The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 834: Improved mind reading

Cheng Xiao put the snack into his mouth as soon as he finished his words. After chewing it, his eyes suddenly lit up. Sure enough, there was no impurity in this food.

 “My sister is actually a spiritual chef.” Cheng Xiao said with some surprise.

And the cooking skills are so high, you must know that many very old spiritual chefs cannot remove the impurities in the food. This is the main reason why monks rarely eat food.

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had a serious meal. Even when he ate, he only ate some spiritual fruits and drank some brewed spiritual wine.

These things are all natural and have very few impurities.

“I just like delicious food.” Yan Xiangluo smiled lightly.

Cheng Xiao glanced at her in surprise. Is it just because he likes to eat delicious food that he has developed such high cooking skills?

Then if she likes other things, she can also achieve this extreme.

 “Mr. Ji is so lucky.” Cheng Xiaocong met Ji Jiuchong, and they had a pleasant conversation along the way.

To Yan Xiangluo's surprise, Ji Jiuzhong had such a side. In her impression, Ji Jiuzhong rarely talked and had endless things to say only with her. He actually chatted all the way with Cheng Xiao.

Ji Jiuzhong gave a rare smile, looked at Yan Xiangluo with tender and endearing eyes, and admitted generously, "That's true."

Luoluo is a ray of sunshine falling in his stagnant life, which warms his heart and illuminates his whole world.

Cheng Xiao looked at the two and laughed. The relationship between the two was very good at first glance. Unlike the unmarried couples who were married by family, it was rare to find that kind of tacit understanding and friendship that no one could get involved in.

 He also has a fiancée, who has been married since he was a child, but he has not seen his fiancée a few times since he was a child. It's hard to say whether he likes it or not, but he doesn't hate it either. It's just that when he mentions getting married, he instinctively wants to push it back.

He didn't understand why he was like this before, but when he saw the overwhelming tenderness between the two in front of him, he understood that deep down in his heart, he also longed for a relationship that would last forever.

 In fact, this also has something to do with his state of mind. The purer a person's state of mind, he will naturally have such requirements for emotions. Just like he is open and honest in cultivation, he also wants the same in his emotions.

 “I really envy your feelings.” Cheng Xiao’s words came from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked at him and used the power of the Heavenly Master to see Cheng Xiao's fate and his marriage.

 Before, she just looked at the color of Cheng Xiao's luck to tell what kind of person he was. Now she wanted to see Cheng Xiao's entire life destiny.

Cheng Xiao's luck is indeed good. He was born in a big family, his parents have a good relationship, his cultivation talent is also excellent, and the family's cultivation resources have not treated him badly. It can be said that he has not experienced any major twists and turns in his life. What is not going well is marriage, and it is only relatively unsatisfactory.

He had a fiancée who had been engaged since he was a child, but the emotional line between the two was extremely weak and can be said to have been severed by now. His fiancée already has someone she likes.

 Cheng Xiao will have good luck recently, that is, his right fate has arrived. It seems that Cheng Xiao will definitely gain something by going to the central place this time.

After returning to the Death Sea Continent, his engagement with his fiancée will be terminated without causing dissatisfaction between the two families. He will get married next year. He has a happy marriage, great achievements in his cultivation, and his destiny reaches the sky, which shows that he has the destiny to go to the ninth heaven.

There are very few people with such good fortune. Cheng Xiao should have been a person with great merit in his previous life.

What surprised her the most was that she actually knew Cheng Xiao's true love, which made her sigh with emotion. The world is both big and small.

She only knows two people from Shihai Continent, one is He Siyun and the other is Cheng Xiao, and Cheng Xiao's true love is He Siyun. We have to admit that when birds with the same feathers fly, people with similar personalities can resonate.

He Siyun and Cheng Xiao are a perfect match. Regardless of luck or state of mind, two people like this should only be happy together.

Even Yan Xiangluo was a little envious of them.

 After all, you don’t have to take any responsibilities and you only need to live according to your own wishes. Who wouldn’t envy such a life?

But Yan Xiangluo also knew that there were very few people in the world who were so lucky. She could meet them, and it must be fate between the two of them.

“Brother Cheng, there is no need to envy us. You are about to meet the woman who will be with you for the rest of your life. On this trip to the central place, if nothing else, Brother Cheng will gain happiness in your marriage.”

 Cheng Xiao was stunned for a moment, "I have a fiancée."

And this time he has not entered the first training place, so the woman that Yan Xiangluo mentioned must not be his fiancée.

"Your fiancée already has someone she likes. Your marriage has been severed. You will dissolve the engagement peacefully after you leave. You will meet your perfect match in the next few days." Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said.

Cheng Xiao looked at Yu Xiangluo in shock, "Is sister Yu a heavenly master?"

No wonder he was shocked. Yan Xiangluo was only a teenager. Even if she was really a heavenly master, she would be able to tell his destiny without the help of any magic weapon or knowing his birth date. What level does such a Heavenly Master reach?

 He thought about it for a moment, and an old man with immortal hair and a white beard appeared in his mind.

  No matter how you look at it, you are incompatible with the teenage girl with the stunning face in front of you.

Yan Xiangluo nodded. Although no one except her own family knew that she was a Heavenly Master, there was no need to hide it from Cheng Xiao in Shihai Continent.

 The main thing is to know what kind of person he is.

Yan Xiangluo saw Cheng Xiao's shocked expression and wondered what he was thinking at this time, so she used the mind-reading skill that she had not used for a long time.

 I heard Cheng Xiao’s heart screaming crazily.

“Oh my god, I actually met a pair of evil geniuses, teenage Celestial Masters, whose strength is comparable to those old men who have been practicing for thousands of years.”

"Ah ah ah, I am about to meet my right match. What kind of woman is she? Can she be as loving and happy as my sister and the others?"

"My grandpa said before that I was very lucky, but I still don't think so. Now I believe that my luck is indeed very good. It's a pity that Sister Yu and Young Master Ji are not from Shihai Continent. Otherwise, we can definitely become friends who are like bosom friends. "

After listening for a while, Yan Xiangluo gave up her mind-reading skills. Although she was curious about what Cheng Xiao was thinking, she was not bored enough to use her mind-reading skills to listen to his thoughts.

 She mainly wanted to test whether her mental power had become so strong that her ability to read minds was not limited.

 Unlike before, she could only listen to the voices of people with lower cultivation levels than her, so she gave it a try. As expected from this test, his mind-reading ability also improved.

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