The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 819: Enemies from past lives

Yan Xiangluo did not dare to waste any more time. Her consciousness locked onto all the elixir scents she sensed, and with a thought, she shouted, "Take it."

Ji Jiuzhong saw countless elixirs rising from the ground and then disappearing. Luoluo really did it, and the power of her consciousness was indeed so powerful that it was scary.

After collecting all the elixirs, Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt very comfortable. How many elixirs could be refined from these elixirs was something she couldn't calculate even if she had a photographic memory.

But she doesn't have time to calculate how many elixirs can be refined from these elixirs, because just as she is collecting all the elixirs in the elixir valley, the power in the forbidden area of ​​elixir valley seems to have finally broken through something. The **** breaks out of the ground.

The power that made Yan Xiangluo very uncomfortable spread out quickly and enveloped the entire elixir valley. Both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong felt very uncomfortable.

At the same time, a black breath above the forbidden area formed the shape of a person in the air. Because it was in a gaseous state, it could only be seen as a human shape, not a real person.

"You are indeed not generally annoying." came the eerie voice of the humanoid figure formed by the black aura.

At the same time, an oppressive force came down, not to mention Yan Xiangluo and even Ji Jiuzhong felt that they were invincible.

And the miserable Red Snake had just successfully broken through the Dragon Transformation Realm and wanted to leave the Spiritual Medicine Valley. As soon as he flew into the air, before he could leave, another very oppressive force came from the void.

The red snake was instantly slapped back to the ground, in a very precise position, in the ten-meter-deep pit where it was pressed down before. The red snake was really tortured and confused. It seriously doubted whether its luck was good or bad.

If it was not good, it would have successfully broken through to the Dragon Transformation Realm. If it was good, why would it encounter such unlucky things again and again?

 But now, whether it is good or bad, it has to face the fate of continuing to be oppressed in this pit.

It is different from before. Now it is not protected by the golden light of the laws of heaven. Fortunately, the pressure now is not as strong as before. Its power can still protect itself, but it cannot move and can only use its strength to protect it. Keep yourself from getting hurt.

 Therefore, Red Snake, who had just been happy to break through to the Dragon Transformation Realm, could only continue to feel aggrieved. I'm always worried about what if my strength is exhausted and I can't leave?

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong mobilized their spiritual energy to resist the oppressive force at the same time, both focusing on the human shape formed by the black gas.

"I'll attack first to test his strength." Ji Jiuzhong sent a message to Yan Xiangluo.

Neither of them can escape from the current situation, and it is obvious that the human form formed by the black aura has spiritual consciousness, and has known the two of them in their previous lives. Even the reincarnated opponent knows about them, and the target is also the two of them. But the main target should be Luoluo, so only by solving it can the two of them escape from danger.

Yu Xiangluo said, "Okay."

Even though Ji Jiuzhong attacked her first, he didn't want to be idle. The opponent was a humanoid made of black gas, but he could speak human words, which reminded Yan Xiangluo of the first time he met his adopted brother Ge Tianjun.

Same black aura, but Ge Tianjun came out of a black aura. Although it was filled with demonic aura, it was not annoying at all to Yan Xiangluo.

Although the black aura in front of him formed a human form, Yan Xiangluo could sense the evil energy in it, which was different from the evil energy cultivated by normal demon cultivators.

Jiuyuan Continent has been separated for too long because of spiritual cultivation and demonic cultivation. Demonic cultivation has an advantage in cultivation. On the contrary, because spiritual cultivation has not been in contact with demonic energy for too long, the body will be eroded by demonic energy once it comes into contact, and cultivation will Something went wrong. It's different from before when the demon monks were all together and didn't influence each other.

Just like her master Deng Changze, it was not because the body was invaded by demonic energy, which affected his cultivation. If the demonic energy was not expelled, his cultivation level would not be improved, and his life would be in danger.

A silver long sword appeared in Ji Jiuzhong's hand, with a cold light. In addition, he injected the spiritual power of his strongest blow. The man and the sword seemed to be one body, running towards the humanoid shape formed by the black aura to attack.

When the human figure formed by the black aura saw Ji Jiuzhong attacking, he said in a very disdainful tone, "Are you so weak now?" As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and a black aura came towards Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong never thought about it. He will pierce the opponent's body directly with a long sword. This sword has more elements of testing.

 Therefore, when the black aura rushed toward him, the long sword in his hand suddenly changed from attack to defense. The long sword danced in front of him to form a protective circle. The black aura from the attack fell on his protective circle, and the sound of the two forces colliding was deafening.

Ji Jiuzhong's heart sank. The other party just waved his hand casually and the force was so strong that he couldn't resist it.

 Decisively, he quickly retreated with the power of the attack, and at the same time, he held Yan Xiangluo back. In just an instant, the two of them retreated dozens of meters away.

After stabilizing his body, Ji Jiuzhong pulled Yan Xiangluo and dodged into the Pangu space. All this happened in an instant.

The human form formed by the black aura saw the two people disappear suddenly, and thought that the two people had teleported away, but it did not detect the aura of the two people.

How is it possible? With their current cultivation level, they can't escape from the range of his spiritual power using teleportation.

Yes, now the entire Spiritual Medicine Valley is within the scope of his consciousness, and he can know any movement in the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

 It can be said that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are on his territory. What does he want? Neither of them could resist.

 But these two people actually disappeared in front of his eyes under such circumstances, and he couldn't catch the slightest breath. How could it be possible?

Yan Xiangluo looked outside and said, "What's wrong?"

Ji Jiuzhong pointed outside, gesturing for her to look outside.

Yan Xiangluo saw the human figure formed by the black aura suddenly dive sharply into the ground.

 “What did you do?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

 “Exploding mysterious patterns.” Ji Jiuzhong spat out four words softly.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She only saw that Ji Jiuzhong's attack failed. She didn't even see when he took action. He actually carved the explosive mysterious pattern.

"Is it useful?" Yan Xiangluo saw that the human figure formed by the black aura had disappeared on the ground, and felt that he had escaped back to his old age. The blasting black pattern was engraved there. Is it still useful?

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I didn't know if it was useful before, but now it seems that it is somewhat useful."

Yan Xiangluo understood what he meant. Without the black aura, the human form would not have escaped underground.

 But what she means is that she has already escaped underground. Is the mysterious pattern he used still useful?

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "It's about to explode."

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