The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 835: People are missing

 Cheng Xiao is a god-level lower-god at the peak of his cultivation, two levels higher than her. She can actually hear his voice easily, which shows that her mind-reading ability is indeed much stronger.

 Just don’t know what level of cultivation level she can read the thoughts of people now.

She glanced at Ji Jiuzhong. She had never been able to hear Ji Jiuzhong's heart. What about now?

Driven by curiosity, she used mind-reading skills on Ji Jiuzhong, but still couldn't hear anything.

She understood that no matter how high her mind-reading ability was, she would not be able to hear Ji Jiuzhong's voice.

 She’s not disappointed, she can’t easily use her mind-reading skills on outsiders, let alone her own people.

Whether it is with Ji Jiuzhong, her parents, brothers, or friends she recognizes, she will interact with her sincerity. If these people still need her to play tricks, life will be so tiring.

By this time, Cheng Xiao had come to his senses and his excitement had calmed down, although it didn’t show on his face at all. “Thank you for your good words, sister.”

Yan Xiangluo smiled and nodded, "You are very lucky."

Cheng Xiao also smiled freely, "My grandfather told me that I have excellent luck. I didn't believe it before. But after listening to Sister Yu's words today and thinking about my experience of more than 20 years, I can always turn bad luck into good luck. Whatever you want to do will always come true, and your luck will be really good.”

Yan Xiangluo thought to himself: It will be better in the future. With He Siyun's luck that can avoid danger, and Cheng Xiao's luck, these two people can only be envied.

 “He went in.”

The three of them were eating, drinking and chatting when they heard the excited shouting of someone not far away.

They turned around and looked over, and saw a group of people sitting together and resting not far in front of them, and they all stood up excitedly.

Yan Xiangluo immediately stood up and ran over. Someone had gone in. Please ask for information and see how they got in?

Ji Jiuzhong and Cheng Xiao just glanced at each other without standing up or walking over. One person was enough to inquire about the news.

Soon Yan Xiangluo came back and shrugged, "There is no useful news. He was just sitting there resting, and the man suddenly disappeared without doing anything."

Ji Jiuzhong and Cheng Xiao looked at each other, and Cheng Xiao said, "It's not like there's no useful information. Since that person disappeared while resting, he must have realized something and had a connection with the central place, so he went in. Maybe if we want to enter the central place, it’s not that we need to experience any cultivation experience, but that our realm is connected to the central place.”

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong, who also agreed and said, "Mr. Cheng's words make sense."

“Then shall we leave next?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Since what you want to go to the central place is a state of understanding, then it doesn’t matter whether you walk or not. Why don’t you enter the central place without looking at people who are here?

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the people who stopped one after another and said, "There are too many people here. Let's find a quieter place and sit down and figure out how to get in."

With so many people, there will always be people who will realize in advance when entering the center. If they are interrupted at the critical moment of enlightenment by the shouts of the excited and excited people just now, if they are just about to realize, it will not be worth the loss.

 It’s probably impossible to realize it again.

Cheng Xiao also nodded, "The scenery along the way is beautiful. Let's find a suitable place to rest before stopping. These people are still in excitement. They will separate after they figure it out. No one wants to be disturbed. arrive."

 After the three people discussed it, they were not in a hurry to leave. After eating all the food they took out, Yan Xiangluo put away the square table and food boxes, and then the three of them continued to walk forward. At this time, many people had figured it out and did not gather together. At the same time, they did not go to the mountain peak. They all went to find a place suitable for cultivation and enlightenment.

 Of course only those who can be trusted will be together.

Upon seeing this, the people from Jiuyuan Continent followed Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo in one direction, but they were not too close to them. After they stopped, they each found a place to comprehend.

The place Ji Jiuchong, Yan Xiangluo and Cheng Xiao chose was an open space in a bamboo forest on a hillside. It would not be exposed to the sun during the day and not too exposed at night.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were sitting together, and Cheng Xiao found a place to sit across from them. After all, they had just met, and even though they were very similar, they still had a sense of proportion between them.

Cheng Xiao sat down and smiled and said to the two of them, "We'll see you inside."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and said in unison, "See you inside."

After saying this, the three of them sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and began to comprehend.

After Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes, she didn't know how or what to comprehend, so she simply let go of her consciousness to see how many people started to comprehend.

She released her consciousness from the small bamboo forest and spread in all directions. She saw groups of two and three in each secluded place. There were very few people gathering together, and the most did not exceed five or six people.

 She could see people far away with her spiritual consciousness. She roughly estimated that there were thirty to forty thousand people there so far.

With so many people, she didn’t know if all the people from all continents who came to the first training place for training were here. These people alone were already quite a lot.

 I wonder how many of these people can get in?

After watching for a while, her consciousness headed towards the mountain peak in the center. She was just curious to see if her consciousness could reach the center.

The speed of her spiritual consciousness was extremely fast, and she traveled far away in an instant, but a long time passed, and her spiritual consciousness did not reach the center.

However, she did not take back her consciousness. Anyway, after testing it several times, she could not test the limit of her consciousness. Without getting hurt, she wanted to see how far her consciousness could go?

A quarter of an hour passed. Although a quarter of an hour was not a long time, the speed of her consciousness was as fast as a thousand miles. One can imagine how far her consciousness had spread in a quarter of an hour.

 But using his spiritual consciousness, the distance to the mountain peak is still so far. It seems that no matter how strong his spiritual consciousness is, he cannot reach the center.

Just when she was about to withdraw her consciousness, the mountain peak that was looming in the clouds and mist suddenly shot out a ray of light and came towards her consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo quickly retracted her consciousness without even thinking about it, but no matter how fast she went, she could not get faster than the light. The moment the light came into contact with her consciousness, the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly lit up, and she couldn't see anything in an instant.

At the same time, Yan Xiangluo's figure disappeared.

Since they had just begun to comprehend, Ji Jiuzhong and Cheng Xiao had not yet comprehended anything. Therefore, as soon as Yan Xiangluo disappeared, they both discovered it.

The two of them suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the place where Yan Xiangluo was sitting, and sure enough, the person was gone.

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