The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 820: treacherous nature

Yan Xiang looked outside with her apricot eyes, and saw the underground location where the human figure formed by black gas had penetrated. It suddenly exploded like a super explosive force. The black soil was rushed into the sky by the explosive force, forming a black column. The body was then scattered in the air.

It turns out that Ji Jiuzhong carved the explosive mysterious pattern on the black aura. How did he do it?

 What shocked Yan Xiangluo even more was the intensity of the explosion.

Although she knew that Ji Jiuzhong had learned all the Xuanwen techniques in Ji Yinzhong, and she also knew how powerful the Xuanwen techniques in Ji Yinzhong were. After all, she had also learned the Xuanwen techniques in Ji Yinzhong, but seeing it with her own eyes The effect caused by Ji Jiuzhong's mysterious pattern power was still shocking.

As the dust dispersed, the black aura appeared again, but it was not in the shape of a person, but a black aura, scurrying shapelessly in mid-air.

“Have you been beaten back to your original shape?” Yan Xiangluo’s eyes followed the black aura.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned, "It can't be hurt."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. He was completely disfigured by the explosive mysterious pattern. Isn’t this considered an injury?

“How do you know you can’t hurt it?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the breath outside and said, "The breath has not dispersed."

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that what Ji Jiuzhong meant was that as long as the black aura was not dispersed, it was not considered injured.

"What is it? I don't feel like pure demonic energy?" Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Devil and evil."

He doesn't know what the other party is now, but there is demonic and evil energy in the black aura, which he can clearly sense.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes when she heard this. What exactly did they experience in their previous life? Why can such demonic and evil things still recognize them at a glance after their reincarnation?

 Could it be that their previous life was in the Nine Heavens? Are there any abnormal things there?

 The most important thing is how long this thing has been around, how strong it is, and can they defeat it?

 “What to do?” Yan Xiangluo himself admitted that he was not as good as Ji Jiuchong in planning.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Continue to fight and don't deal with it. Not only will we not be able to leave here, but we will probably die in its hands."

In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is useless. They can only try their best to continue fighting with all the skills they have. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will win.

 Although there is Pangu Space, they can hide in at the last moment, but in that case, they will be trapped here forever.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised by Ji Jiuzhong's decision, "Okay, be careful of the evil spirit."

Although they are not afraid of demonic energy now, after all, there are magic beads, and any demonic energy is useless in front of them. But the magic bead is on her body, and if Ji Jiuzhong is contaminated by the devil's energy, she may not have time to remove the devil's energy from his body in time.

 This will affect Ji Jiuzhong's combat effectiveness.

 What's more, the other party is evil.

 “I will be careful.” Ji Jiuzhong responded.

The two of them made a decision and did not wait any longer. They could not give up this opportunity while your illness could kill you. Although the black energy at this time was not dispersed by Ji Jiuzhong's explosive mysterious pattern power, it was obviously also hit. arrive.

Two people appeared outside at the same time. Yan Xiangluo held a long caltrop spear in his hand, and Ji Jiuzhong held a long sword in his hand. The two of them faced the black aura head on without reservation.

The scurrying black aura saw the two people appearing and rushed over immediately. His angry voice showed how frustrated he was now. “Your treacherous nature has not changed even after being reincarnated.”

After listening to its words, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong finally gained a little understanding of their past lives, allowing their opponents to describe them as treacherous. Obviously, they had frustrated each other a lot in their previous lives.

 Thinking about it this way, the two of them felt much better.

Faced directly with the black aura that kept changing forms, the two of them realized how strong the other was. In just one round, the two of them were knocked out at the same time. Even Ji Jiuzhong was shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood. Yan Xiangluo felt that his internal organs were Her six internal organs seemed to be displaced, and she was in so much pain that she didn't even dare to move.

Ji Jiuzhong also suffered internal injuries, but when he saw Yan Xiangluo falling out, he endured the pain and got up quickly, rushed to Yan Xiangluo, took out a healing elixir and fed it into her mouth, and then swallowed it himself Next one.

At the same time, he picked up Yan Xiangluo and teleported away, dodging another attack from the black aura.

 But they just managed to dodge, and the aftermath of the attack caused the two of them to fall down again.

 Fortunately, what they took were god-level healing elixirs refined by Yan Xiangluo. They were very effective and recovered quickly. The two of them stood up quickly after falling out.

When Yan Xiangluo stood up, the flying lotus was suspended above her head, and twenty-seven petals flew out at the same time to attack the black aura.

 When approaching the black aura, each petal instantly split into three pieces, and the eighty-one petals, as thin as cicada wings, were quickly submerged into the black aura.

The black aura could naturally see Yan Xiangluo's hidden weapon, but it didn't take into account how powerful a saint-level monk's hidden weapon could be, not to mention that he was not an entity.

 Therefore, there was no resistance, and the eighty-one petals of the Flying Lotus were allowed to fly in, confidently believing that the Flying Lotus would pass through its breath.

 But just when the flying lotus petals penetrated its breath, it realized that it had underestimated them again.

The Flying Lotus is just a hidden weapon. Although it has no entity, it does not mean that it is not afraid of anything. Every petal of the Flying Lotus is poisonous, and the poison is different, making it inevitable to avoid it.

 The amazing thing is that when the poison on the petals encounters its breath, it instantly disperses from the petals and blends into its breath.

 Suddenly, it panicked and resisted the various poisons that corroded its aura.

 “You are despicable.”

Yan Xiangluo sneered, life and death are at stake, who cares whether the tricks are despicable or not.

She just felt that since Ji Jiuzhong's mysterious patterns couldn't hurt it, then it was possible that the other party was not an entity. If it wasn't an entity, it would be difficult to damage it with direct moves, so she remembered the poison she had stored.

How to say that I used to have the title of Xiao Poison King. I had no chance to use it after I came to Nine yuan. I have been extravagant once today, and I used all her poisonous poison at one time.

 The main reason is that she doesn't know what kind of poison can be effective. In fact, she doesn't know whether the poison has any effect on the gas, but now it seems that it is somewhat useful.

The flying lotus circled around and returned to the lotus platform above Yan Xiangluo's head. The ecstasy bell below shook slightly.

Ji Jiuzhong was not idle either. Taking advantage of Yan Xiangluo's flying lotus to slow down the black aura's attack, he attacked the black aura with the long sword in his hand.

This time he did not use spiritual power, but the flames of his own fire power.

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