The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 847: Four sentences

 One formation after another was broken, three days passed, and Yan Xiang calculated the time.

Twenty-three days have passed since I came in, which means there are only seven days left to practice in the first training place.

 But she hasn’t reached the center yet, and she doesn’t know if there will be any other tests after passing this level?

If there was any more, she felt that her hope of reaching the center was slim.

Just when she was worried that there was not enough time, she killed the spiritual beasts in the formation, and then quickly broke the formation.

At the same time, all the breath of the formation disappeared, and Yan Xiangluo felt happy that she finally came out of this level.

She couldn't even count how many spiritual beasts she had killed and how many formations she had broken, but one thing she knew very well was that the level of every formation she broke was not lower than the level of the Gentleman's Formation she broke.

At this time, she was in a very embarrassed state, her hair was messy, and she was dirty. She could smell the blood on her body.

 She looked up, expecting to see the familiar steps again and enter the mind-reading experience. But there was an open field in front of her. There were many people in the field, and there were people around her who were as embarrassed as she was, but the people in the field were in a better condition.

After Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, she finally understood that she had passed the road to the center.

Those in better condition arrived earlier and had already tidied themselves up. The person who was in the same embarrassment as her had just arrived.

She couldn't go into the space to tidy up with so many people. Yan Xiangluo quickly tidied herself up briefly, changed into a skirt, cleaned up her hair and combed it again. She just wanted to see if this was a central place?

At this moment, a person not far from her who had just come up like her couldn't wait to ask Yan Xiangluo her doubts.

The man asked the person in front of him, "Is this the center of the place?"

The man glanced at him and said, "I don't know."

have no idea?

Yan Xiangluo frowned. There were so many people here, but they didn’t know if this was the center?

Yan Xiangluo let go of her consciousness and sensed the large venue, but she sensed nothing except the breath of the people present.

Yan Xiangluo looked up at the sky and realized that they were at the highest point of the mountain.

 There was not even a trace of cloud in the blue sky. Looking down, she saw a rolling sea of ​​clouds. If the situation was not different at this time, she would really appreciate this beautiful sea of ​​clouds.

 Frowning his brows, he then remembered that the road to the center ended like this? Why haven't you practiced mind-reading?

Yan Xiangluo sensed Ji Jiuzhong's aura. If he didn't sense it, was it because he hadn't experienced it yet or was there another similar place?

There is nothing normal here, and Yan Xiangluo no longer dares to think in a normal way.

She walked inside, using her spiritual sense to check if any of their people were coming. However, after walking around for a long time, she did not find any of their people. Instead, she saw a few people from Jiuyuan Continent, but she I didn’t recognize them, so I didn’t say hello.

Withdrawing her consciousness, she began to wonder, what kind of place is this place? Is it another assessment place, or is it the center?

There is a big gap in the cultivation level of people here, but most of them are above the **** level. There are also people with holy level cultivation, but most of them are at the eighth or ninth level of the holy level, and very few are at the sixth or seventh level. She is the only person like her who has broken through to the holy level.

Yan Xiangluo thought about her mind-reading ability, which had not been noticed by Tiandao. She had not yet experienced it, so there was no good way to do it at this time. The cultivation level of these people was just right for her to practice mind-reading, so she could not miss any opportunity to improve her ability.

She had already tried it before, and she could hear the voices of people with a level above the **** level, so she had no intention of practicing with people with a level below the **** level or a saint level, and would directly go to someone with a **** level level to practice. practise. Therefore, she walked specifically to people who were above the **** level. As soon as she used her mind-reading skills, a noise suddenly came to Yan Xiangluo's ears. It was more noisy than the big market and almost knocked her out.

She quickly gave up reading her mind and her voice disappeared. After trying it a few times, she realized that her ability to read minds had actually improved, to the point where she was speechless.

 In the past, she could only listen to one person's voice with concentration. Now, as long as she is not focused on anyone, she can hear the voices of everyone present.

After trying it a few times, she knew how to control it. As long as she thought about whose voice to listen to, other voices would automatically disappear. If she didn't think so, she could hear everyone's voice.

 Knowing that she could choose someone to read her mind at will, she planned to find someone with the highest level of cultivation to try it.

She took a look and found that the ones with the highest cultivation level present were those with the sixth level of God. There were more than a dozen people in total. She ran towards the person closest to her.

 You can hear each other's thoughts as soon as you walk by.

 “How on earth can we enter the center?”

This is the voice of a monk who has reached the sixth level of divine cultivation.

Yan Xiangluo immediately slowed down. Listening to what this person meant, this was actually the entrance to the central place, but you needed an opportunity to get in.

This man should know something. She wanted to hear more, so she stopped near him, but with her back to him, as if she was observing the people around her.

“It’s not wrong, it’s right here. I’ve searched around for several times, but I still can’t see the entrance. Isn’t it that the entrance is hidden by the formation? I can’t sense the breath of the formation.”

The man's inner activities continued, and he didn't realize that his inner voice was being heard by Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. The entrance was here, but it was hidden by the formation. Then the level of this formation should be the ancient formation level, otherwise the man would not be so worried.

 She really didn’t expect that she would hear such important information by choosing a person to try her mind reading skills.

“Nine turns in the sky, suddenly encountered thunder and wind, stepped into the golden plate, and met the mortal world again.” The man recited these words repeatedly in his heart.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Could these words be a hint to find the entrance to the central place?

 She continued to listen to the man's voice.

"What do these four mantras mean? What do they have to do with the formation?" The man muttered after reciting it several times.

Yan Xiangluo is sure this time. These four sentences are indeed reminders, and they are related to the formation that hides the entrance.

Yan Xiangluo listened for a while, but didn't hear any more useful information. She continued to walk forward and came to another person who had reached the sixth level of **** cultivation.

After hearing his voice, Yan Xiangluo was surprised. Not only the previous person knew the four words about feelings, but this person also knew it and was thinking about it.

 Do many people know this sentence? How do they know it?

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