The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 839: Definitely lose

 Spiritual power is limited. Once her spiritual power is exhausted, the road covered with bugs has not yet been completed. She dare not imagine how she will be corroded by the juice of bugs, and nothing will be left.

Moreover, she checked just now and found that the space was forbidden to enter. She could take things out and put things in, but she couldn't go in.

I was horrified. How did this place come to be? How could it have such terrifying power? Not only did it know that she had a personal space, but it actually prohibited her from escaping in it.

Yan Xiangluo tried his best not to kill the bugs, so that the number of bugs in front of him would not increase. Even so, after a while, the number of bugs in front of him also increased.

 She never landed, and she had to fight with the bugs that kept jumping up. She couldn't kill them. Under such circumstances, her spiritual power was consumed very quickly.

 At this time, she had consumed most of her spiritual energy, but she still did not see Thousand Faces emerging from the steps.

what to do?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the bugs below. At this time, she was no longer in the mood to think about numbing people. She had been thinking about how to get rid of these bugs.

 Did you get it?

Yes, the key is to get rid of these bugs. Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. He wanted to get rid of them even if he couldn't kill them. There was nothing he could do.

She thought that the space cannot be entered, but she can put things in and take things out. She can try to see if she can put these bugs in. As long as she can put them in, she is the owner of the space. As long as these bugs get in, she must listen to her. Yes.

She thought of a way and tried it quickly. She didn't have much spiritual power left, and it was being consumed faster.

She used her mental power to lock onto the attacking insects, and then with a thought, she shouted in her heart, "Hold it."

 The bug disappeared right before her eyes.

Yu Xiangluo was overjoyed and finally found a way.

She didn't use the remaining spiritual power to attack, it was all used to keep her able to fly in the air. She sent the bugs that attacked directly into Pangu space. Of course, she would not let these bugs in her body. She moved freely in Pangu space, but used her mind to mark a place for them, which was far away from where she lived.

 She really has no tolerance for these bugs.

After successfully sending the attacking bugs into Pangu space, she tried to lock the thick layer of bugs on the steps and send them into Pangu space as well.

This method is indeed effective, because she no longer kills the bugs, the number of bugs does not increase, and she sends the bugs on the steps into Pangu space. Gradually, there are no bugs on the steps behind her.

But she didn't dare to fall on the steps. Although there were no bugs anymore, there was still the spit juice left by the bugs. She didn't dare to touch such a corrosive juice.

Although this method is effective, there is still no end in sight for the bugs ahead.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. She didn’t have much spiritual power left. Why wasn’t it over yet?

 Even until her spiritual power was exhausted, the end of the insect was still not in sight. Fortunately, she had an idea and thought that she still had vitality. Although the vitality could not travel through the air, she could still levitate using it.

Therefore, when her spiritual power was exhausted, Yan Xiangluo released her vitality. It had been a long time since she had used her vitality. After this use, Yan Xiangluo discovered that her vitality was not much weaker than her spiritual power. It was just that Yuan Qi has no effect on spiritual power, but if you fight with Yuan Qi, you will definitely not be weak.

A thought flashed in Yan Xiangluo's mind. Could it be that the purpose here was to consume all her strength? But because she cultivated spiritual power and vitality at the same time, after the spiritual power was exhausted, her vitality would also be exhausted. .

 If this is the case, the moment the energy is exhausted is the end of this experience.

 At that time, there will inevitably be a life crisis. Only after passing this crisis can she truly pass the test. Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what crises would arise and how he could find hope after all his spiritual power and vitality were exhausted.

At this time, two breaths emerged from the mist-shrouded mountain peaks, one black and one white. The two breaths sometimes collided together and sometimes separated. It looked like they were fighting.

There was no winner or loser for a long time, and the black aura suddenly let out a chilling laugh, and at the same time a voice came out.

"You will definitely lose this time. The moment I came out, all my clones woke up."

The white aura did not respond, but burst out with a stronger aura, forcibly suppressing the black aura.

 Then the white breath did not enter the mountain peak, as if the previous battle had never happened.

Those who are climbing the mountain to enter the center do not know all this.

 Outside of the first place of training, people in various higher continents are constantly awakening at this moment.

 Qin Suyue in the Demon Realm is being cursed by Quhe's tigress-like wife. She is trying her best to suppress her unwillingness and hatred.

 There is no way, no way, who made her attempt to seduce the demon king Ge Tianjun fail? After being brought home by Qu He, she was ordered by Qu He to listen to his wife. After all, her status is that of a slave in the demon world.

Qin Suyue wanted to resist, but she couldn't. As soon as she thought of resisting, the laws of heaven would punish her. If she didn't withdraw her thoughts in time, she would be immediately wiped out by heaven.

 So I can only live with humiliation and heavy burden.

During this period, she found several opportunities to meet the Demon King, but she couldn't get close enough to seduce him.

But she had no choice. Only the Demon King could undo the slave mark on her body. If she became the Demon King's woman, would the Demon King still let her bear the slave mark of a captain of the guard?

Is there any way to make the devil fall in love with her?

                                                 buttal to how she insulted her, pretending not to hear it, and thinking in her mind about how to make the devil fall in love with her .

When Qu He came back, he heard his wife's insults before he even reached the yard. He frowned, paused, turned around and went out again.

He really doesn't want to come back to this home at all.

 There was no concern about Qin Suyue's situation.

Qin Suyue has long since stopped caring about Qu He. His previous kindness to her was offset by being insulted by his wife every day.

At this time, she just wanted to get rid of the Qu family. There was only one way she could think of, which was to become the devil's woman, but she couldn't do it and was in a bad mood.

At this moment, Qu He's wife struck with a palm. Qin Suyue wanted to hide, but at this moment her body suddenly became unable to move, and something seemed to come out of her consciousness.

And the magic power of Qu He's wife fell on Qin Suyue. Qin Suyue watched helplessly as she was hit by the magic power of Qu He's wife, and she was extremely angry. Could it be that she was going to die in such a tortured way?

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