The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 836: Very unexpected

Cheng Xiao was a little surprised. He thought that Ji Jiuzhong, the one with the highest level of cultivation among the three of them, would go in first. Unexpectedly, it was Yan Xiangluo who went in first.

 Cheng Xiao was extremely helpless. It seemed that this girl's mood was not as strong as usual.

I thought to myself: The two men are worse than a little girl.

After looking at Ji Jiuzhong, Ji Jiuzhong understood what Cheng Xiao meant, and thought to himself: He underestimated Luoluo, it would be better if there were more Luoluo.

Ji Jiuzhong calmly closed his eyes and continued to comprehend. Luoluo had gone in, so he couldn't be too bad.

By this time, Yan Xiangluo could already see it and found herself standing under the mountain peak. She looked at the mountain peak in front of her, raised her head and looked up. It was very mysterious and shrouded in clouds and mist.

She turned to look in the direction they came from, and found that she couldn't see anything. When she came to the foot of the mountain, she seemed to be cut off from the previous place.

Yan Xiangluo was also speechless. She thought it would take some time, at least a few days, to realize the opportunity to come in. Unexpectedly, she was just curious and came here without even realizing it.

She didn’t know whether this was the center or just an appetizer.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, she realized how big the mountain was. The trees on the mountain were tall, and the wild grass, wild flowers, and vegetation were very lush. Regardless of whether it was a central place or not, she could only go in and talk about it.

After all, there was no turning back for her now. Taking a deep breath, Yan Xiangluo walked towards the mountains.

She was still thinking that everyone's way of entering should be different. She didn't believe that the consciousness of the people who disappeared before would be as strong as hers.

But she didn't see anyone else. She didn't know if people would be separated when they came here, or if they walked into the forest and couldn't see them.

I don't know what Ji Jiu's opportunity is, and at the same time, he is also worried about his father and mother.

They separated after entering the training ground. She never met her parents after that. Although there were many people from the Nine Yuan Continent who came to the central place, she did not see her parents, not even Mu Zi. Neither Xian nor Changfeng saw it.

 Haven’t they even gotten the news?

Putting aside the doubts in her heart, Yan Xiangluo looked around.

Not to mention that the air here is really fresh, the aura is the strongest since she entered the first training place.

 It was a pity that such a strong spiritual energy could not be absorbed. She was absorbing the spiritual energy as she walked.

As he began to absorb the spiritual energy, Yan Xiangluo was startled. The spiritual energy here was different from the spiritual energy outside.

She could clearly tell that there was a fresh breath in the aura here. After feeling it carefully, she found that it was life force.

 It is normal for spiritual energy to contain vitality, but it is surprising that it has such strong vitality.

Yan Xiangluo sensed the Dantian, and the golden silkworm cocoon wrapping the Yuanying began to absorb spiritual energy on its own initiative. Apparently, the Yuanying inside liked the spiritual energy with strong vitality.

Since Yuanying likes her, she will naturally not refuse to absorb such spiritual energy. After all, there are not many spiritual energy that can make her Yuanying like her.

Knowing that Yuanying likes her, she no longer controls the speed and amount of absorption. She can absorb as much as she can. She feels that the pores all over her body are open, and she has reached the maximum amount of spiritual energy she can absorb without entering the realm.

Yan Xiangluo found that since she entered the first place of experience, she always seemed to encounter places with strong spiritual energy, and she could absorb the spiritual energy to her heart's content.

Even so, she is still at the primary level of Saint level, with no intention of advancement. That much aura is enough for someone to advance to a large level, but she can't even advance to a small level.

 The third level of Pangu Flowers Blooming is even more impressive than the previous two levels.

Although the first level was stuck for a long time, it did not require very high aura, it just required her to put herself to death and survive. Although the second level requires a lot of spiritual energy, it is not difficult to achieve. This third level is simply a bottomless pit.

At this time, she even doubted whether her trip could achieve her original purpose?

Yan Xiangluo walked straight up the mountain. There was no road at the beginning, so she walked very slowly and opened the way as she walked. After about an hour, she saw a road going around the mountain in front of her. She stood on the road and couldn't help but Know which way to go.

 Because although this road goes around the mountain, there are countless roads extending up the mountain.

 She didn't know whether to choose a path and continue walking up the mountain, or take the road around the mountain.

Standing on the road around the mountain, Yan Xiangluo let go of her consciousness and sensed along the roads extending up the mountain. Except for the spiritual energy mixed with strong vitality, she didn't sense anything else.

"Yuntuan, can you provide any information?" Yan Xiangluo asked helplessly Yuntuan lying on her shoulder.

"Master, I have only been to the center once before, but not in this way. At that time, there was only one way up the mountain. The roads in front of me are not like the roads I saw before." The clouds are real. I don’t know what the scene in front of me is going on?

Originally, Yan Xiangluo was very happy to arrive at the foot of the mountain so quickly. She felt that her master was awesome. After all, Ji Jiuzhong hadn't even come in yet.

 It was confused when it saw so many roads.

Yun Tuan did come to the center once before, but at that time, those who were destined to come to the foot of the mountain would see a road extending up the mountain. Whether you can reach the center depends on whether you can finish this road. .

 But now there are so many roads on the mountain, and it doesn’t know any of them.

“Do you sense the breath of spiritual beasts in the mountains?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Yun Tuan sensed it and said, "Yes, but they are all very deep."

Ruan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed, and she understood through Yun Tuan's message that the central place was very different from the past this time. Yun Tuan said that there was only one road at that time, and this road was not the one she saw in front of her. One of the roads means that none of these roads lead to the center.

 Therefore, no matter which path she takes, she cannot actually reach the center.

 Only by finding out that way first can the real test of entering the center be considered.

And there are local spirit beasts here, which means that danger is always present, and the spirit beasts that can survive in the center will not be weak.

 The reason why those spiritual beasts are all in the deep mountains now is because she has not yet found the real way to the center, and has not yet started the real test.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the road around the mountain and began to think about how to find the real way to the center.

A while passed, and she had no clue. At this time, she saw a few more people coming on the road around the mountain.

Similarly, no one who came to the mountain ring road was in a hurry to continue walking. They were all stunned by the scene in front of them. With so many roads, how should they choose?

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