The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 843: A demon enters

Ge Tianjun's unkind words made Qin Suyue choke again. She snorted, "I hope you can be so calm and calm when we meet again."

Ge Tianjun didn't want to say anything more to her, so he reminded her, "You don't have much time."

Qin Suyue looked deeply at Ge Tianjun, raised her sleeves, and a black energy enveloped her. After the black air disappeared, Qin Suyue disappeared.

 At this time, the elders dared to speak, "Your Majesty, can't the Demon Slayer Array destroy her?"

They didn’t understand why the king let the demon go without even trying. It was a real demon.

Ge Tianjun sighed, "The ancestral teachings say that when the devil appears, let it go, and then there will be life."

Although I looked at him calmly all the time, I had already struggled a lot in my heart, and finally decided to follow the instructions of my ancestors.

 After all, he is not the saint who can destroy demons. The ancestral precepts say that as long as they cooperate with that saint to eliminate demons when the time comes.

If he insists on confronting the demon now, both sides may suffer, but there is no guarantee that the demon can be completely eliminated.

 As long as it is not completely eliminated, the devil will soon come back, and by then, the consequences may be even worse.

“Where did the devil go?” The elders then realized that there was indeed such a sentence in the ancestral precepts and asked again.

If the devil is in their demon world, it is a hidden danger. Even if they don't confront it now, they will confront it in the future.

As the Demon King, Ge Tianjun has absolute control over the Demon World, especially several special places.

“She went to the entrance of the first place of training.” Ge Tianjun said.

 “Huh?” All the elders were confused.

There are two entrances to the first place of training, one in the spirit world and one in the demon world. They can only be opened once every three years, and only one person can enter at a time.

 The first training ground was just opened a few days ago. When I entered it, I won the first place in this year's competition in their demon world.

What is the devil doing there?

 Can I still go in?

 “She went in.” Ge Tianjun said again.

“How did you get in?” the elders asked in surprise.

"I don't know what it was, but I felt a force entering the entrance, and her breath disappeared at the entrance." Ge Tianjun said.

 Everyone was speechless. The demon went into the first place of training. Will he come out again? What if I come out stronger?

What Ge Tianjun was thinking about was why the devil wanted to go into the first place of training?

After Yan Xiangluo rescued him three years ago, he came back just in time for the opening of the first training place. He went in that time, and after he came out, he had his current cultivation level.

He has been practicing in it for a month, and he didn't find anything wrong inside, nor did he find any demonic energy. However, he also knew very well that demons would not go into the first training place for no reason.

“Spread the news about the devil’s birth, especially in the spirit world, just tell the truth.” Ge Tianjun frowned tightly.

He wanted to know, where is the saint who can subdue demons? When will it appear?

At this moment, Qu He walked out with his wife's body in his arms. Ge Tianjun looked at Qu He and said nothing. The family affairs were like this, which had a lot to do with Qu He himself. Although Qin Suyue was a demon, Qin Suyue had been He doesn't even know that he is a demon, and Qu He doesn't blame him for not knowing.

 However, he brought Qin Suyue back, and he should bear a lot of responsibility for his wife's death.

 Qu He put his wife down and knelt down, "Your Majesty, this subordinate is guilty and has invited himself to go to purgatory to receive punishment."

Ge Tianjun was speechless for a while after hearing the words, and Qu He just knelt on the ground without moving.

“That’s right, bury your wife before you go.” Ge Tianjun agreed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Qu He kowtowed again. Ge Tianjun rose up in the air and left Quhe's house, and came to the entrance of the first training place. He carefully checked the entrance, but did not find what kind of power Qin Suyue used to open the entrance, or how she got in.

 The emergence of real demons in the demon world of the Nine Yuan Continent is happening in various higher continents. In the first training place of the demon world, demons are constantly entering.

And the demon cultivators who are practicing inside have not sensed the crisis yet.

Yan Xiangluo, who was walking to the center, didn't even know that great changes had taken place in various higher continents in this short period of time.

At this time, she was looking at the steps full of flowers and was speechless.

  The steps were full of flesh bugs before, which made her sick. She finally found a way to get rid of the bugs, but now there is another one that is eye-catching.

 Is this to confuse her?

These flowers looked beautiful, but she had never seen them before without exception. They were all highly poisonous. As long as she dared to reach out and pick one, she would definitely be poisoned immediately if she touched the flowers with her hands.

 As for the method of death, it depends on the kind of poison.

 In the previous battle with the flesh bugs, she not only exhausted her spiritual power, but also her vitality. Now she had no strength at all, and it was impossible to pass through this large poisonous flower.

 Let's restore our spiritual power first.

However, with so many poisonous flowers around, she did not dare to enter the realm directly to recover her spiritual power. If she was surrounded by poisonous flowers as soon as she opened her eyes, it would be too late to regret.

 Therefore, she was absorbing spiritual energy and recovering her vitality at the same time, without delaying both times and without entering the realm.

 The poisonous flower did not spread to where she was, it just stood in front of her, as if provoking her.

In this way, a day passed before Yan Xiangluo replenished her exhausted spiritual energy and regained her vitality.

She found that after the spiritual power was replenished, there was movement in her Dantian, as if her cultivation had finally loosened a little bit, and she had made a step forward. Although it was very small, she could feel it.

The same goes for his vitality. After all his energy was restored, he was twice as strong as before.

She was not happy about it. Anyone who took this path would gain experience and achieve much better results than she did. Therefore, she was not happy about it. On the contrary, she had to work harder.

Although she was recovering her spiritual power and vitality this day, her mind was also constantly spinning, thinking about how to get through this current hurdle.

 After thinking about it for a day, she decided to refine it.

 Why did you decide to do this?

 First of all, these flowers are highly poisonous, and she can’t think of a better way than refining them.

Secondly, the previous level had tested her spiritual power and vitality. She instinctively felt that this level was to test her poison refining skills.

 Why not practice her alchemy skills? The reason is very simple. Refining elixirs is easier than refining poisons. Once the poisons are refined, what problems will there be in refining elixirs?

 This is also the reason why many alchemists are not poison alchemists.

It is already difficult for an alchemist to improve. Who would be willing to spend time refining poison? After all, a poison refiner is not as respected as an alchemist.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Xiangluo took out the stone nest. As soon as the stone nest came out, she exclaimed, "So many top-quality poisons."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. She was sure Shiwo knew these poisonous flowers.

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