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm immediately, or delay the breakthrough to the Dragon Transformation Realm. After all, even if it successfully breaks through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, it is no match for the oppressive force of this spiritual energy vortex, and the golden protective layer of the Heavenly Dao rules will disappear after it successfully breaks through. Therefore, if the spiritual energy vortex does not disappear when the breakthrough is successful, it will be the time of its death.

The Red Snake knows this very well, so it has clearly encountered the opportunity for a breakthrough. It has suppressed it without breaking through. It prays in its heart that the spiritual energy vortex will disappear quickly. It doesn't know how long it can suppress it.

 The previous aura vortex didn't last long, and this aura vortex shouldn't last too long either.

Ji Jiuzhong kept observing the situation outside in Pangu space. He clearly felt that the pressure of the spiritual energy vortex was getting stronger again. He was very curious about what kind of spiritual weapons and treasures Luoluo had encountered. There were so many such strong spiritual energy. .

 Only if the spiritual energy of the spiritual treasures is abundant, pure and strong can the spiritual vortex of Luoluo's cultivation be increased.

Although he didn’t know where these spiritual energies came from, he knew that these spiritual energies were not from the Spiritual Medicine Valley. The aura in the elixir valley, even if Luoluo's cultivation can cause a whirlpool of aura, cannot reach this level.

At this time, the movement in the Spiritual Medicine Valley was felt everywhere in the entire first training ground. People who did not know why came from all directions. Only those who escaped from the Spiritual Medicine Valley knew what was going on.

Therefore, no one dared to approach the Spiritual Medicine Valley anymore, but something like this had never happened in the Spiritual Medicine Valley, making them all doubt whether there were any super powerful treasures or divine beasts in the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

 It was unexplainable once and unexplainable twice. Now it is the third time, each time stronger than the last. Apart from divine beasts, they could not imagine that there would be any other powerful power.

After all, super powerful people cannot enter the first training place. It is only for people who are above the level of mainland saints and below the level of gods.

 And people who have reached the level of gods cannot be called powerful.

The most important thing is that the status of the Spiritual Medicine Valley in the first training place is different. The Spiritual Medicine Valley existed when the training place was formed. It can be said that it lives and dies together with the first training place. .

 If something goes wrong in the Valley of the Elixir, what about other places like the Valley of the Elixir?

If problems occur in these places one after another, will the first training place still exist?

 The first training place is the highest level training place in all advanced continents. In the minds of the monks, the first training place is their only hope for improving their cultivation.

If the first training place disappears, without this training place, it will be difficult to improve the cultivation level above the **** level, and then their hope of ascending to the ninth heaven will be slim.

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