The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 840: Die without peace of mind

 But at this moment something unexpected happened to Qin Suyue.

 When Qu He's wife's magic power fell on Qin Suyue, a powerful force rushed out of her body and she fought back with great force. Qu He's wife was unprepared and was hit by the force of the counterattack. Her body flew backwards and hit the courtyard wall hard. She spit out a large mouthful of blood. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Qin Suyue in horror. Then her body fell down. Lying motionless under the wall.

 Her eyes were still staring at Qin Suyue, obviously not knowing what was going on. Qin Suyue was obviously much lower in cultivation than her, so how could she have such strong power to fight back.

 It’s true that I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Qin Suyue was also shocked. She looked at the dead Qu He's wife and wondered what happened to her. What was going on with the sudden burst of power from her body?

 But it is a fact that she was saved.

It's hard to imagine what Qu He did to himself to prevent him from being tortured to death by his wife?

No, Qin Suyue immediately denied this situation. Quhe would not let his wife die even if Qin Suyue died. She had seen this clearly during this period.

Just when she was confused, her body suddenly became hot, as if there was a flame burning her. Her consciousness was in chaos, her headache was about to split, her Dantian was rolling, and her spiritual roots were tearing in pain.

 All this happened in an instant, and Qin Suyue no longer had the energy to think about what was going on.

 She fell to the ground and rolled around, moaning in pain, the sound getting louder and louder. Qin Suyue, who was in extreme pain, did not realize that her voice had become hoarse and extremely unpleasant.

 After Qu He left home, he went to drink with a better brother who also had a rest today.

Seeing his decadent appearance, the brother sympathized and said, "Why did you marry such a wife at that time?"

 “Alas, she was not like this at that time.” Qu He said helplessly.

 It is impossible to say that Qu He does not like his wife at all.

Although he is the captain of the guard beside the Demon King, he does not have any family background. He has worked hard to reach his current position step by step.

It was only after he was selected by the Demon King Ge Tianjun that he achieved his current status.

 Since there is no family, there is no family marriage involved, so it was indeed his own preference to marry a wife back then.

He also didn’t know why his wife became like this after several years of sweet married life. At first he could bear it, but later on his heart would become unbalanced. When he met a gentle and carefree woman, he couldn't control himself. Maybe he still liked such a woman in his heart.

 But as time went by and he experienced more women, he no longer cared about the woman’s personality. Isn’t that what matters between men and women? Just make yourself happy. His wife can make as much trouble as she wants, and he won't pay attention.

This was the first time he brought a woman back. He didn't want to take her home, but this time his wife didn't know why, and even brought it to the king, making him take her home in an upright manner in a fit of anger. .

 The conflict between him and his wife was completely aroused.

"If you hide like this, nothing will happen to your family, right?" Brother Qu He said casually.

Qu He shook his head and said, "Qin Suyue has a slave mark on her body and she doesn't dare to resist."

 The implication is that his wife was unilaterally abusing him, and there was no case of a fight between the two of them, so nothing would happen.

 “That’s not what you can do.” His brother said sympathetically.

There is no end to the days like this when you obviously have a home but can't go back. Qu He said, "I can't live my life anymore. It doesn't really have much to do with whether I can bring a woman back or not. It's just that she has a reason to explode."

 “…” His brother was speechless.

He can't persuade a husband and wife to separate. Although if it were his fault, he would definitely divorce his wife long ago, but after all, it is not his own business. He still understands the principle of persuading reconciliation but not separation.

At this moment, servants from Quhe's family rushed over and said, "Sir, there is an unpleasant sound coming from Madam's yard. It feels creepy. We can hear it even outside the house."

Upon hearing this, Qu He immediately stood up and asked, "Isn't anyone going in to see what's going on?"

"We can't get in, no matter whether we want to go in through the door or through the courtyard wall, there is a terrible force that prevents us from entering."

Qu He's expression changed and he said to his brother, "Brother, hurry up and report to the Demon King. I'll go back and take a look first."

This situation is obviously beyond his ability to solve. Brother Qu He also understands that this matter is indeed not their own family's business, and it is likely that something big has happened.

"Okay, I'll go right away." After saying that, he used his magic power and headed towards the Demon Palace as quickly as possible.

Flying is prohibited in the Demon City, so even if he wanted to fly in the air, he couldn't fly.

 Qu He also rushed home as fast as he could. At this moment, he regretted that he had not gone over to take a look when he returned home just now.

 Her heart was beating rapidly, and Qu He had a very bad premonition.

What he regrets more is that he was soft-hearted and coveted the pleasure Qin Suyue brought him, and helped Qin Suyue. Otherwise, at least he and his wife could maintain a superficial peace.

  Qu He returned home and went straight to the yard where his wife lived. He knew that since Qin Suyue moved into the house, his wife would call people to her yard to torture them every day.

 I didn't care about Qin Suyue's life or death, so I didn't care about it.

The servants of the family were all tremblingly surrounding the courtyard. Seeing Qu He back, they felt as if they had a backbone.

 “Sir, what should I do?”

Qu He had actually sensed the power outside the house. He knew very well that this power was not something he could solve.

 But when he got to the door of his wife's courtyard, he still tried to see if he could open the door and rescue his wife.

 In any case, he married his wife. Although the subsequent development went against his original intention, he never thought of not caring about her life and death. Otherwise, the two of them would not have been in a stalemate like this for so many years.

As the captain of the Demon King's bodyguard, if he wants to divorce his wife and remarry, it's not like he can't marry someone better.

But his power attack on the courtyard gate was like a child tickling an adult, and it had no effect at all.

 Qu He was shocked in his heart. He knew very well about his own cultivation strength, otherwise he would not be able to be the Demon King's captain of the bodyguard. His cultivation strength was as small as an ant in front of this power. What happened inside?

What Qu He didn't know was that he was lucky. That power had no time to pay attention to him now, otherwise he would have gone to the underworld to get together with his wife.

 Even before Brother Quhe entered the palace to deliver the letter, Ge Tianjun in the Demon Palace had already sensed the power.

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