The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 846: Kill three eagles with one stone

   No, she was on the way to the center, and she was practicing alone. She couldn't meet other people. Why was there someone in front of her?

Yan Xiangluo quickly retracted her outstretched hand, and then saw the person she was trying to stop walking past her. She turned her head and looked, but there was no one on the steps behind her.

Hairs on my hair immediately stood up. There was clearly a person passing by, but why was there no one walking down behind me?

If what just passed was a soul body, she should be able to sense it. After all, she is a heavenly master.

She turned back suddenly and looked at the person walking in front of her. It was really a person. This time she stared at him carefully and saw him disappear after walking past her.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned and immediately understood that these people were her test for this level, but she hadn't figured out what they were testing yet.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the steps, watching people keep walking past her and disappearing. After a long time, she suddenly realized that she finally understood what this level was going to test her for.

 In fact, it is not a test, it should be said to be an experience, to test her Celestial Master strength.

How can I tell that she wants to practice her Celestial Master strength? Once you figure it out, it's actually very simple. Because she used the power of soul control to see that the soul bodies of everyone who came over were numb, but the soul bodies had the light of destiny, and everyone was different.

 That's why she determined that this level was to experience and improve her Celestial Master strength.

Yan Xiangluo was immediately excited. After she learned the soul-controlling power technique from the Long family, her level as a heavenly master continued to improve. However, she did not have much time to learn, so the Long family's soul-controlling power technique She never finished learning the law.

Yan Xiangluo felt that the road into the center seemed to be specially set up for her. She was forced to learn all kinds of skills that she did not have time to learn in the shortest possible time.

This is a good thing. After all, even if she had time to study in Jiuyuan Continent, she would not be so efficient.

Yan Xiangluo immediately mobilized the Long family's soul-controlling technique, and then looked at the people walking by her, constantly using the power of soul-controlling to see their fortunes, and looking at those who didn't understand or understand. Then learn the soul control technique.

 Since she realized it and started to experience the strength of the Heavenly Master, those people have been walking very slowly. Unless she has finished reading a person's destiny, that person will disappear.

Time passed little by little, and Yan Xiangluo finally learned all the Long family's soul-controlling techniques.

But the people walking down the steps are still there, which means she hasn’t passed this level yet. What’s left to do?

Yan Xiangluo continued to show the fortunes of these people. Now she was able to skillfully see through all the fortunes and experiences of the other people in this life at a glance. It can be said that these people have no secrets in front of her now.

Her eyes lit up. Could it be that the ultimate test of this level was whether she could see through a person's past, present, and future lives?

With this thought in mind, she did so. Yan Xiangluo began to try to see if she could see through this person's past life.

 Compared with looking at a person's past life and future life, it is easier to see the past life, so she chooses the easy one first, and can see the past life before looking at the future life.

It took her two days to finally see through the past life of the person who passed by, and she could even see through the person's first three lives, so she began to try to see the future life of the person who passed by.

But it also depends on what the other person's destiny is like. Some people's destiny can be easily seen through three lives, but some people require a lot of soul power to see through.

It was much more difficult to see through a person's future life. It took her three days to see a person's future life, and she could only see one future life.

 But this level has not been passed yet. Yan Xiangluo wondered if it was because she could only see one life in the future. Sure enough, when she could clearly see a person's last three lives, all the people walking down the front steps disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the empty steps. She knew very well that these people actually existed. How did they appear on the steps?

 Why do they all seem to be possessed?

What Yan Xiangluo didn't know was that many people walking on the road to the center felt as if they had walked in a daze for a while, and they couldn't figure out what was going on after thinking about it. , in the end it was regarded as a level of experience on this road.

Yan Xiangluo thought about her abilities, and it seemed that the only skills she knew were formations and mind-reading skills that she had not yet practiced.

 Will the next level be an experience to improve her formation level or a mind-reading skill?

Yan Xiangluo stepped out without hesitation, and she felt the breath of the formation in a moment. It seemed that she was practicing the formation first.

Yan Xiangluo sighed helplessly. Is this trying to cultivate her into an all-around genius?

To be honest, after learning so many samples, she never expected to become proficient in them all. There is still a priority. She just thinks that if she learns more of one thing, it will be good if she understands it, and she will have more protection when she encounters danger. .

 Now that she is fine, she feels that when she leaves here, she will definitely be envious and jealous even herself.

However, this level is not so easy. The formations are changing rapidly, and the dangers are real. They are different from the previous skills. Yan Xiangluo finally understands that this level is not just about improving her formation skills. , and also wanted to improve her combat effectiveness.

 She had experienced the powerful aura of spiritual beasts deep in the mountains before at the foot of the mountain, and now she had experienced it personally.

 While fighting powerful spiritual beasts, he also has to figure out how to break the formation.

 Only by defeating the spirit beast and breaking the formation can you enter the next formation. The next formation is to fight another more powerful spiritual beast to break the higher level formation.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know how long her spiritual power would be able to last, but she had only broken three formations, and half of her spiritual power had been consumed.

 When she failed to pass this level, she had no time to stop and recover her spiritual power, nor could she watch it being exhausted.

So Yan Xiangluo's three-purpose focus is now in effect. While fighting the spiritual beasts, she is thinking about how to break the formation, and she also absorbs spiritual energy to replenish the consumed spiritual power.

No one person can do this. Even Ji Jiuzhong, who learned to do two things like her, can only do two things but not three things.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo sighed again, this level is really killing three birds with one stone.

This not only improves her formation skills, but also improves her combat effectiveness. It also trains her how to absorb spiritual energy to replenish spiritual power during battle.

 Look, it was a little awkward at first, but now she is able to absorb the spiritual energy and convert it into spiritual power, and output the spiritual energy to fight the spiritual beasts, and at the same time, she can break the formation.

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