The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 841: real devil

Ge Tianjun frowned, his heart sank, and he immediately ordered someone to report to the elders. He first led the demon guards to the place where the power occurred.

So when Qu He's brothers hurried to the Demon Palace, Ge Tianjun had already rushed to Qu He's house. He quickly turned around and rushed to Qu He's house.

The ban on flying in the Demon City is aimed at other people, with the exception of one person, and that is the Demon King. After all, the entire demon world belongs to the demon king.

Hence, Ge Tianjun only reached the place where he sensed the power in an instant. Only after he arrived did he realize that this was the Quhe family.

When Qu He saw Ge Tianjun arriving, he immediately saluted and said, "Your Majesty, what kind of power is this? Why is it so strong? Why is the sound so terrifying?"

Ge Tianjun's heart sank and he glanced at Qu He, "Whose yard is this? What happened?"

 Qu He was stunned for a moment, not daring to hide anything and told the truth about what happened.

Ge Tianjun rolled his eyes at Qu He. He has a good talent and a good way of doing things. Why can't he handle housework well?

  Qu He knew that he was really in trouble this time.

The last time his wife and Qin Suyue came before the king, the king had already warned him. Now that such a big thing has happened, he knows that even for the sake of loyalty, the king may not be able to serve as the captain of the guard. .

“Devil energy.” Before Ge Tianjun said what this power was, the elders from the demon world who rushed over shouted in unison.

The people present, except for the servants of Quhe's family, were the demon guards. Everyone was stunned. Demonic energy?

 That’s not right, they are all demon cultivators, why don’t they know what demonic energy is like? Why is it different from what they practice?

Ge Tianjun explained in a heavy tone, "Demon energy is not equal to magic power. There is demonic energy in this courtyard, which is the real power of the devil."

Ge Tianjun's words shocked everyone's hearts. They all knew that although they were demon cultivators, they did not necessarily become demons.

What demons practice is demonic energy. What they inhale as demonic cultivators is spiritual energy, which forms magic power in their bodies. This is actually a method of orthodox cultivation, but it is just discriminated against by spiritual practitioners.

This demon is not that demon.

Hence, they know very well what the presence of demonic energy here means.

“Your Majesty, we must quickly control this power, otherwise not only our demon world but also the entire Jiuyuan Continent will suffer a devastating disaster.” The elders said to Ge Tianjun.

Ge Tianjun shook his head, "We can't control it. Have you forgotten the warning in the ancestral precepts?"

 After hearing what Ge Tianjun said, the elders' eyes froze and their hearts sank.

Only the elders and demon kings know the ancestral teachings of the demon world. Although Ge Tianjun did not say it out loud, they know that the prophecy of the ancestors of the Ge family has now appeared.

 That was after the Ge family became the king of the demon world. After the arrival of Shou Yuan, the first demon king spent his whole life practicing to predict the future of the demon world and established the ancestral precepts of the Ge family, which all demon kings and elders of all generations must follow.

One of them is that when demons appear, the world will be in chaos; when saints appear, the world will be peaceful.

 This article says that one day in the future, a real demon will appear in the demon world. Once this demon appears, it means that the world will be in chaos. Only the emergence of a saint can bring peace to the world.

 “What to do now?” asked the elders.

Ge Tianjun looked at the courtyard blocked by the demonic energy and said, "Wait."

Even he does not have the strength to fight with the demonic energy now. He can only wait and wait for the demonic energy here to dissipate to see what is going on and who is the demon.

“Is there anyone else in the yard?” Ge Tianjun asked Qu He.

Qu He shook his head, "Only my wife and Qin Suyue." He knew without asking that no one else was left in the yard when his wife was giving Qin Suyue a hard time every day.

Ge Tianjun glanced at Qu He, "Then you have to be prepared. One of you should die now, and the one who is alive is still a demon."

Qu He's heart sank. After knowing that the powerful force in the yard was demonic energy, he knew in his heart that neither his wife nor Qin Suyue would be fine. But there is still a trace of luck in his heart. His wife is very strong and can at least save her life.

Now that the king said this, his little luck was completely shattered.

His body shivered uncontrollably and he slowly squatted down, feeling extremely painful.

 What he is most worried about is his wife, but whether his wife is dead or alive now, the outcome is not good.

Died, he was killed by the woman Qin Suyue he brought back, but alive, it proves that she is a demon.

 But the painful sounds inside were hard to hear. They were not those of his wife or Qin Suyue, and it was impossible to tell which of them was the one who became a demon.

Ge Tianjun said nothing more. The elders looked at each other and discussed in low voices before the eldest elder walked up to Ge Tianjun.

“Your Majesty, it’s dangerous here, let’s guard it.”

Ge Tianjun raised his hand and said, "It's useless for you to stay here. Since the devil appears, it must have a purpose. Only I can make the decision."

The great elder said nothing after hearing this. Their king was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death. He would not retreat to the rear for safety at this time.

Everyone waited in silence.

In the yard, Qin Suyue kept rolling on the ground, and the clothes on her body could no longer be seen. After such a long time, the pain did not lessen, but got worse. Several times she felt as if she almost died.

Just when she was about to lose it, the pain suddenly disappeared, as if it had disappeared all of a sudden.

If she hadn't been tortured so much that it would be difficult to stand up, it would be as if the pain never existed.

After a while, Qin Suyue slowly got up from the ground, glanced at Qu He's wife, who was still lying under the wall, staring at her, and raised the corners of her lips mockingly.

 God couldn't bear to see the insult he suffered and punished this vicious woman.

 She swayed for a moment, and her consciousness suddenly brightened. Her head hurt again. She quickly covered her head. Fortunately, the level of headache this time was within the acceptable range for her, at least she didn't roll around in pain.

Then she was stunned, and many memories that she had never had appeared in her consciousness. After all the memories were transferred, she knew what happened today.

how so?

Qin Suyue screamed in her heart, why is it her?

 After the painful sounds in the yard stopped, Ge Tianjun raised his hand towards the demon guard, who immediately got ready to fight.

Unable to accept the reality, Qu He also stood up and looked at the courtyard door with red eyes. He hoped in his heart that what came out was his wife. Even if she became a demon, it would be better than being killed by the woman he brought back.

 It took Qin Suyue a while to accept the reality that she was actually a demon.

 After her state of mind stabilized, a powerful force suddenly rushed into her Dantian, making her unable to stand still.

 She knew that this was the power of the devil.

 She has no right to refuse now, so she quickly sits down and absorbs the evil energy.

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