The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 844: What's the test again?

“Shiwo, do you know these poisonous flowers?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Shiwo said excitedly, "Master, these are poisonous flowers that are only found in the Nine Heavens. Even in the Nine Heavens, they are not found everywhere. You have to pay a high price to get one of them. There are so many here." I haven’t even counted them yet, Master, you’ve done it.”

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. What are you going to do? Now you are practicing to pass the test, you know?

"Shiwo, this is the journey to the center of the first training place. We have to remove all these poisonous flowers to pass this level and continue walking." Yan Xiangluo said to Shiwo.

Shiwo became even more excited when he heard this, "Isn't this better? It means that these poisonous flowers belong to the owner. With me here, we can take away all the poisonous flowers."

Yan Xiangluo really didn’t know that Shiwo’s nature was like this. He used to pretend to be cold and did not speak easily, but now he is better. Why do he think he is a talkative person.

 Okay, I need Shiwo’s help anyway.

 “Let’s get started.” It’s been a day’s delay.

Shiwo immediately enlarged his body and said, "Master, just put poison in it."

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. It was right to poison. Although they were flowers, they were indeed poisonous. She did not argue with Shiwo, but directly used her spiritual power to roll up some of the poisonous flowers in order from in front of her, uprooted them and threw them into the stone nest. When she saw that the bottom had not yet been filled, she continued to pull out flowers and throw them in. She did not stop until all the poisonous flowers in front of her were pulled out.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the poisonous flowers in front of her and realized that this was indeed a test of her poison refining skills. The poisonous flowers all grew in the same place, which made it easier for her to refine one kind of poison at a time without interfering with each other.

In this case, she didn't hesitate anymore and just threw the flames to start refining the poisonous flowers in the stone nest.

Shiwo was very cooperative, but he kept talking, telling Yan Xiangluo what kind of poisonous flower it was, what it did, and what its uses were.

Yan Xiangluo knew that the information Shiwo knew should be from her experience in refining poison in her previous life, as if she had lost her knowledge and was now picking it up bit by bit.

However, with Shiwo, the Encyclopedia of Poisons, she would not miss the opportunity to study. She would listen carefully and write it down, then put away the refined poison, mark it on it, and take out a notebook at the same time. , record the growth habits, toxicity and usage of the poison in detail so that it can be easily taught to young apprentices in the future.

At this level, Yan Xiangluo felt quite comfortable. After all, she was doing what she liked, and time passed quickly.

 When she saw that there were no poisonous flowers in front of her, she suddenly realized that another day had passed.

 In Pangu space, there are a lot of medicine bottles containing poison pills, and they are big bottles, not small bottles containing a pill.

 Looking at the steps extending out in front, I don’t know what the next level will be tested on.

 However, her mental energy and spiritual power were greatly consumed this day, so she decided to regain her strength before continuing.

Although Shiwo didn't want to go back and wanted to see if it was needed for the next level, she was sent to the Pangu space by Yan Xiangluo. If she felt free, she could let him extract the poison from those flesh bugs. Give it a cluster of flames from the fire beads and let it control the heat on its own.

Without Xiangluo, Shiwo can only refine the fleshy insects into venom, but cannot refine them into pills, but it is happy to use the flames of the fire beads to refine the insects.

Yanxiang Luocun just doesn't like seeing so many bugs, they are too annoying, and she really doesn't have time to refine those bugs now. It took about an hour for her mental energy to replenish and her spiritual power to recover.

Yan Xiangluo discovered that the time for her to recover her strength was getting shorter and shorter. Although her sea of ​​consciousness was now very strong, even if the mental power consumed yesterday was not restored immediately, it would not affect her at all, but that was only relative to If her powerful sea of ​​consciousness is compared with other monks, the time it takes to recover these mental powers is not measured in days, but will probably be measured in years.

 But she recovered within an hour. No one would believe her at this speed.

There were so many strange things that happened to her that Yan Xiangluo didn't care anymore and continued walking forward.

 Look carefully around you in front and behind you in case the next level suddenly appears and there is danger.

 After walking for a while, she finally realized something was wrong. In fact, she had already entered the next level. Because she walked for such a long time without actually walking a step.

How did she find out? It was because the trees on both sides had not been changed. They were still the two trees when she started. Even the weeds and wild flowers on both sides of the steps were exactly the same.

 There is no danger of attack, so what is the assessment?

Yan Xiangluo was puzzled. When she first arrived at the foot of the mountain, she clearly sensed a strong aura of spiritual beasts in the mountain. She thought that this road must have been fought all the way. Could it be that her path of experience was different from others? Same?

 The surrounding scenery has not changed, so the problem is still the steps under our feet.

She looked down at the steps under her feet, and then she realized that starting from the steps in front of her, there were faint golden lights flashing on the steps. If she looked carefully, they turned out to be mysterious patterns.

Yan Xiangluo was completely speechless. Could this level be a test of her Xuan Wen strength?

She looked at the steps spreading out in front of her, and sure enough, there was a faint golden light appearing on them, and they were all mysterious patterns.

The mysterious pattern of golden light is the highest among the mysterious patterns.

Although there is no fixed grade classification for Xuanwen masters, the level of Xuanwen can be seen from the color of the carved Xuanwen.

Ordinary mysterious patterns are just a flash of transparent light, just like spiritual power cannot see colors.

 The higher the level, the white light can be seen, then the silver light, and then the golden light. The light of each color is also divided into strong and weak. The stronger the strength, the darker the color.

Except that Yan Xiangluo had dedicated time to learn Ji Yin's Xuan Wen before, she actually didn't have time to upgrade her Xuan Wen level afterwards. However, she was very talented in Xuan Wen, coupled with the level of Ji Yin's Xuan Wen technique. High, so after she finished learning Ji Seal, her Xuanwen level was at the silver level. However, when she first entered this level, the color was not obvious and it was not easy to see the silver.

 Up to now, although the level has improved a lot, it has not reached the gold level.

Does this mean she wants her to upgrade her Xuan Wen level to gold?

  She was helpless. She was training, so how could she have so much time to improve her level?

If the Xuanwen level is upgraded to the gold level, there is no need to enter the central place. Even if one month is up, she may not be able to upgrade to the gold level.

 How to talk about breaking through the last hurdle of Pangu Flower Blooming?

If you can't break through the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming in the first land of training, how long will it take to break through when you return to Jiuyuan Continent? Can the most important thing be broken through?

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