The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 849: without hesitation

Yan Xiangluo stood up, looked at the people in Jiuyuan Continent, chose the nearest man and said to him, "The entrance to the central place is hidden by the formation. People who have cultivated above the gods know that a four A formula: Nine turns in the sky, you suddenly encounter thunder and wind, step into the golden plate, and meet the mortal world again. It should be related to breaking the formation or opening the entrance. I want to go down and take a look. You can study these four formulas. "

The person who heard her message was stunned, and then sent the message to her, "Miracle doctor, think twice before you act. We don't know what's happening next. It's too dangerous. We have tried throwing an object before, but we didn't feel anything. Disappeared."

After hearing what he said, Yan Xiangluo smiled, "What are we here for?"

 Her rhetorical question made the man stunned for a moment, and he immediately understood what she meant.

He looked at the boundless sea of ​​clouds, and then felt the bottom of the bottomless sea of ​​clouds. Although he knew what they were here for, making a decision was not something ordinary people could do.

At this time, they understood in their hearts that it was no wonder that the unmarried couple had such high achievements at such a young age. Talent was only one of them. The main thing was that they were courageous and dared to break through themselves.

  Anyway, he didn’t have the courage to be the first one to jump.

"Be careful, Doctor Sun. I will tell them the information you told me immediately." The man no longer advised Sun Xiang to do anything.

Although he is young, he has a plan in mind.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and looked down. Although she had decided to go down, she had not yet decided where to go.

 The site is roughly circular, with a large area and is surrounded by mountains.

Yan Xiangluo walked around the edge and didn't see any difference.

The almond-shaped eyes flashed rapidly. Since the surroundings were the same, it should be the same no matter where you go.

Yan Xiangluo did not hesitate and said to Yun Tuan on her shoulder, "I'm going down. Do you want to stay outside or go in?"

Yun Tuan knew where she wanted to go. Yun Tuan shook his head and said, "Master, just go down. Don't worry about me. I will stay with you outside."

Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything after hearing this. Yun Tuan is a mythical beast after all. The environment she is afraid of is not necessarily afraid of Yun Tuan. Besides, Yun Tuan knows a lot of things that she doesn't know. When she stays outside, if Yun Tuan can remind her, The group will remind you.

No matter what happens, when her life is in danger, Yun Tuan can come to her rescue.

She took a deep breath. She was not afraid, but fear was useless. She would stop here if she didn't break through.

  Ready, Yan Xiangluo jumped down, shocking everyone around her to scream.

 “Someone jumped.”

 “That’s the beautiful woman in the red dress.”

 “Oh my God, is she going to die?”

“She discovered something, right?”

“What can she discover with her saint-level cultivation?”

 In an instant, a large group of people rushed over.

Especially those who have reached the level of gods, they know very well that only those who have reached the level of gods have received some prompt messages. Although Ruan Xiangluo's beauty is very eye-catching among these people, her cultivation level has just broken through to the holy level. It is an undisputed fact that she is the weakest among them. To be honest, no one believes that she can find anything.

 But don’t delay these people to watch the fun.

Just when Yan Xiangluo jumped down, the people near her were the first to run to the edge and stretched their heads to look down. Except for seeing the fiery red figure jumping down, there was nothing more to be seen.

 “Where is the person? Why is he missing?”

“It’s not because flight is restricted here, so she fell directly under the clouds, right?”

When those people with god-level cultivation rushed over, something flashed through their minds when they heard those people say that Yan Xiangluo fell below the clouds.

 Nine turns in the sky, is this what it means?

In the blink of an eye, all the people with god-level cultivation came to the place where Yan Xiangluo jumped. They let go of their consciousness and sensed what was below, but they sensed nothing.

 At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong also came here.

At first I was stunned, and then I found many people gathered around one place looking down, and they walked over without caring about cleaning up their embarrassment.

The people in Jiuyuan Continent came to him immediately when they saw Ji Jiuzhong and told him the situation, including the four formulas that Yan Xiangluo told them.

 Nine turns in the sky, suddenly encounter thunder and wind, step into the golden plate, and meet the mortal world again? Ji Jiuzhong recited these four mantras in his mind, and suddenly understood why Luo Luo jumped.

 She must have found nothing above, so she decided to go down and take a look.

Ji Jiuzhong squeezed forward. Seeing his embarrassment, everyone got out of the way. Ji Jiuzhong easily reached the front.

He glanced down and jumped down without hesitation.

Such a happy decision and action caused everyone to let out another loud exclamation.

When Yan Xiangluo jumped down before, those who were at the **** level did not see it with their own eyes, but now that Ji Jiuzhong jumped down, they watched it with a good eye.

The person jumped and disappeared before reaching the clouds.

Although Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level has not yet reached the level of a god, he is still at the peak of a demi-god, and is only one step away from being a god. This level of cultivation, coupled with his age, makes him a true super genius.

The people with god-level cultivation glanced at each other, obviously doubting whether the woman in the red dress in front of them had really discovered something, but they did not believe that a super genius like Ji Jiuzhong would act recklessly.

Should they also jump in and give it a try?

The people in Jiuyuan Continent jumped down without hesitation when they saw Ji Jiuzhong and looked at each other. Neither of these unmarried couples are simple people, and they will not die for no reason.

Especially the image of Ji Jiuzhong in their hearts is one of superiority. After all, he is the current Human Emperor of Jiuyuan Continent.

They know very well how powerful the Ji family's Xuan Wen technique is.

Even if they didn’t believe in Yan Xiangluo before, they now believed in Ji Jiuzhong’s judgment.

They also made a decision in an instant. Now that they have arrived at the entrance to the central place, even if they leave here alive without a fight, they will leave a knot in their hearts, which will affect their future cultivation realm.

 People dare to try it at such a young age, so what do they, who are in their thirties and forties, have to fear?

 Therefore, without communicating with each other, they all made a unified decision to jump in and try their luck.

However, before they jumped, they also rationally took stock of the magic weapons that could save their lives. Which ones should be used under any circumstances? At least they would protect themselves with their current strength. If they still died here, it would be their fate. .

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