The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 833: meet again

“I don’t know if our luck is good or not?” Cheng Xiao’s tone was a bit teasing.

Yan Xiangluo was amused by his words, "Brother Cheng said so, our luck must be good."

 Cheng Xiao also smiled.

“Did you come in with your fiancé?” Cheng Xiao asked, remembering what she said before.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Yes, we separated as soon as we came in, and then we met and separated again. I don't know if he knows the news about the center now. Did Brother Cheng come in alone?"

Cheng Xiao shook his head, "I came in with my family members. There were more than 20 people from our family who came in this time, but they all separated after coming in. I'm not as lucky as you, and we met in the middle. I haven't until now." Meeting my own family.”

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "I think Brother Cheng enjoys the process of training alone."

 Cheng Xiao stretched out his hand and touched his nose, "You saw it."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "You've made it so obvious. If I can't tell, that's either stupid or stupid."

 When I met him before, it was partly because he had a clear destiny, and partly because he was the most calm among these people and was not as anxious as others.

 Cheng Xiao chuckled, "I really don't like practicing with them."

Although Cheng Xiao did not say the specific reason, Yan Xiangluo also knew which family did not have some disputes. Cheng Xiao is a magnanimous person and a smart person. He sees clearly, but his mood is too high. He prefers to waste time on intrigues and intrigues, not to mention that he is a member of his own family. He can't do anything unless he has to, so it is better not to be there. Be comfortable together.

“Luoluo.” Ji Jiuzhong’s voice came.

Yan Xiangluo turned around in surprise and saw Ji Jiuchong running all the way.

 After knowing the news about the central land, he could not fly in the air. Therefore, after Ji Jiuzhong sensed Yan Xiangluo's aura, he could only catch up with her by running.

“Jiu Zhong, just now I asked you if you know the news about the center.” Yan Xiangluo said happily when she saw Ji Jiu Zhong.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Cheng Xiao beside her, and Yan Xiangluo quickly introduced, "The friend I met on the road, he is from Shihai Mainland, his surname is Cheng Mingxiao, brother Cheng, he is my fiancé, Ji Jiuzhong."

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows, Brother Cheng? The person who can be called Luoluo like this must be someone she recognizes. It seems that there should be no problem with Cheng Xiao's character.

  After all, Luoluo is a heavenly master who can sense the good and bad of people's character just by intuition.

Ji Jiuchong is not disgusted with Cheng Xiao either. He has clear eyes and is open-minded. Otherwise, he would not go with him because of his sensitivity.

 The two greeted each other politely.

Cheng Xiao was surprised that Yan Xiangluo's fiancé was so strong in cultivation. He was much younger than him, but his cultivation level was higher than his. He was estimated to be at least one level higher.

 This is not something that can be described by a genius, nor can it be described as a monster.

After Yun Tuan saw his master, he immediately jumped from Ji Jiuzhong's shoulder to Yan Xiangluo's shoulder, and his furry little body even rubbed against Yan Xiangluo's neck.

"Master, I'm so worried about you." Yun Tuan used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed Yun Tuan’s soft body and said, “It’s okay, your master, I have gained a lot.”

Yun Tuan’s dark eyes suddenly lit up. The master said this, and that was no ordinary harvest.

Yan Xiangluo introduced to Cheng Xiao, "It's called Yun Tuan, and it's my spiritual pet." Yan Xiangluo didn't say that Yun Tuan was a mythical beast, nor did she say that Yun Tuan wasn't a mythical beast. It wasn't a lie either. It is indeed just her spiritual pet.

Cheng Xiao glanced at the cloud and didn't realize how strong the spiritual power was on it. Therefore, he thought it was Yan Xiangluo's spiritual pet and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Quite cute."

Yun Tuan glanced at Cheng Xiao with his dark eyes. It is a mythical beast. Do you mean it is cute? After thinking about it, my current image seemed quite cute, so forget it, just hold it in.

Lying on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder, he squinted his eyes and looked at the mountain hidden in the clouds and mist in front of him. This was like this. It was the first time that the central place in the first training place released information like this. of.

Yan Xiangluo chattered and told Ji Jiuzhong the news she got from Cheng Xiao.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the mountain peak in front of him and said, "This time, I'm afraid everyone in the entire land of training will know the news about the central land."

 Cheng Xiao and Yan Xiangluo looked at more and more people and understood that Ji Jiuzhong's judgment should be true.

Especially Yan Xiangluo, she has only been here for a short time, and she has already seen twice as many people as the last time she caused a spiritual vortex to come.

The fact that people keep joining in like this means that everyone in the entire land of training knows the news.

Wherever Yuxiang Luo looked, he saw many people from Jiuyuan Continent.

Moreover, the people from Jiuyuan Continent are very united and keep gathering together. When they see people from their own continent, they will automatically walk together. Although they don't talk to each other, they are doing the same thing in tacit understanding.

Especially seeing Ji Jiuchong and Yanxiang lagging behind, they unconsciously moved closer to them, but no one came to disturb them, and they all went their own way.

 Had they not known each other that they were both from the Nine Yuan Continent, no one from other continents would have noticed their actions.

Seeing that they knew what to do, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong pretended not to know them and continued on their way.

One day has passed, and it’s almost evening again. If you don’t see anyone disappearing, it means you haven’t figured it out yet, and you don’t have a clue.

 How can we get into the central place?

 This is the question that everyone is thinking about now.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "It's getting dark. Let's take a rest. Anyway, we can't get closer if we keep walking like this."

Ji Jiudian nodded, and the two of them prepared to rest for a while.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Cheng Xiao, "Brother Cheng, we need to rest for a while, do you want to continue walking?"

Cheng Xiao looked at the mountain peaks in front of him and said, "Let's rest together. It's boring to walk alone."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Didn't you like walking by yourself before? Why do you feel that walking by yourself is boring now?

 But she just thought about it in her heart. After all, it was just a chance encounter with similar temperaments. She still knew what should be said and what should not be said.

The three of them found a place to sit down. Yan Xiangluo took out a low table and a lot of spiritual energy food and placed it on the low table.

“Brother Cheng, have a try. I made all these food myself, and the spiritual fruit comes from our Jiuyuan Continent.” Yan Xiangluo invited Cheng Xiao to eat spiritual food together.

Cheng Xiao originally wanted to refuse, but when he smelled the food, his eyes changed and he picked up a piece of snack politely and said, "Thanks."

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