The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 848: Decided to try

Yan Xiangluo listened to the voices of a dozen other sixth-level cultivators of the Supreme God one after another, and made sure that they all knew these four formulas.

Do other people who practice cultivation know?

Yan Xiangluo began to select people according to their cultivation level from high to low, listening to their opinions. She did not choose people at random, they were all people who were around those who had reached the sixth level of God.

Because she found that the people with the sixth level of divine cultivation were not far away from each other and were all in the center of the venue. They probably felt that the entrance should be in the middle.

Hence, other people who know will think so too.

Yan Xiangluo listened to the voices of many people one after another, and she discovered that only people with a higher level of cultivation knew the news, and no one with a lower level than a higher level knew about it.

 Then it’s normal for someone like her, who is not even a god-level practitioner, not to know.

It should be some kind of setting in the central place. Maybe the entrance can only be opened by people with their level of cultivation, so they can know about it.

After Yan Xiangluo listened to a large circle of thoughts, she stopped listening when she found no useful information, and concentrated on studying these four formulas.

“Nine turns in the sky, suddenly encountered thunder and wind, stepped into the golden plate, and met the mortal world again.” She read it over and over in her mind.

After reading for a while and having no idea, she suddenly thought that she had complicated these four sentences. In fact, they just meant what they meant on the surface.

The literal meaning of this sentence is that it takes nine turns to reach the top of the clouds. But the fact is that they are already above the clouds. There are no clouds above, and the clouds are halfway up the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo looked up at the sky. The blue sky was as clean as if it had been washed by water. There were no clouds at all, let alone the sky.

 Nine rotations in the sky, nine rotations, what place needs nine rotations to go to, what is the nine rotations method? Could it be that the place we are going to is similar to Yunxiao? Or does it take nine turns to reach the sky to reach that place?

Suddenly encountering thunder and wind. Do you think that after going to this place for nine turns, you will suddenly encounter thunder and wind? What kind of thunder and wind are they?

She didn’t see thunder and wind here and there either? Even the spiritual consciousness cannot detect any breath.

Step into a gold plate, and after going through nine turns and encountering thunder and wind, you will step into a gold plate. Whether this gold plate is an object or a place is hard to say.

  Meet the mortal world again. What does this sentence mean? Is the place where mortals live?

 After all, the place they are in now is not a place that mortals can come to. Even monks are not a place that everyone has the opportunity to reach.

 But what’s the point of them going to the place where mortals stay?

I have thought over and over again the meaning of the four sentences, but I have no inspiration.

Suddenly, Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. Since everyone they knew said that these four formulas were related to the formation, these four formulas were either the method to crack the formation that hides the entrance or the hint to find the formation.

 You can’t go wrong if you think about it in these two directions.

Yan Xiangluo's heart suddenly became enlightened. She was no longer in a hurry to study these four sentences, but carefully observed the surrounding environment to see where it was most likely the entrance to the central place.

This is a spacious place, very flat, as if the mountain peaks have been flattened. Above is the blue sky, and below is the main body of the towering mountain. Don't go on, even if you can fly in the air, you don't dare to try to jump.

After all, everything here is weird, and you won’t be able to hit the ground if you jump.

So how could such a peaceful place turn around?

 In the nine-turn sky, the only place with clouds here is halfway up the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo thought, is it possible that the entrance to this central place is not in the middle where they think it is? Yan Xiangluo walked out from the center and walked to the edge of the venue. Looking down, she saw the sea of ​​clouds halfway up the mountain, stretching into the distance. It was beautiful, but it also made people feel like there was a bottomless pit under the clouds. Feel.

On Yunxiao, is the entrance really not on this platform, but below, where Yunxiao is?

Yan Xiangluo’s idea was very bold, but as soon as the idea came up, it was out of control.

 The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

She squatted down and tried her best to look down. The small paws of the cloud lying on her shoulder were holding her collar tightly, fearing that she would fall.

The mountain peaks are uneven, with short plants growing on them. The protruding stones and sunken mountains are no different from ordinary mountain cliffs.

Suddenly her eyes lit up. Does "nine turns to the sky" mean that you need to turn nine times from the cliff to reach the place where the clouds are, that is, where you encounter thunder and wind?

 Almond eyes flashed suddenly.

 It takes a lot of courage to know whether you should try it yourself.

 Even if you succeed, you will still have to experience thunder and wind. I don’t know what kind of thunder and wind it will be like, and whether you can get through it alive.

 If you fail, you will only die.

But time waits for no one, there are only seven days left, waiting here is not an option, even if you come here, you will not be able to enter the central place. Her cultivation is the lowest, and those who have cultivation above the sixth level of God are... No one dares to use their strength to find an entrance, let alone her strength.

 So, all we have to do is use our brains.

 At this point, she didn't see any cultivation restrictions on entering the central place.

In fact, everyone present was shocked when they saw Yan Xiangluo. Her appearance was just one of the things that shocked them. The most important thing was that they were shocked by how a person who had just broken through to the holy level could go through so many levels to get here?

The most important thing is the spiritual pet on her shoulder. None of their spiritual pets can be summoned from the spiritual pet space. How can her spiritual pet stay outside?

Moreover, they did not sense any spiritual fluctuations in her spiritual pet. It felt like a pure pet, not even a spiritual pet.

In addition, Yan Xiangluo's red dress is so conspicuous here that it is impossible not to notice it.

 They were all paying attention to her as though they were absent.

Although several people in Jiuyuan Continent did not know her before, they knew her and had met her before entering the first training place. Although she did not know them, they knew her. fall.

Seeing that she was not with Ji Jiuzhong and that everyone here was paying attention to her, they all came to her vicinity. If anything happened, they could help immediately.

Not because Ji Jiuzhong brought them in, but because they were all from Jiuyuan Continent and they had to unite and help each other.

Yan Xiangluo naturally sensed the actions of the people from Jiuyuan Continent, and felt a little relieved. The people who came in this time would be more united and in a higher mood after they left. It seems that their original intention of bringing these people in was not only good. There are even greater gains to be realized.

She glanced down and decided to give it a try. Since they were protecting her, she should tell them.

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