The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 837: It's quite fate

No one thought that all the roads here would lead to the central place. After all, those who could enter the first training place were not stupid people.

However, they believe that one or several of them are the roads leading to the central place, so they are all considering which one to take.

A man came up not far from Yan Xiangluo. He saw Yan Xiangluo walking over alone and asked, "How long has it been since you arrived, girl?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him. How long has she been here? What does it have to do with him?

Hence, he just glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

 The man immediately explained, "I have no other intention, I just want to ask the girl if she came early and if she found anything?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. They are all people who want to enter the first place of experience. Even if someone finds something, they will not tell others openly. Is this man really stupid or does he think she is stupid.

"Would I still stand here if I found something?" Yan Xiangluo's tone was not very good.

 The man touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Excuse me."

 As soon as he finished speaking, he looked in another direction. After he had other goals in mind, he walked towards the other person's house.

Yan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips mockingly. I really don’t know how such a person came here. Do you just rely on borrowing the light of others?

I have to admit that some people have achieved some success through light luck, but that is just temporary luck, it will not last long, and it will not go far.

Withdrawing your gaze and no longer thinking about anything else, people have already come to the road around the mountain. More people will come here next. If you don't find the way into the center as soon as possible, there will also be people on the road around the mountain. Very dangerous.

 She has always felt that the greatest danger comes from humans themselves.

Ji Jiuzhong's aura was not felt, nor was the aura of his parents and Mu Zixian.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know whether they didn't get the news about coming to the central place, or whether they didn't come out from a certain training place.

She is no longer entangled, everyone has their own destiny, and their own opportunities have already opened up as soon as they enter the first place of experience.

 The only person you can rely on for every experience is yourself.

There were more and more people on the road around the mountain, which made Yan Xiangluo realize that something might really happen if so many people came to the central place this time.

Still not aware of Ji Jiuzhong's aura, Yan Xiangluo didn't know if anyone who found the opportunity would come to this mountain ring road. Maybe this mountain ring road would be a large circle around the entire mountain peak.

Yan Xiangluo pondered carefully, finding the way up the mountain should be one of the assessments for entering the central place.

If there are many such assessments, then no matter how many people there are outside, not many people will eventually be able to enter the place of experience and the place of heart.

 At this time, someone has already chosen which path to take and started trying to go up the mountain.

No one knows which road leads to the central place now. Therefore, although some people choose a path and go, no one follows the trend of taking one road, but there are people taking every road.

Yuan Xiangluo looked at the people coming and going on the road around the mountain, and then looked at the chaotic road up the mountain in front of her. Suddenly a light flashed through Yuan Xiangluo's mind. She couldn't see the road up the mountain with the naked eye. So what if we use spiritual consciousness.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes and used her spiritual consciousness to sense her surroundings. This time she did not rush to release her spiritual consciousness to a large area, but slowly explored the mountain with her as the boundary.

She found that her consciousness could not detect a single road. When she opened her eyes, she still saw so many roads extending toward the mountain. When she closed her eyes, her consciousness still could not detect a single road.

After trying several times, Yan Xiangluo understood that the reason why she could not see was because these roads were not the way up the mountain, and the road up the mountain should not be near her.

In that case, let’s walk along the mountain path first. Yan Xiangluo looked around and didn’t care which way to go, so she picked up her feet and walked to the left. When she reached the place within sight of her previous position, Yan Xiangluo stopped, closed her eyes and used her spiritual sense to sense it. She still couldn't see the road, so she continued walking forward.

People kept coming up, some were walking up the mountain road, and some people saw her walking on the road around the mountain and started to follow her.

 It’s not that I’m following the trend, I just want to take a look first and then choose the road to go up the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo ignored those people. Each had their own opportunities. If their opportunities were in her own body, she would not be able to avoid them.

 She walked like this for a long time without feeling the road, and there were fewer and fewer people behind her. In the end, she was the only one left walking on the road around the mountain.

Furthermore, no one is coming up the mountain-ringing road here, while there are still many people coming up from the previous place.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the endless road around the mountain in front of her and frowned. Could it be that her half of the road was wrong, so she couldn't find the way to the center?

 “The fragrance falls.”

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo heard a familiar voice calling her.

She turned around and saw a woman climbing up from below, waving to her excitedly.

 What a fate!

Yan Xiangluo sighed with emotion and waved her hand, "Siyun, we meet again."

He Siyun ran up to Yan Xiangluo and said excitedly, "Xiangluo, you are really my lucky star. Since I met you, my entry has been much smoother this time. I have gone to two training places to practice. Look. , my cultivation level has improved by one level, and now I can come to the central place. It’s really thanks to your light. I was still thinking about whether I could see you again, but here I am. We are really destined.”

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. It's quite fate. It was so fate that I met your destined husband.

"Why did you come up here? You are the first person to come up here." Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

 As she walked along, no one came here at all. He Siyun's luck was indeed different from that of normal people.

He Siyun looked confused and said, "I don't know either. When I got to the foot of the mountain, I climbed up the mountain. Then I came up and saw you."

Well, it is indeed a matter of luck.

Yan Xiangluo used the power of the Heavenly Master to carefully look at He Siyun's future. Sure enough, her destined person was Cheng Xiao. Their married life is also very happy.

"Xiangluo, have you just come up too?" He Siyun asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I've been here for a while. There are too many roads and I don't know which one to take, so I walked along the mountain road and met you."

He Siyun frowned, looked at the countless roads and asked, "Are these roads all leading to the center?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said truthfully, "I don't think it can be all, but there must be a way to go."

He Siyun and Yan Xiangluo walked side by side, chatting while walking.

"With so many roads, it is indeed difficult to choose. How many people can't go to the central place because they chose the wrong road?" He Siyun said a little worried.

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