The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 845: One of the clones

Yan Xiangluo was worried, but there was no good solution at the moment. She knew in her heart that the situation was in front of her and she could only accept her fate.

Taking a long breath, things are already like this. There is no use in getting entangled and upset. It is better to use the existing time to improve the strength that can be improved.

Even if there is no chance to break through the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming, we must make the most of the time we have entered, so it is better to increase the level of the mysterious pattern with peace of mind than to gain nothing at all.

After figuring it out, Yan Xiangluo began to study the mysterious patterns on the steps. She needed to break the mysterious patterns on the steps before she could move forward. I don’t know how many mysterious patterns there are.

After studying it carefully for a while, she discovered that the first mysterious pattern was carved on three steps. She squatted down and carefully studied the golden grade mysterious pattern.

 Studying the mysterious patterns requires the use of mental power to see the pictures and texts of the mysterious patterns, and then study the pictures and texts to find a solution.

He thought to himself: I wonder if Ji Jiuzhong has also found a way, and whether he will also have to go through the Xuanwen test. In the real test, with his Xuanwen strength, I am afraid it will be easy to pass this test.

Had she known that there would be such an assessment, no matter how busy she was before, she still had to learn the mysterious patterns from Ji Jiuzhong.

The mysterious pattern carved on Ji Jiuzhong's pattern is golden light.

Yun Tuan squatted on her shoulders and looked at the familiar mysterious patterns on the steps, and sighed secretly. The master made the right decision to enter the first training place. This is simply a training ground prepared for the master to regain his skills. .

It is somewhat looking forward to what is waiting for the master in the central place, and even more looking forward to how the master will improve his cultivation like a monster if he breaks through the third level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique.

Yun Tuan is not worried at all that Yan Xiangluo can't crack these mysterious patterns. Although he can't do it now, he will soon find a way to retrieve the things in his soul.

Sure enough, after studying for about a quarter of an hour, Yan Xiangluo cracked the mysterious patterns on the three steps.

Yan Xiangluo was a little confused. Could it be that her previous Xuanwen level had reached the peak of transcending levels, so it took only a quarter of an hour to reach the gold level?

Although she was confused, this was a good thing. At least she didn't worry that she wouldn't have time to go to the central place.

Yan Xiangluo is immersed in deciphering the mysterious patterns. On this road, many people are busy. If you look closely, you can find that their experience methods are different, but without exception, they are all tested on their own abilities.

 On this road, their abilities are like being exposed to the sun, there is no secret at all.

Ji Jiuzhong was also going through the test. He had already passed the Xuanwen test before. As Yan Xiangluo thought, that test was not that difficult for him, but it was also rewarding, allowing him to truly understand the mystery of Ji Yin. The test he is going through now is weapon refining.

Ji Jiuzhong actually didn’t have much time to refine weapons after arriving in the higher continent, so the weapon refinement level was not improved much. This time was an opportunity.

Compared to the methodical experience of those who entered the first place of training in the spiritual world, the situation in the demon world has already become a disaster.

Every high continent has a demon entering it, and the demon cultivators who have experienced it are in dire straits. Anyone who reacts slowly or discovers it late will mess up the demon's path. In the least case, they will be injured, and in the worst case, they will lose their lives.

After Qin Suyue entered the first training place, she was complacent at first, thinking that she was the reincarnation of the devil. As long as she got the power left by the devil in the first training place, she would be invincible.

But when she met other demons, she realized that she was just one of the demon's reincarnations. Their purpose was to get the power that the demon left in the first training place, and whoever could get it would win. Will be a real demon.

As long as one demon gets the power from the first training ground, the other demons will disappear, and the power will return to the body of the demon who got the power, which is the real demon body.

 Therefore, when a demon encounters a demon on the road, he will fight tooth and nail. One less demon means one less competitor. If Qin Suyue hadn't played a dirty trick just now, she would definitely have died in the opponent's hands.

Qin Suyue suddenly felt a sense of crisis, because she discovered that among the demons she encountered, she was not the strongest, and could even be said to be the weakest.

  Could it be that giving her hope was to let her give power to the real demon?

 She was unwilling to give in.

Therefore, she is different from other demons in that she does not care about the demon cultivator. She hides all the way to avoid the demon cultivator and at the same time avoids other demons and rushes to the center where the magic power is sealed.

 I pray in my heart that I can arrive before other demons, so that even if I am the weakest, as long as I get the demon's power, I can absorb the power of other demons and become a real demon.

Qin Suyue's decision was still correct. The journey went smoothly and she was traveling very fast. When she saw the distant mountain peaks looming in the clouds and mist, she was extremely happy.

At this time, it is no longer possible to avoid everyone, and many demon cultivators are also rushing to the central place. The demons who have arrived here have also kept a low profile, no longer going against the demon cultivators, and no longer taking action against each other.

That way you can make wedding clothes for others.

 After being happy, Qin Suyue saw that there were already many demons in front of her. Her heart sank and she immediately hurried on with all her heart.

The central land is divided into two parts, one is in the spiritual world and the other is in the demon world. Everyone knows this, but no one knows that the central land is one. It is also the only place in the first training ground where the two demon spirits are connected. .

Three days later, Yan Xiangluo cracked all the mysterious patterns. The mental power consumed in three days was not a small amount, but it was only half. Although it did not make her uncomfortable, she had to restore her mental power out of habit.

 Sit down on the steps and start to restore your mental strength while absorbing spiritual energy.

 These days, apart from being unable to absorb spiritual energy during actual battles, she has never stopped absorbing spiritual energy.

You know, she needs a lot of spiritual power to break through the third level.

This time it took her a day to regain her mental strength.

 After opening her eyes, she calculated that she had been in for half a month, which meant that it was still half a month until it was time to go out.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and glanced at the steps in front. She hadn't reached the center yet, and each level would consume more time. She didn't know what tests were waiting for her ahead, so she could only make sure not to waste any time. .

 She continued to walk forward, and then felt what the next test would be.

She has many abilities, shouldn’t she have to test them all?

While she was thinking, several people appeared on the steps in front of her, coming in the opposite direction from her, coming from top to bottom.

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, what is going on?

 Could it be that they all failed and could not go to the central place without passing the test and could only go back?

Yan Xiangluo saw the person who was about to come to her and wanted to stop him to ask, but suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

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